Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion No Quarter | NIO Invasion of TSE held Dantooine | OOC

Cormac Thire

Verin Oldo Verin Oldo

Ave brother, since CIS arrived no NIO fleeter has replied yet and described firing at CIS vessels, totally understandable if you assumed from the jump that'd be the case but alas that has not occurred.

At the moment NIO icly has not determined CIS naval vessels as enemy combatants nor had the opportunity to react to Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde 's last post.
Var Koon Am I complete understanding. CIS forces have moved to join Allied position to support against incoming enemy fire from NIO. I will happily edit out our return fire and instead hail NIO forces. I don't think it is beyond reasoning that us purposefully moving in between SITH and NIO positions would go without incurring damage.

Would you accept that compromise?

Cormac Thire

Var Koon Am I complete understanding. CIS forces have moved to join Allied position to support against incoming enemy fire from NIO. I will happily edit out our return fire and instead hail NIO forces. I don't think it is beyond reasoning that us purposefully moving in between SITH and NIO positions would go without incurring damage.

Would you accept that compromise?

Might be a better fit, yeah. NIO will respond v soon, thanks for understanding.

Verin Oldo Verin Oldo
Var Koon I have adjusted my posting, removing all notions of returning fire. We have hailed NIO and allied forces and called for a halt to engagement. I hope this is a better reflection of your intentions?
Hey Sinestra Sinestra I like your post, I would just like to request a small alteration. Aurelion's post specifically mention the rocks not being used as missiles to harm them, but instead to restrain them by holding the rocks to them. It's a small thing but I'd like to keep things clear that your point about one of the rocks shaving his armor off is.... frankly, beyond Aurelion right now.
Hey Sinestra Sinestra I like your post, I would just like to request a small alteration. Aurelion's post specifically mention the rocks not being used as missiles to harm them, but instead to restrain them by holding the rocks to them. It's a small thing but I'd like to keep things clear that your point about one of the rocks shaving his armor off is.... frankly, beyond Aurelion right now.

Sure thing brother, I just thought pinning a heavy armored trooper would require greater velocity behind it initially so I went with that. I will get ya an edit after lectures today bro, no problems!
Robogeber Robogeber

Hey, just a friendly heads up, don't know if you guys care to notice this particular detail or not, but I notice that since my post, everyone's been talking about how the Ventress has opened fire, but no one's calling attention to the Obsidian Destroyers or their volley. Dunno if that's a failure to illustrate on my part or not, but my intent was for all ships under Voph's command to fire a volley in response to taking fire from the NIO vessels.

Cormac Thire

Kyyrk Kyyrk ayyy brother, any idea when you might be able to post next? Tagged and targeted your ships in this post, if you missed it or still need more time no worries just let me know.
Robogeber Robogeber I'm loving your posts! Great detailed action. Did you catch my post here? I made a full-frontal attack on the front of your ship the NIV Tregessar from my Basttlecruiser, all detailed within the fleet summary for convenience. This was using this weaponry. (The Solar Ionisation Cannons). I feel I may have missed this acknowledgement in your latest post? #461
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| Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn | Darth Prazutis | Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Taiia Mataan | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde | Telis Taharin | Jaeger Harrsk | Djorn Bline | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Asa Yubari | Hunter Blackburn |

That'll be my final post in the invasion, folks. Thank you for all the the fun, and thank you for allowing me to tell an extremely fun and sad story at the same time as nothing more than an Ally for the invasion. I hope to write with you wonderful karkers again, very soon. And remember, despite how this battle may have gone..

First in. Last out. The Dauntless will prevail.
Big shout out to everyone coming together for this chonky invasion! Was a rollercoaster from start to finish and we wish the best of luck to everyone.

To all those who wrote along with The Sith Empire we tip our helmets in gratitude! We appreciate the hard work everyone poured in here and it does not go unnoticed.

You're all amazin', and I definitely look forward to writing with y'all in the future.

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