Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply No Ignorance

Courage, compassion, and wisdom. He'd met many Jedi who embodied these virtues, and many more who couldn't be further from them. They represented ideals to strive for, but Bernard had long discarded the world of ideals and perfection for the real and truthful. He hoped, of course, that those who would follow in his footsteps would see these qualities in him, but he held a kernel of doubt for it, knowing what had to be done.

"It is an honour to make your acquaintance, Aether. It saddens me that I must break polite protocol as I cannot give you my name in turn. But rest easy that you will know it, soon enough," Bernard proclaimed.

He had stopped working on the books, and was giving the Iron Knight his full attention. The fire that had lit within his being drove his conviction to the forefront.

"Once you know my name, we may meet again having discarded the need for this deception and speak plainly in the grace of the Light. I look forward to it," he gave a slight smile.

His gaze fell to the books again.

"Forgive the dramatics, I got a little carried away," Bernard said, picking up one of the holobooks.

He retrieved another tool from his belt, and laid it against the holobook's dataport. Tapping a small key, he began copying the contents onto a dataslate within the tool.

"You said you were an Iron Knight. I've not heard of them before. Would you care to elaborate?"

Braze Braze

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Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether observed Bernard closely. The Shard's crystalline consciousness processed the human's demeanor, trying to discern his true motives. Bernard's actions sparked Aether's interest, prompting a response grounded in caution.

"It is understandable to withhold your name," Aether replied, his voice resonating with a mechanical timbre, melding the resonance of his crystalline form with synthesized speech . "Identities can be a shield as well as a weapon."

As Bernard began copying the contents of the holo book, Aether continued, "The Iron Knights are a unique order within the Jedi tradition, though not widely known in this era. We are Shards, sentient crystals from the planet Orax, who have been integrated into droid bodies, allowing us to interact with the physical world."

He paused, letting Bernard absorb this information before proceeding. "Our history is intertwined with significant galactic events.

From the days of the Arkanian Revolution, we have stood against those who would have us bend to their will—an act of tyranny. We fought them to a standstill over the Yuuzhan Vong, in a war that tested our resilience and unity.

The Vong were a fierce enemy—an enemy posed to things they had engineered and created, presenting a unique challenge for organic and mechanical beings. The deeds that come in those wars are born from the desire to defend and maintain the freedoms of the galaxy."

Aether's voice became more thoughtful. "But courage, compassion, and wisdom know no life form. They are ideals any sentient being can represent regardless of form. I have been my own example on this matter. I was born with sentience in a crystal, and I yearned to travel the galaxy and learn the ways of the Force. My life in this droid body is the only solution I have found to bridging the gap between the organic and mechanical life."

He paused, considering his next words carefully. "I have witnessed centuries pass, observed the rise and fall of civilizations. I remember the first time I interfaced with the holocrons of the ancient Jedi around 3,950 BBY, absorbing their teachings and marveling at their wisdom. I stood side by side with Jedi Masters of legend, feeling their presence in the Force as we fought together against the darkness."

Aether's eyes glowed a deeper blue as he recalled his memories. "I remember the vibrant markets of Coruscant before the Great Sith Wars around 4,000 BBY, the serene beauty of Alderaan before its destruction in 0 BBY, and the haunting silence of Malachor V after the Mandalorian Wars around 3,960 BBY. These experiences are etched into my very being, shaping my understanding of the galaxy and my place within it."

He continued, "My droid body has been rebuilt countless times, each iteration a symbol of the perseverance and ingenuity of those who assisted me. I have been damaged, discarded, and forgotten, only to be rediscovered and renewed. My consciousness, however, remains a constant, a witness to the ever-changing cycle of life throughout that of the galaxy."

Aether paused, his gaze distant. "In my travels, I have encountered many cultures and beings, each contributing to my understanding of the Force and the galaxy. My ultimate aim is to bridge the divide between different forms of life, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect. Despite being encased in a droid body, I possess empathy and compassion, attributes that guide my interactions with others."

Aether's crystalline core pulsed gently. "The Force works in mysterious ways. I look forward to the day we can speak openly and without reservation. Until then, I pray may the Light guide your actions."

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Bernard listened to the Iron Knight while he worked to commit the next book's pages to digital memory. He'd swapped out the data slate to transfer more data from the second holobook part-way through, and did his best not to perk up when the Knight mentioned Arkania.

The data transfer proceeded steadily, one data slate already held most of the relevant information. The books had been scoured for a majority of their information also. Idly, Bernard went through a list of other works he might need while he still had access to them. It didn't take long before his mind landed on a certain piece.

"You have an incredibly storied history, Aether, and even nobler goals. For a piece of crystal in a droid's body there's remarkable depth to both your experiences and your experience of the world," Bernard said.

He leaned forward and set robed hands on the table, matching the curiosity of the Shard in his tone.

"I'd love to pick your brain—err lattices?—on many of these matters whenever we do meet again.

"For now, I suppose I have to content myself with learning more about your peoples," he smiled.

"How exactly do you control that droid? Is it programmed to take orders from you? Is it part of your, well, whatever passes for your nervous system, if you even posess such a thing?"

Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order
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Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard


Aether's photoreceptors whirred softly as they adjusted and refocused on Bernard. "Knowledge is power," he began, his tone measured and deliberate. "To divulge the intricacies of my inner workings would be as devastating as stripping away your anonymity. You've offered no assurances that would justify such trust. It would be a grievous error to reveal precise specifications to someone who remains a mystery.

You tread the line between friend and foe with unsettling ease, and that ambiguity makes you particularly perilous. Trust is not a commodity to be traded lightly, especially when the stakes are so high. In my experience, those who seek knowledge without clarity of intent often harbor motives that can be as destructive as they are enlightened.

You came here under the guise of another, surreptitiously gathering knowledge to find an edge, to gain power. Your intentions are veiled, and that makes you all the more dangerous. Much like the owl spirit in ancient tales, I see through the façade you present. You seek knowledge to tip the scales in your favor, but such pursuits are fraught with peril.

You ask for insight into the essence of my being, yet offer no glimpse into your own. Until you prove yourself worthy of such trust, I must remain vigilant. The power dynamics at play here are not lost on me, and it is within my nature to guard against potential threats with unwavering resolve.

"In the grand scheme of things, knowledge must be sought with pure intentions, lest it becomes a weapon of great destruction. I am no gatekeeper of secrets to be easily swayed by deception or half-truths. Reflect on your purpose here, and perhaps you will find that true power lies not in hidden knowledge, but in the integrity of one's actions."

Aether let that sink in for a few moments before continuing:

"What you should know of me is, in sum, this:

I am a sentinel of balance and wisdom, a protector of knowledge, and a wary guardian against those who would misuse it. I have witnessed the rise and fall of great powers and understand the consequences of ambition unchecked by moral compass.

I am the shield against the dark,
To errant souls, I leave my mark.
In hidden depths where secrets weave,
Steadfast I stand, where few can conceive.

Through battles fierce and trials grand,
I purge the vile by justice's hand.
With honor's light, my spirit leads,
Carving fate with righteous deeds.

I wield the wrath of virtue's blade,
In darkness deep, where fears are laid.
To those who scheme with veiled deceit,
Beware the path where fates will meet.

For strength of heart outshines the night,
With wisdom keen and valor bright,
I guard the realms, protect the right."

"I meant no offense, Aether of the Iron Order. You're wise to keep your gears held so close to your chest. I got carried away in conversation is all," he smiled with melancholy.

He was still an intruder in the Archives of the Jedi, pretending to be the Jedi son of a war hero under whom he'd served many years ago.

"I do apologize for the deception, earnestly."

Bernard closed the last book, and detached the dataslate, pocketing it alongside the scanner's datacard. He'd managed to obtain most of what he came for. He stole a glance at the deeper archives, sealed behind a door at the end of the pathway they had not yet taken. Should he push his luck and risk ... ?

He shook his head.

"I hope we meet again under better circumstances, though I fear conditions will not improve anytime soon. There is much work to be done still, and not enough time to do it all with these two hands alone."

Reflect on your purpose here, and perhaps you will find that true power lies not in hidden knowledge, but in the integrity of one's actions.

Aether had said.

Integrity had become a peculiar word. He'd been a Jedi with strong integrity in the past. With unwavering moral principles guided by pure honesty in his intent. But a war had quickly changed that. Deployed to battlefields against Sith Lords with no master to guide him, all while the supposedly most virtous Jedi sat by and did nothing, worse than nothing they actively opposed the war to free the people suffering under the Sith. What integrity was there to be had in a galaxy where virtuous Jedi turned their blade on their fellows in defence of Sith?

"Much work to be done, indeed, but I will do all I can," Bernard's voice came steady, determined.

He cast a glance in the Iron Knight's direction.

The unnatural stillness with which droid bodies stood always made him so uneasy. In their short time, Aether had become somewhat of a friend, one kept at an arm's length as the Shard had observed keenly. That pure pursuit of knowledge and the reverence with which he cared for it made him an endearing being, with wisdom built through literal millennia.

"Before I go, my last question.

"We've established the danger emotions pose, especially when those with power are blinded by them. Whether it's a power hungry Sith, a misguided Jedi, or an ordinary being overwhelmed by anger, the actions done under the grip of dark emotions serve only suffering, or put another way, the Dark Side.

"In a galaxy that is about to descend into another great war; you've heard of the impending attack on Coruscant, no? In this galaxy where fear, anger, despair, and resentment are about to run rampant once more, what can we Jedi do to bring an end to it?"

Bernard gave a modest bow to the Knight.

"Think on it, and may the Force be with you, Aether."

He began down the path towards the gateway out of the archives.

Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether had existed for several millennia and pondered this question often. He knew the grim truth he had come to accept as fact. He could have a long conversation at length about such matters and delve deeply into discussing the intricacies.

"Next time we meet, I hope we will discuss the purpose of apologies," he said, his voice carrying the weight of a promise or vow.

He watched him start off. "As it were, you've inspired me; 'Rules are meant to be broken,'" With a flick of his wrist, he utilized the Force to pull the fire alarm in the library, causing a loud blaring alarm to trigger and any fail-safe protocols and machines to activate, safeguarding the ancient texts within the room. The quote had come from the voice Bernard had used at the time of the statement and had been played back directly to him.

It was perhaps a stroke of ironic poetic justice that Aether would take the old adage Bernard had cheekily gifted him with earlier in their conversation and turn it back on him with this final act.

"May the force be with you, young one. " There was almost a sentiment of playfulness to the tone that followed.


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