Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private No Rest For The Weary

"No, sit back down. You're not ready to go back to the fight yet."

<What are you gonna do, make me?> was Kai's childish reply. <I'll just teleport away.>

A beat. He had never teleported before, but he sorta knew how it worked. Key word being sorta. It wasn't really a serious threat, but he wanted Iris to think it was.

<I'll do it,> he warned, holding out his arms.



"You don't have your ring. I can see when you're lying." Which was true. But Iris didn't remember enough about Kai to know what his colors looked like when he was lying. So now she was lying, taking the bet that he actually didn't. If he did, well. He would've just done that to begin with, right? If he wanted to rush back so badly, at least. Grant it her attention was split. She raised a hand, not even looking out towards where she saw Amani's colors.

And closed her hand. A chair came out, stopping just far enough in front of Amani to avoid tripping her.

"You, sit too. You're both under my care. Until I sign off, you're not allowed to leave."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Amani Serys Amani Serys
“Youuu…” Amani grumbled as the chair flew into her path. She grabbed the seat back and moved it closer to where the other two were, then sat down in a huff. “I’m starting to learn what it’s like to have me as a caretaker.” Being on the receiving end lent a new perspective.

“Alright doctor, give us our exams,” The challenge was issued. It was half an attempt to prove that Amani was fully operational, and half an attempt to see what Iris’ training had to offer.

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Kai sighed exasperatedly. Iris had called his bluff. Not even Amani was safe from her.

"Until I sign off, you're not allowed to leave."

Looking around, Kai grew steadily more agitated, seeing no way out. Then his gaze landed back on Iris. The wheels in his brain could practically be seen turning, before he decided to go for it.

He grabbed Iris, kissed her hard on the mouth, then took off running, hoping the shock of the moment would be enough to distract her for a few precious seconds while he made his escape.



"Right. Exams." No, they were both physically fine to go back out. Iris didn't have a reason to keep them here. She knew that much. A final check up was just an excuse. The moment she finished, they'd both just run out to get hurt again. She sighed. Closed her eyes as she leaned in the doorway. Specifically to keep either of them from bolting. Though, before she even had that figured out, she could feel Kai up to something.

".. Don't try i-"

Oh. That wasn't what she expected. She just blinked as he kissed her. Then reared back to smack him the moment he pulled back.

"What the hell!?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
They both watched as Kai took off, apparently intent to make his getaway on that note. Amani simply sighed, and looked back at Iris with a tired, knowing smile, "Yeah." The Jedi way might as well be perpetually throwing oneself into the meat grinder of truth and justice. And taking care of them meant having to work around that, "Welcome to being a healer."

Maybe a brief heart to heart on shared experience would do some good? "It's not an easy job. But you already know that." It was inherently a job based around pain and death. Sometimes things didn't work out. "We don't do it cause it's easy." It was always about helping people, no matter what. Amani stood up a little taller, straining through a twinge of soreness.

"...But seriously, we should probably go get him, right?"



Iris just nodded, turning her head to look at Amani with that same, exhausted smile. "I mean, he's not going to go far. I figured you two would be up in arms about getting back down world to help again. So.. You're both with me. Rescue missions. Finding people trapped after the moon fell to get them off world. It's not.. Fighting. But, well. You're a healer. And.. He still doesn't know his new limits."

She pushed herself up, turning her gaze to where Kai had disappeared to. "We should be heading back to Tython now, to start."

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani seemed a bit surprised by the change in tune, "Sorry, we're actually heading back to Tython? Right now?" In spite of all her protestatoins she wasn't sure whether to be eager or concerned. At the end of the day, it was a blind disregard for her own well-being, not Iris' and Kai's.

But if they were just going to help with rescue… maybe it wouldn't be so bad? "To be honest I'd rather make sure you two stay intact. If we head down there, it's still a war zone."

"Mmmmmhhmmmmm…" Amani hummed with a tune of doubt. There was always something that could go wrong. And the old 'shooting medics is a war crime' convention didn't really mean anything in this conflict. Or any conflict, if they're all being honest about it.

Alas, she had made the same conclusion that sitting back wasn't going to do anyone any good. And with one of them making a genuine attempt to escape his confines, they needed to catch him before he did something stupid on his own. Doing something stupid was a group activity.

"Well, it's not that big a ship. Surely he can't have gone far. Unless he stole an escape pod or something…" the genuine possibility lingered for an uncomfortable pause, before Amani quickened her pace and upped her tone of voice, "Kai? Where are you, ya little-"

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<You want to give me your starfighter,> Kai said, waving his hand in front of the pilot's face.

"But I don't have a starfighter," the pilot replied, staring at the pajama-clad, scrawny teenager who had wandered barefoot into the hangar bay.

Kai blinked, then grumbled. <You want to give me your ship.>

"I don't have any ships, technically—"

<You want to give me a ship,> Kai corrected, cutting him off. He pointed toward a small, sleek vessel. <That one specifically.>

"Sure, you can have that one."

Kai scurried over to the ship, opening it and climbing inside. He was outta here in no time...



"It's really not. I'm not even sure if there's a place he can just get a ship to fly off o- Oh." She paused, glancing to her wrist. The com on it had lit up, and a couple beeps could be heard from within. Iris's expression immediately brightened before she reached out to snatch Amani by the wrist and drag her along. "C'mon! This way!"

Elsewhere, a little BD unit hopped up into the ship just after Kai. It kept low and out of sight as best as it could, while stalling the engine to keep the ship from just leaving.

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Amani Serys Amani Serys
“Ey! Watch the arm, doc,” She chastised as Iris took hold of her sore wrist. Better than grabbing the broken one, at least. “Did you find him? Where are we going?” Her gaze caught sight of signage written on the ship walls, all pointing in the direction of various utilities, including a hangar.

“Oh great,” Amani’s brow furrowed, “That kid crashed my last ship, y’know.” She picked up the pace until she was effectively the one dragging Iris along. Surviving a ship crash was one thing. Surviving TWO ship crashes seems significantly less likely. Probably best to make sure it doesn’t get to that point.

Kai pressed his foot on the brake, but the courier wouldn't start up. He pressed hard, pumping his foot on the pedals, but still nothing happened. What gives?

His answer came in the form of two young alien women running toward him from across the hangar. <Oh, not you two again!> he exclaimed. <Leave me alone! I'm going and you can't stop me!>

But surprisingly, Amani and Iris climbed into the courier themselves (though Amani seemed to be trying to convince him to get out of the pilot's seat). <I can fly just fine! Tython was the only time I ever crashed, and it was because the ship had holes shot in it by that diseased chicken lady!>

To prove it, he floored it out of the hangar bay, shooting off into the stars.


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