Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private No Rest For The Wicked

Since Tython there had been silence, weeks passed and nothing came from the Unknown Regions. No raiding party, no hostile pack of barbarians or the evil machinations of the Sith. The Dark Lord of the Sith had died in the clash between dark and light. Still one couldn’t deny an eerie presence had stalked the edges of space, somewhere lurking around the exterior of GA space was a lone Resurgent class Star Destroyer. The destroyer barely twenty years old had drifted through the empty void of stars like a predator stalking through the grasslands.

In a matter of days across on the edge of Maw space, several worlds started to leave distress signals on outposts, villages, even small cities on where there was nothing but lifeless husks. With much of the galaxy so focused on the Maw’s brutal onslaught onto the Core Worlds not much could be done. What soon followed was spacer rumors, rumors of an old Star Destroyer that floats through space, that if one got close to its hull one could feel deathly ill as if it was a ship possessed. Wherever the Star Destroyer went death and disappearance soon started to follow with it.

For the world of Fresia, near the Maw’s blitz would be today’s ghostly haunt. The Resurgent floating above the planet, within the bridge there was nothing but a dark and corrupting aura. Bridge officers made up of slaves had looked pale, as if being afflicted by dark side corruption they’re gray dull eyes focused tightly on the holo screens used to keep the destroyer moving.

The door to the bridge opened, what emerged had seemed more phantom like than a hulking brute. Still his heavy steps did not betray the mass of rage and hunger. His body restored, albeit in a new way. His thoughts consumed with the desire for power, and the need to feed. He had emerged shortly after taking a trip down to the world, below a fire blazed around a forest, a small village in shambles, deserted and yet the distress signal activated. Kyrel walked towards the window to gaze out into the black void. His mind a mess full of rage and confusion, even with his hunger slowly satisfied for the time being, he still wanted more.

The Resurgent didn’t move this time, as if this time Kyrel didn’t seek to move to the next world. His insatiable hunger sated for now, it was as if he was waiting to see what would come of the calls for help he left as an eerie calling card. He watched the empty darkness, and for a moment pondered who would come? His gaze didn’t move, the dark shadow stood ever still as the ship hung around Fresia’s orbit its power deactivated to only appear as a ghost ship to scanners. He wanted to see if the flies would come to the spider.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Shuttle | Enroute to Fresia
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I have a really bad feeling about this, Iris."

The Padawan was one of the very few people who had seen Valery on edge before, but this time it was different, worse. She was always confident and strong, but she seemed a bit nervous over something, and it would certainly feel unusual. Despite her feelings though, she focused on her instruments and made sure their hyperspace jump would take them to Fresia, where strange reports had been coming from.

"I don't know what it is, but it's just a feeling in the Force. There's something terrible happening there and in other places. But I somehow feel... deeply tied to it?" she looked at her Padawan, almost as if she would have the answer for her. Of course, that wasn't exactly something Iris could offer her answers for, so she looked back at the instruments and sighed.

"We're arriving shortly to investigate the reports. Do you have any questions or comments before we get to work?"



"Something terrible happened here."

Iris could see it. The colors here had a wound. A black space that emanated from the planet itself. .. No, two wounds? Her eyes narrowed as she scanned through the colors beside her master. She agreed. One seemed familiar. Twisted in a way she couldn't tell what it had been, but familiar enough that she knew she'd been around it before. The other? Seemed decades old. Something truly terrible.

"Is there anything about what happened here? I-" She didn't finish the sentence. Instead she was already digging up what information she could. Sure enough. The Padawan's heart sunk to her feet. Planet wide slaughter. The people had recovered. Or, well, new people moved in to fix what had been broken.

".. What were the reports we're here to investigate about?"
Kyrel stood on the dimly lit bridge. Just as he was the shadow, he would be claimed by it. It was even more so after Tython, for none could question his will not the Force corrupted servants that was the ship’s crew, to the Crimson Hands that had remained fearsome as wver. His Knights of Ren most of all, with a promising young apprentice in the form of Vorm Vorm as a reward for his actions in the space battle. The man showed great promise, and in time Kyrel would need a successor for the Knights of Ren to live beyond his will.

With his newfound hunger, carried an old taste for vengeance. He scoured the stars for Valery Noble, while yes she made him stronger than he could have hoped for, she also made the hunger impossible to avoid. His gift for her was in the form of massive death. The deaths were far beyond ordinary, as if he just sucked the life from them making the Force only an echo from the spot that was affected.

He would show her what she has made, first was the trouble of gaining her attention. He knew that in a galaxy of war, the only way for her to come to him was the wanton slaughter of the innocent. He stood as a dark void, a black hole that threatened to grow and destroy life in it’s entirety, he could even feel the echo above planet. Focusing on the echo, he waited in meditation in a dark hibernation. His hunger threatened to awaken, eager to devour again and again just waiting for who would come to help.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani

Location: Shuttle | Enroute to Fresia
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Iris Arani Iris Arani

"This place has a terrible history," Valery said while she placed her hand on Iris' shoulder. Any planet or location that had seen so much sudden death and destruction gained a unique presence in the Force. She could feel it too, but for someone like Iris, it was likely even more overwhelming. A few years ago she likely wouldn't have brought Iris along to this place because of it, but the Padawan was far more in control now, and able to still focus.

She'd be alright, Valery felt confident about that.

"But the recent reports make it seem and feel like history is repeating itself to some extent. I'm sure you can feel it, the death that lingers in the Force here. It's not just echoes of the past you feel, but something happened here recently too." Valery frowned and looked at the window, right as the ship dropped from hyperspace.

Now that they were back in real space and closer to the planet, that void from a lack of life became stronger. It was dizzying for just a few seconds until Valery adjusted and focused on her instruments,
"I'm picking up a ship in orbit. It's him." She looked up at Iris. "I don't think we should try to board something like that together, so let's go down to the surface and draw them out."

"Help survivors if we can. What do you think?"
She asked not because she wasn't confident about her decisions, but because the input of her Padawan was valued greatly. It also helped her become more confident in making calls without the assistance of others.




Iris turned her head to the scan, then out to the colors around them. She saw nothing that would tell her who 'him' was. Or maybe..? It was hard to tell. The colors had been bled to so many shades of grey that she couldn't distinguish anything other than the anguish of the world. But she agreed. They definitely shouldn't try to board a ship. The last time they did was such a long time ago. She was stronger, sure.

But they also didn't have the fleet of the Alliance to work alongside to board it.

"Save everyone we can. That's the priority. .. We shouldn't be looking to fight him though. That'll just put people in the line of fire, right?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

He could feel her out there, above the planet so close, so close, and yet far away where he couldn’t touch her. She was not alone, he could sense one of her meddlesome Padawans, and if he had to guess it could have been Arani. The girl was known best to run from a fight rather than face Kyrel in a duel, but if you had Valery with her then her attitude would change. He saw the craft started to descend towards the world, and all Kyrel did was watch through the glass. He hoped to draw her towards his ship, when that was done he could have trapped her. Gritting his teeth in frustration he turned around from the glass.

Some of the bridge crew looked up in curiosity, some avoided the Wrath’s gaze in fear of provoking the lord of the ship. “If you want something right, I suppose you have to do it yourself!” He said begrudgingly, as his heavy stride didn’t dare hide his anger. Instead of going to him, he would have to return to where there was nothing but a hollow echo. If that’s where they desired him, he would meet them and only then would he kill them.

Shortly after reaching the hanger, his prized TIE Silencer roared through the empty void of space with its twin ion engines. In his anger he increased the acceleration. His senses only honing in on the signature the two Jedi carried, knowing Valery’s as if he knew an old friend he descended towards the surface.

When he landed, the village was still in ruins. Smoke started to billow from the skies, no doubt a few foes burned down several makeshift huts. What corpses remained were drained husks. If one looked closer they saw the faces of what one assumed to be petrified mummies. The life force sucked out of them, they just withered into nothing shortly after Kyrel had his fill.

Leaping from the hatch onto the ground below. Even with his hunger sated, Kyrel admitted that he didn’t like how he made the Force feel so empty. As if he carried all the venom, and smothered the burning fire from within that blazed into an inferno. He stepped carefully along his path of destruction. His senses reached out eager to find his old adversaries.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani

Location: Shuttle | Enroute to Fresia
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Iris Arani Iris Arani


She looked at Iris and frowned, but also nodded, "...I don't know. If we can avoid fighting, that would be preferred on this mission. But I'm not sure if we can — I know when he's close, and I have the feeling he'll know I'm nearby too. There is also a chance that saving these people might involve protecting them."

Valery then let out a soft sigh and turned her focus back to the ship's controls. The two Jedi were piercing through the atmosphere, and one of the villages that had been attacked soon became visible, as they came down through the clouds. The void of life, the destruction, and lingering feelings of pain and despair were all there for them to see and especially, for them to feel.

"I'm taking us down."

Slowly and safely, the shuttle touched down close to the village and without wasting a second, Valery powered down the engines and lowered the ramp, "I don't feel anybody, but let's check for survivors anyway. The void might be disturbing our senses."



A valley of death.

Iris could see it all. The bleak shades of grey that marked the passing of life. The darker shades that signaled the brutality of their death. She didn't like this, at all. Worse, she couldn't see anyone actually still alive here. No color to signify any kind of life. She hated this. The Padawan followed after her master regardless, Domxite on her back. Lightsaber in hand. She didn't think they were going to find anyone alive.

And the black void she could feel on the world itself was getting closer- No. Wait.

She ignited her blade, looking towards the feeling.

"He's already here."

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Valery Noble Valery Noble
The TIE Silencer roared its way down the atmosphere after them. The TIE’s roar reflected the burning hatred that dare course through his veins. While his hunger was insatiable, his desire for revenge would suffice with the death of Jedi Master Valery Noble. He had been through far too much to stop now. Bendak’s death was on her hands as well as him being made into a Wound. His only goal now was to make her suffer. He knew where to find her, she knew him and he knew her very well. It was clear that the game of cat and mouse wouldn’t end till either one of them was dead.

Soon spotting her ship in the aftermath of his massacre, he lands the TIE on the other side of the ruined village. The hatch opened, and when the cloaked and armored warrior stepped down, he could feel the echo. The Force around the village felt hollow, and he was eerily reminded of this when Valery’s burning presence felt like an echo. He accepted that this was who she made him into, However, this didn’t mean he was no less unsettled in some way by the carnage he cause. He rather devour the entire galaxy than go back to his damnation.

His movements were slow, studying the extent of his hunger. The village seemed to be a cruel test of his newfound power twisted to serve his sinister purposes. All around he looked and saw husks, some barely breathed. Full bodies were now reduced to sacks of flesh and bone that looked to horrifying to keep looking. Most of them were lucky to have died immediately, the living force stripped away like plants withering without water. It was growing in intensity and he could feel it.

He saw the two of them, Valery and Iris investigating his own handiwork. Unfortunately, the coward of a Padawan turned around and sensed him quickly activating her lightsaber. The Wrath stopped moving entirely, his eyes locked with Valery’s the first time, since she flashed her smug smirk on Tython. He stood before her, appeared the same and yet the Force was moving around and through him. The difference was he was sucking it up like a black hole, and on the inside there was nothing but the void.

He spoke unable to hide his anger. “Here I was hoping to surprise you… Valery Noble…. We have unfinished business you and I.” Vader’s Bane ignited, his signature bloodshine blade snapped to life. Moving slowly, each step felt like a stomp in this hollowed village. Each step reflected the growing intensity of his hatred as he moved with deadly intent towards the pair.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Iris Arani Iris Arani

Location: Shuttle | Enroute to Fresia
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I can feel him, too."

Valery looked around once more at the destroyed village and what remained of the people who once lived here. The echoes of death and despair were so strong that they gave her a mild headache, but she could push herself past it. Her eyes instead turned along with Iris, who had already drawn her lightsaber and readied herself for the Wrath of the Maw.

"You can't ever surprise me," she said, not so much as a smug comment, but as something with actual truth to it. They had clashed several times with such ferocity that their destinies in the Force had become intertwined in some ways. Wherever his evil popped up, her light would shine to vanquish it, until either one of them could no longer withstand the other.

Valery then held up a hand and summoned one of her two lightsabers into her right hand, before the left joined so she could ready herself in a combative stance as well,
"Iris, we do this together." There was no way back, no time to get out of here. As long as they fought together, Valery could keep her Padawan covered, and together, they'd find their way through this.



He was different. Wrong. When they'd last met, when she'd painted him and ran to save who she could of the camp, he wasn't right. But not to this extent. Colors didn't just leech away around him. He devoured them. The Padawan tightened her grip on her saber, her eyes narrowing as she tried to keep her hand steady. She was afraid. Who wouldn't be?


Iris did the only thing she could think to in this moment. She reached out. Connecting her colors with her master's, blending them with even Domxite. Melding their connections, their minds, into one. She couldn't hide her fear like this, but she wasn't aiming to. They needed to be on the same page if they wanted to get out of this.


Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Kyrel’s eyes stared at the Master and Padawan. His deadly stare didn’t hide the intentions that he carried. There was only one reason why Kyrel caused so much death, so that the Jedi could hunt themselves. After decades of constant warfare Kyrel knew that by slaughtering those who wouldn’t help themselves, then the Jedi he hunted would show her face. Unlike Tython though, he would make sure that she wouldn’t run this time. If anything he would would trap both Jedi here.

As they stood as one, the Jedi anxiously waited for his next move. Kyrel didn’t dare disappoint as instead of words, his furious anger spoke for him. His slow, heavy stomps soon evolved into a fast walk. The stride didn’t soften the anger, if anything it only intensified upon seeing the face of Valery Noble. Armed with a slight saber that fed him rage, and in turn took rage from him.

He began his vicious onslaught. With his saber in one hand, undead strength wielded in brutality as his crimson blade made contact with Valery. Lights flashed and sparks flew, as Kyrel returned to his signature Djem So. Moving with anger as a driving force in order to dominate the fight. Each heavy handed swing would bash into Valery, each swing he moved closer in order to gain ground.

His attention split on the pair, his eyes now locked on Arani. Her fear was palpable, too tempting to pass up. He angled his blade to direct towards her. Unlike Valery who was skilled in defending the brute force of Djem So, the Padawan couldn’t hope to stand against the monster. Several heavy handed strikes hoped to disarm her efficiently and without waste. It was difficult to center his focus on either one of the other. He moved to quickly change that.

Following his heavy set of strikes , he focused on Arani with vicious intent. Launching his saber diagonally, he aimed to cut some part of her open. Giving him enough time to focus his full intention on Valery. Despite if his blade were to strike Arani. In either sense by the time his blade met with her, his eyes shifted back to Valery. Cautious of the Jedi Master he awaited her next strike.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Iris Arani Iris Arani

Location: Shuttle | Enroute to Fresia
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Iris Arani Iris Arani

While the Meld formed, Valery closed her eyes and took a deep breath to connect her focus with her Padawan's. Even without something as powerful as a Force Meld, the two had a level of coordination far stronger than just an average pair of Jedi working together. Now, they could fight as one, and while that gave them quite an edge in most fights, there was a risk to it as well. A Force Meld had the potential to become a terrible feedback loop when tremors in the Force became too strong, or one participant was left in agony.

Whatever happened in this clash against the Maw's wrath, Valery had to make sure their Meld remained intact.

The monster then finally charged, and unleashed a barrage of powerful strikes against Valery — the kind she knew him for but something was different. On Tython, she had fought hard alongside Kahlil to beat him down and into that fiery pit, hoping to destroy or weaken him. But with each clash of her violet blade against his, she realized more and more that in some ways, he came out of that hell they threw him in stronger than before.


It was a simple message to her Padawan, but one meant to signal his change in target. He knew Valery was an equal match for him, and having her Padawan assisting her meant they could strike with precise combinations. So his line of thinking was simple — he wanted to take Iris out of the picture. Valery wasn't going to allow it.

While the barrage shifted to her Padawan, Valery stepped out of her defensive stance, and used her speed to try and circle around the Master of Ren, trapping him beteween the two Jedi in a less than favorable position. From there, she aimed a first, powerful strike diagonally across the man's body, before a quicker flurry of attacks followed to pressure him. If he wanted to try and take out her Padawan, it was going to be under a lot of aggressive pressure from Valery.


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