M A N _ O F _ I R O N
Iron Skin | Lightsaber
That same shock of the frighteningly swift end of his host that overcame him at the Eternal Empire's excursion into the Sith Empire came again once the former Dark Lord and his Dawnguard ally surged from the void into the field of battle around them. He watched as the Sith sorcery cut a bloodied swath through his stormtroopers, his knights. He watched with his forthright placidity steeling the waryness he felt of those valiant souls, beating with their defiance snuffed out in an instant, each of them.
"I failed you, my brothers. I am sorry..."
"I am the will of your vengeance."
He couldn't help to muster the fiber to mutter the same here and now if he ever wished too. Instead, he only ordered to those still living in the wake of the rapid devestation.
"Press the advantage, no quarter." Rurik commanded to his knights, those that were left of his retinue flooding toward the exposed entrance of the temple.
Leaving this crucible of light, dark and all in between to the fate they would conjure.
That great, burgeoning darkness threatened to break the self contained bulwark embracing his psyche as he turned up hill to face
him. An entity, a miasma in darkness enough to rival the
Demon and the
Devil themselves. Vornskr...Carnifex.
But that stark and ever present darkness was wrought into a faltering malaise at the presence of the man at Carnifex’s flank. Thurion Heavenshield, the Sovereign of Midvinter. One of the brightest lights, an ever reliable beacon of hope, wisdom and salvation from darkness which continued to ever presently shine in the Galaxy. A true and genuine hero of his order, his people. And here he was standing as the comrade to the darkness, the doom made manifest. It was a sickening, absurd sight to behold and Oceiros was the first to evoke the hope of speaking reason into Thurion.
Rurik would speak to this man but if he was so willing to lay to rest the demented machinations of Kaine in favor of...what? Making certain Dantooine was never a home to the Jedi again? Beholding to a political alignment? And one faltering at best? No. Only one thing could’ve evoked this lunacy, this unnatural bond of the brightest light and darkest shadow. In spite of the Jedi Code scorning all attachments, it had to be Midvinter. His people, his family. He well and truly doubted a genuine fall to the darkness, that lionhearted stature and light in his eyes had yet to fade or falter.
So too, retaining 'Sith'ari' or not did Carnifex weld the vantablack darkness, an overpowering aura of the sickening dread.
But none of it could piece the heavy metal veil of Rurik. His resolve tempered, his battle to nigh destruction against the
Kascalion Giedfield
and the
Darth Prazutis
had all but made certain that he would not be forced to capitulation by any measure of ease. Even if it took this once Sith'ari and the Grandmaster to break the iron.
But it would not bend.
Rurik would do what must be done.
"Do not falter, control yourself. Discipline will win the day here, Sunstrider. They will seek to bend what you believe, they will seek to control your emotions. Remain resolute. " Rurik said beneath his breath to the Jedi as he began his approach, what was remaining of his host flooding toward the Temple. All the while,
he honed in on each muscle, ligament and segmented part of his mortal shell, his false guise of living flesh.
He approached up the hill toward the scions of Dark and Light, the starkly contrasting dyad, the argent blade snuffed out from the open air with its characteristic rip, with the hilt still held in his cybernetic limb he
"The Dark Lord and the Lion King march in unison...but I see no Bryn'adul here, master Jedi. And yet...you fight to make certain...that the Jedi never return to Dantooine...that darkness continues to corrupt in this seemlessly endless night. But I would not be so brazen as to raise my blade to you, your grace." Rurik says, glancing warily toward the Sith before looking to Thurion again.
"You fight for your home...of that I can only deduce being the only sane reason why you could home here to make certain this Sith terror remains rooted in the Galaxy even longer...but you do not have to live in fear, brother. My people, the New Order can protect Midvinter. From the Sith, the Bryn'adul...anything that'd ever dare threaten your sovereign realm and its people...all you need to do..." Rurik says, leaving his thought unconcluded, peerign to the amber grasses beneath before looking back up toward the Jedi and then with an instant snap of his gaze toward Carnifex, his eyes narrowing and welling with focus.
"Is do what you know is right."
He says before the argent blade cracks to life again, the Imperial Knight wielding the elegant weapon
surges toward Carnifex with a
leap into the air he
readies his saber to plunge into the abdomen of the great beast, the Galactic marauder. The final devil of his broken path. With his metal hand, he wields his blade and
in his other, he beckons The Force to his command.
Coalescing a surge of energy into his closed hand he makes due on the short build up by letting his fingers splay out once more, letting the
telekinetic energy surge out in a short but concentrated 'blast' toward Carnifex.
"I will make sure of it that you meet your end, demon." Rurik says, venom tainting the inflection of his voice.
Jin Kyrel |
Hans Rennagen
Arctus Silmar |
Darth Vulcanus