Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No. 7 Alpha (aka Pyro)

PEOPLE, PEOPLE!! Calm down. The Ice Queen will now hold court. :p

And yes, number eight must be present if we are to continue with our plans. It would be pointless otherwise.
[member="Flos Mortem"]
[member="Hildegard Stormbrew"]
Her name is Virus, and she's going to be made TODAY (according to [member="Krest"] ). Now, let's all just calm down and wait.
[member="Hildegard Stormbrew"]
[member="Flos Mortem"]
Hurreh up!


And, it didn't work that time...

I may have a space or something in my name...

Sibar Laval


There's something about this character tha makes me so happy, I can't put a finger on it. I need my thinking fire *burns building down* OH RIGHT! It was the pyromania. It warms my already burning heart that there is another pyromaniac on this server, I have brought a present *drops flamethrower* do with it what you will.


[member="Sibar Laval"]

*pets flamethrower and puts in weapons case for safe keeping* I AM a FLAMETHROWER!!! FLAME ON!!!!!! *sets self on fire and shoots flames everywhere* eeheeeheeeheee

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