Bred to Chill

Name: No.4 Alpha
Preferred Name: Arctica
Alias: The Ice Queen
Nickname amongst Alphas: "Four"; Frosty; Brain Freeze; Snowball; Snowflake; Ice Cube; Icicle; Popsicle; Freezer Hobo
Faction: None
Rank: None
Gender: Female
Age: Biologically 6; Physically 22
Species: 10% Human; 30% Echani; 20% Vahla; 30% Epicanthrix
Hair: White with a light blue tint
Eyes: Frosted Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 126 Lbs.
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes (Extreme limitations)
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Combat-bred- Arctica was made to fight. She doesn't use weapons, however. She relies on her power and hand-to-hand skill.
+Ice Shaper- Due to extreme physical and mental augmentations while in her growth chamber, Arctica has the ability to manipulate and even partially embody ice through the Force.
+Adaptable- Arctica can absorb her surroundings and merge into them unnaturally well, making it easier for her to integrate and survive with others.
+Efficient- Arctica gets the job done no matter how long or how far it may take her. Usually, however, it goes fairly quick.
-TOO HOT- Arctica can only take extreme heat for so long without any method of keeping herself cool. This is extremely dangerous in her case, as too much exposure could very well kill her.
-Independent- Arctica has relied on herself for most of her short lifetime. This means that she doesn't work well in groups that don't include her fellow Alphas, and might back out or even betray her team if she believes it to be her best option for survival.
-Cold-hearted- Arctica doesn't really care about love and how it effects people. So, if someone likes her, she has no remorse in flat-out rejecting them.
-Force Limitations- The process that made Arctica so prone to Ice Shaping was so extremely altering that it made it impossible for her to use anything else Force-wise. All she can improve upon is her Shaping ability. Other than that area, she's basically Force-dead.

Arctica has very pale skin, with frigid blue eyes and blue-tinted white hair. She is slender and athletically built. Often she wears some form of blue on her being. This usually includes some small indication to her love for the cold such as a small snowflake pendant or something similar. Her outfits are often revealing even in colder temperatures as she enjoys frigid temperatures unlike anyone else. When in the heat of battle, Arctica's skin turns a porcelain white, her hair growing long and appearing to be almost crystalline. Her eyes glow a bright and ethereal white. She radiates cold energy wherever she is, though in her battle form it becomes dramatically more noticeable.
Arctica's Battle Form:

Arctica is very straight-forward with her opinions. If she doesn't like you, she's going to let you know. Being brutally honest is something she isn't afraid to express, no matter who you are. She can be nice, if she's in the mood. She's a slippery sort. You never know what she's got planned, or if she'll stab you in the back. Loyalty is only an option when it involves her fellow Alphas (others grown and augmented alongside her). If you're on the receiving end of Arctica's temper, you better get used to being a Popsicle. Killing isn't a big deal when she's angry, so she feels no guilt in freezing you solid.
No.4 Alpha was bred for war. The fourth product of the collaborative efforts of Sith and criminal scientists, she was brought into the world and given a single purpose: "Fight when ordered to fight". Alongside the other seven Alpha warriors, she did just that. Each had their own unique gifts. No.4's was the ability to manipulate and partially embody Ice. For three and a half years she lived with her tank-grown kin, honing in on her combat skills and perfecting her Ice Shaping. By this time, all eight Alphas were becoming aware of just how expendable they seemed to their creators. War couldn't be the only thing they could live for. The scientists, too, became aware of their warriors' increasingly rebellious nature. This made them become stricter. They forced the Alphas to undergo harsher training sequences, increased disciplinary sessions, and even mental torture at one point. Finally, No.4 had had enough. She led the Alphas in a massive break-out, freeing herself and her family. In order to ensure that they wouldn't be found, they were forced to go their separate ways. However, they vowed to find each other again.
No.4 eventually found her way to the planet Ziost. She adored the icy planet, and made up her own little ice fortress to take up permanent residence. Some of the colonies near to her massive home began referring to her as "The Ice Queen" in hushed tones of fear. The idea that she had become a bedtime story to scare children and keep them from wandering off alone amused No.4. Inspired by her new-found identity, she gave herself the name Arctica. Not much happens on Ziost, but she's happy there. Well, until something more interesting comes along and convinces her to explore other worlds that is.
Alphas ("Family"):
No. 1: [member="Adrian"]
No. 2: [member="Liminal"]
No. 3: [member="Psycho"]
No. 5: [member="Flos Mortem"]
No. 6: [member="Luster"]
No. 7: [member="Pyro"]
No. 8: [member="Surge"]