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Private No Rest For The Willing

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

It had been a long time since Jand had set foot in the temple.

It had been half a dozen months, perhaps more, that the young Nagai had fought on the border of the Alliance and Maw. Deep in the proverbial trenches, where his combat skills were put to their most basic use, against the dark side. Since the fight against Starfall, and under the intense teachings of his master and the gauntlet of consistent warfare, Jand's powers had doubled since the last time he had walked the familiar halls of the Jedi home.

In some ways he missed the fight; but in others, it was nice to be back.

Jand walked in a leisurely manner, as he refamiliarized himself with the great halls and structure around him, though it felt smaller. Middling youth had started to fade from the Nagai now, as mentality and physicality increased through experience and life, and Jand now stood taller and broader. His Padawan robes were tighter, ragged, and there was obvious need for replacement garments. His lightsaber was dinged and worn, as it hung from his hip, the pommel and grip well-used. And his face sported several scars, not to mention numerous others under his robes, each earned from combat to the death with the Maw.

With a sigh, Jand adjusted the strap over his shoulder, to readjust the satchel at his side.

"Yes, it has been a long time..."

Jand wondered where some of his friends might be, nowadays. Hopefully not dead. The Padawan turned down a corridor, he made his way to the vault, where he sought the custodian that oversaw the secure space; and as he reached the location, he pulled up the satchel and opened it. He spoke, his voice deeper now:

"I seek to secure these."

The satchel was opened, the contents poured out onto a nearby table, as numerous metallic cylinders clanged and rolled to a stop.


Dozens of them.

"These belonged to Maw warriors. They are dead, but their corruption still infests these weapons."

The custodian blinked, but nodded, which was around the time Jand felt a familiar presence and turned to look down the hall...


Valery Noble Valery Noble


NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

Valery rolled her shoulders and let out a sigh as she entered the Temple and walked through its familiar hallways. She had just returned from a secret mission to Osadia, where she had participated in a test that would prepare her for the end of the war. It had left her drained and in need of rest, but she was satisfied with the results. All that remained was a report she planned to write once she reached the Council Chambers, and the rest of the evening was likely going to be dedicated to her kid.

However, before she could reach the elevator going up the High Council spire, Valery felt a familiar presence.

She paused for a moment to focus on it, and for just a few seconds, she was trying to figure out who it was again. When the realization finally struck, she began to smile and immediately changed direction.

"Padawan Jand Talo," Valery said when she finally made her way over to the vault and watched him turn to face her. As always, she offered a kind, polite smile and bowed her head in greeting. "It has been a long time..." her voice trailed off and she looked him up and down for a moment.

"You've changed." She chuckled and briefly glanced at the lightsabers he had offered the custodian, before looking back up at the man who now stood taller than she did.

"It's good to see you again."

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Master Noble.

There were a small number of individuals that Jand would be happy to see, on his return, and the Jedi Master was one of them. In the past, the two had gone on a number of missions, successful ones, and had taken strides to protecting the galaxy by culling Sith. That had been exactly Jand's purpose up until his return, so it only seemed fitting he would encounter the individual who started the Nagai on that path, and as such a small smile crossed his face.

"Master Noble," Jand nodded, as he excused himself from the custodian and walked toward the other in the hall. "I have just returned to Coruscant, it is fortunate to have run into you."

Jand paused, perplexed for a moment, before he realized.

He was taller than her now.

"I have, yes," the Padawan agreed, as he looked down at his robes. "Between the Maw frontline and Master Caltin's training, my development seems to be optimal. You have not changed at all--"

Jand raised his eyebrows.

"--but I am told that is a good thing, for those older."

The Padawan didn't intend insult, such was the way he spoke.

"I am pleased to see you, also." Jand meant it. "I have put many of your teachings to good use, the Maw have lost many of their warriors because of your lessons."

Curious, Jand inclined his head.

"How are you, Master Noble? Is your offspring well?"



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

Valery just snickered at his response, "It is a good thing, and I'm very glad to hear it." She worked hard to maintain her youthful and warrior-like appearance, mostly because of how crucial it was for her duties. But she also cared a great deal about taking good care of herself for personal reasons.

His compliment was wise.

The better compliment, however, was what he said about putting her lessons to good use. It brightened up her smile, and she quickly dipped her head in appreciation, "You were always a good student, so if anything, that dedication should be rewarded the credit for your performance out there. But..." she paused and smirked faintly, "I'm very glad to hear that those lessons were useful. We've put a lot of effort into preparing the younger generations better for these difficult times."

Without the hundreds of Knights and Masters the order once had, it wasn't always easy to offer every Padawan the guidance they needed. Finally, there seemed to be a shift in the right direction.

"And I'm doing really well, thank you," she said, and it was quite the understatement. With the war approaching what would hopefully be its end, and especially with the return of her husband, life honestly couldn't be better for her. "Vera is doing great too and started her Initiate training. So you might run into her at the Temple here sometime. I'll warn you though... she's quite energetic."

With a shake of her head, she stopped herself from wanting to ramble on about her little star for hours, and instead shifted her focus back to him. "I trust you've been well too? I know that your assignments have gone well, but being out there still isn't easy."

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Jand wasn't completely galactically socially inept, he was learning.

When Master Noble began to mention Jand's capability, and how he had learned well, the Padawan offered a small smile and nodded. He could appreciate that. As someone from a warrior culture, it was imperative to improve in skill, and hearing as much from another warrior felt like real validation. Not that Jand needed that, but it was still nice.

"Yes, it would seem this era is rife with war," Jand agreed, as he thought back for a moment to the frontlines of the Maw. "And judging by the tenacity of the enemy, it might not end soon."

Unfortunate, certainly, though Jand wasn't opposed to fighting, either.

"That is good to hear," Jand said, as Valery spoke of Vera. "Perhaps it is fortunate that Vera is so young, as she will not understand the expectations and scrutiny to succeed placed upon her yet... hopefully that lack of awareness will allow her to grow and develop as she will."

The Nagai was no stranger to living up to what others demanded.

"I am well, yes," Jand said as he glanced back to the custodian, who was sorting through the weapon pile, before he looked back to Master Noble. "I returned to the temple out of necessity, rather than want. It is important to remove the corruption of the dark side, so a visit here--" Jand motioned to the vault. "--was needed."

Jand chuckled as he tugged at his worn, ragged robe.

"Not to mention I also need some replacements and a chance to maintain my equipment."

Still, a Jedi's work was never done, as the Padawan raised his eyebrows.

"And what news of things elsewhere? Have there been any issues or threats closer to the Alliance?"



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

"We are planning the decisive blow to take out the Maw, but they are no ordinary enemy. They will not surrender, and when pushed into a corner with no way out, there's no telling what they'll be capable of." In other words, she was expecting them to go out with a bang, and even with most of their military power destroyed, their territories would be filled with Sithspawn, other beasts and tribes only focused on destruction and conquest.

There was still quite a road ahead of the Jedi, and much like Jand, Valery was more than ready for that fight.

On the topic of Vera, Valery could only smile but there was something more somber to the way she looked, when he mentioned the young girl's awareness, "Sadly if there's one thing she's far ahead with, it's awareness. Ever since she was three years old, she has been exposed to intense visions, especially ones related to her parents. We've helped her learn to control them better, but she has seen a lot for a kid her age. Felt a lot, too." From believing her father had died, to seeing terrible things happen to her mother in nightmare-ish visions.

In Valery's eyes, she was the strongest little kid out there for being able to handle it and still being able to always smile. One day, she just knew that it would make her an excellent Jedi Seer if she chooses to go down that path.

The conversation then shifted back to him, and it was no surprise that this wasn't a visit for fun. He had always been very serious and professional, and while that was quite rare these days, it was a more familiar feeling to Valery, who had been raised in a very traditional enclave. Perhaps it was yet another reason why she could get along so easily with him. "You've made the right choice then, and with the upcoming battles, you're really going to need to be centered." She then flashed a brief smirk. "And have your clothes at least look decent enough."

"As for other threats, a different group of Sith has been terrorizing the outer rim. We have yet to deal with them, but something tells me they're going to be our next problem once the Maw is dealt with."
Once again, it seemed that no matter how hard they fought, followers of the Dark Side always found a way to rise back up to oppress others and destroy.

But that's why they fought.

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


Jand nodded.

He could attest to what Master Noble said, about the Maw and how they would not surrender, given his accounts on the border war. The Maw were zealots, crazed and powerful, which made them even more dangerous. Perhaps more so than the Sith. The pressure had been steadily increased over a period of time toward the Maw, and the Jedi Master's thoughts on how they might act - unpredictable - made sense.

"We will handle it, as we always do."

The Padawan didn't brag or show overconfidence with those words, just simple determination.

However, Jand frowned when Master Noble revealed that Vera was observant for her age, aware of more than perhaps she should have been. Force visions. That sounded difficult, especially on a child, given the nature of the mysterious energy and how it worked. If it was anything similar to Jand's own visions, when he used his psychometry, he felt some pity for the child. Seeing like that through the Force was never easy, but at least the Nagai had the benefit of seeing what had been, and not the - complex and ever-changing - future...

"I do not doubt you have done everything possible to ease that burden," Jand said in a low voice, as he looked down, thoughtful. "I hope your offspring excels, mastering this aspect of her power."

The reason for the visit was given, and Master Noble understood, even offering a joke. With a brief smile, Jand nodded, as he had worked on understanding such social cues since arrival at the temple. The Nagai were prone to sarcasm and jokes, but typically with purpose, such as infuriating an opponent in a duel or trying to demoralize... it had been an uncomfortable few months with the Jedi, as some of the members were 'jokers'.

"Yes, we should present well for the Maw."

Jand smiled.

"And Sith? That sounds menacing," the Padawan frowned as he reached up to rub his chin. "What information do you have on this group? I have not heard of them until now, so their influence may be on the rise, rather than firmly established... I assume the Jedi have attempted scouting or intel gathering?"



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

"We will," Valery said with similar determination, and a healthy amount of confidence as well. They weren't going into this final battle unprepared, so to an extent, she knew what to expect. The difficult variable was the Maw, especially once they'd get closer to the end of the clash. But with the Alliance and Jedi working together, she felt hopeful that they'd be able to adapt and respond to whatever came at them.

On the topic of her daughter, that determination lingered but it was clearly a difficult thing too. The more personal reason for her fighting was to provide her family with a safe Galaxy to live in, and that extended to why she defended others too. So for her daughter to be drawn into the difficult mysteries of the Force at such a young age was not easy.

She had seen so much war already without ever having set foot on a battlefield.

"She's a tough kid, so I'm confident she will do well." Both she and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble would be there to guide and assist her every step along the way. And one day, she'd be a Padawan under a Master as well.

The topic then shifted to the Sith in the outer rim, and Valery dipped her head, "A lot of them are Sith who were influential members of the last Sith Empire that fell. They've been expanding through the outer rim quite fast, and largely unopposed. Although the Mandalorians have been resisting them, and local systems are fighting too." She frowned a little, knowing that it wouldn't be enough.

"I've had encounters with some of their leaders before, and much like the Maw, they're a dangerous force we can't underestimate. So once the war with the Maw is over, we'll have to be proactive in addressing them."

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


There was little doubt that the Alliance would be victorious over the Maw in Jand's mind.

And for his part, the Padawan felt some gratification for his part, as his place within the Jedi had become focused on protecting those that could not protect themselves, which pitted Jand against the dark side in most instances. It was fortunate that the Nagai's sense of personal honor had led him to the light side, rather than the dark, simply by rule of duty and honor to himself. That said, Jand was more than ready to assist with the death blow to the Maw, once and for all.

"She is like her parent, then," Jand said with a nod, as he referred to Master Valery specifically. He wasn't aware of the father, beyond vague mentions or gossip. "I willingly offer my assistance in Vera's development, if you wish it."

Jand understood that the child was in good hands, but one could always learn more - or different - things from others.

"That sounds typical of the Sith, then," Jand said with a sigh, as he nodded to what the Jedi Master said. "I am surprised the Mandalorians are taking action, though I suspect it is out of necessity more than altruism. I could be wrong. Perhaps extended time on the frontline has left me with inclination toward pessimism..."

Or maybe not.

"I understand I am technically on a reprieve from the Maw-Alliance war," Jand began as he inclined his head and raised an eyebrow. "But I am able to assist with any preparation against this new Sith threat, if you have need or missions that require bodies. Other than that, are things well?"



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

"My husband and I both agreed that we weren't going to be her Master and that she should learn from as many other Jedi as possible. So, I would appreciate you teaching her. Just... she's not an easy one to handle sometimes." That was downplaying it a little bit — Vera had the same energy Valery had as a kid, and it used to drive Jedi insane. But Jand seemed like the type who could handle it.

Still, she wondered what he'd think of Vera.

"The Mandalorian Enclave always had a particular hatred for Sith, which is why they joined us in the war against the Maw so easily. But they have lost much of their strength in the war, so I don't think they can hold back this threat alone." Which is why Valery was already making plans to prepare herself, the Jedi, and the Alliance for what seemed like another inevitable war.

Another clash between dark and light.

"Right now, I plan to send Jedi to investigate close to their borders while others work alongside the Rimward league. They're right at the heart of this problem, so we might be able to work together. It might t-"


Oh no. She paused her sentence abruptly and turned her gaze to the side, as the six-year-old Noble came sprinting down the hallway to wrap her arms around Valery's legs. "Hey sweetie, you know what I said about running in the Temple, right?" she chuckled and tightened the hug for a moment.

"Sorryyy," she whined but Vera didn't think about her actions for long, and instead looked at the stranger. "Hello!" she exclaimed loudly and happily, while she looked at the Nagai with her multi-colored eyes.

"Vera, this is Padawan Jand Talo. Jand... this is my daughter Vera."

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


"That is a good approach, I will provide teaching or lessons as you feel appropriate," Jand said with a nod, his expression serious, as he knew how important those first development stages were to the young. "I am sure engaging with lessons about bladework will focus her attention. I do not envy those that will teach her history or meditation, however..."

Jand listened as the Jedi Master spoke of the Mandalorian Enclave, as Valery outlined their stance on the Sith, and how they had joined the Alliance against the Maw. If memory served, the Padawan recalled that Master Noble had trained with the Mandalorians for a time, though he didn't know specifics.

"It seems to be the way with most, unfortunately," Jand said in response to the mention of Mandalorian losses. "They are a resilient people. I have little doubt they will recover."

The information about Jedi investigation caused Jand to incline his head, as the rough outline for the plan was shared, and inclusion of the Rimward was mentioned. He had to admit there was interest in being involved in those scouting missions, especially as Jand had found himself quite comfortable with tracking and elimination of Maw targets throughout the war. Perhaps Jand could contact and suggest Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky - especially as a sentient skilled in tracking through the Force...

And then the offspring appeared.

Jand looked down at the small child, who rushed to grab onto her parent's leg, and regarded Vera.

"I do not feel she is apologetic about running," Jand mumbled, as he looked to the girl's eyes, seeing the unique colorization and patterning. "I see she has your Keshian eyes, and likely your species' sight?"

Vera looked up to Jand and offered a loud - and excited - greeting.

"Hello," the Padawan nodded. "It is good to meet you, Vera Noble. Are you enjoying your Jedi training?"

As the offspring answered, Jand glanced back to the Jedi Master.

"I might know of another Jedi who could assist with those plans you mentioned, a skilled tracker."

Without skipping a beat, Jand looked back to Vera, so he could hear the tail-end of her answer - children often prattled on far longer than they needed to, before giving the actual answer at the end...



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

Vera giggled and pointed at Jand, "He talks funny," she said, choosing to ignore his comment about her not being apologetic for running through the Temple.

"Vera," Valery said with narrowed eyes, "Be nice."

The little Noble blinked, looked at her mother, then back to Jand. "It's nice to meet you too, Jant!" She gave him a big nod and hopped a little in place when he asked about her training. "It's very fun! Today I threw stones with the Force," she grinned with Valery's energy, but without the control her mother had.

"Are you not supposed to stack them?" Valery asked with a raised eyebrow, and... Vera didn't answer the question at all. She just grinned and glanced up at her mom with a look that Valery recognized a little too well. Naturally, she'd find a way to blame this on her father's genes if a parent was to blame.

But it was overwhelmingly Noble behavior.

Valery just sighed and rested a hand on Vera's head before looking at Jand again, "A skilled tracker, hm? Well, if I assign you a mission, you're more than welcome to invite others you believe might be able to help. I trust your judgment," she said before glancing down at Vera.

"Can I come, too?!"

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

The question about Vera's eyes went unanswered, but Jand could make a guess.

"Galactic Basic is not my first language," Jand said as he looked down to the child, his gray eyes staring. "I am not familiar with the languages idiosyncrasies, and speak clearly and typically, to avoid using incorrect phrases or expressing the wrong meaning. I do not wish to embarrass myself, or worse, dishonor my people."

The Jedi Master asked the offspring to be nice. Vera seemed very energetic, as she beamed and spoke.

"You are fortunate, then. I was unable to stack those stones very well, let alone throw them, when I first arrived."

That caused Jand to think back to his earlier days at the temple, where he struggled to do much of anything Force-related, and then to the later realization that he needed Tutaminis for more powerful applications of other Force skills. But that was neither the point or worth focusing on, as the discussion continued, and Jand looked to Master Valery as she responded about the suggestion for calling on Vizion.

"Yes, we worked very well together, he was a very capable," Jand nodded as he added, then offered a brief smile. "I am glad to have your trust. I will not squander it. And any mission I am charged with will be completed."

Vera spoke up again, as Jand glanced to her.

"Yes," the Padawan said simply. "If you prove you are ready, by completing your instructor tasks in lessons. We must all learn those lessons and master the basics."

Jand looked back to Valery.

"I have not had the chance to others from my Padawan classes, have there been any developments with my peers? Promotions? Deaths?"



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

"Uhhh... okay!" Vera didn't understand him at all when he tried to explain why he talked that way, and just grinned excitedly at the Padawan. Valery, however, snickered and patted the top of her little star's head. "He's used to other languages, sweetie," Valery said, drawing Vera's eyes up to look at her mother and nod.

His next comment drew those eyes back quickly.

"Mommy taught me how to do it!" Vera exclaimed, and Valery's eyes nervously widened while her hands settled on Vera's shoulders. "What she meant to say, is that I helped her with the basics of using the Force." Vera blinked, looked at her mother, and tilted her head just a little. "But-"

"Anyway," Valery interrupted quickly, "I'm confident that you'll do well. Please report back to me and if you need more assistance, I'm always one call away." Even with two capable Jedi investigating, it was possible that they'd need help. Either from another Jedi, or in the form of supplies, gear, or information.

Then the answer to Vera's most important question followed, and the yes got her to bounce up and down despite her mother's hands resting on her shoulders. "Really?!" she grinned wide but settled back down when Jand explained the conditions for being allowed to join. "But...but..." she looked between her mother and Jand with big, pleading eyes.

"Puppy eyes won't work this time, little star. Once you're old enough and had enough training, you can join us for missions. I promise," she said, knowing that Vera was likely going to hold her to that someday.

"Fortunately, we haven't lost anybody," Valery told Jand with a soft smile. "Dagon has gone missing, but I can feel he's out there somewhere. As for Knightings, Silas and Jasper are both knights now, as well as Ara Sheridan. Most are doing well, but these are demanding times on us all, hm?"

"I can be a Knight!" Vera chimed in.

"One day, sweetie," Valery chuckled and leaned down to kiss the top of Vera's head.

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Jand supposed his explanation had been a bit complex for the child.

Thankfully Master Valery was there to translate, more or less, and offered answers when needed. It seemed that Vera quite enjoyed using the Force, she had taken to lessons, and like most children held a fierce excitement for the unknown. There was - undoubtedly - another series of questions coming for Jand, but the Jedi Master interrupted her offspring and mentioned the mission report and offered assistance, if needed.

"Thank you, I share your confidence," the Padawan nodded, as he began to consider individuals in mind. "I will keep any such missions small and tactical, to avoid incident or giving away our change in attention. Each will have a full briefing for review, of course."

As the two began to speak between one another, with Vera trying to manipulate her mother with childish expressions that enlarged her eyes, Jand watched with mild fascination. He recalled his own childhood, it was a lot stricter, and he would never have talked back to his mother - not even at that age. Still, these were not Nagai and Jand's that culture demanded more discipline; and he had seen the differences in so many cultures already, even though it was only a fraction of what the Alliance offered.

"If Master Dagon is anything like his Padawan, Corin, I am certain he will show up at some point," Jand said as his attention shifted back to Master Valery. "I will seek out both Silas and Jasper, offer my congratulations, though I have not seen Ara in a long while personally. Each of those will do well with knighthood, I believe."

There were no deaths, that was... good, Jand supposed. Fortunate. Jedi were difficult to train, after all.

Jand offered a tight-lipped smile to Vera, before he turned to the Jedi Master:

"It has been fortunate to see you on my return. Was there anything else I can do, before I continue on, Master Valery?"



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo

"Very good," Valery said in response to his plan of approach. Investigating new threads was important to her, but she wanted to be careful that they didn't offer their potential new enemies too much information in the process. Jand knew this too, and with the reports he'd make, they would be prepared for any new conflicts. Perhaps even be able to prevent them as well if they acted quickly enough.

But with the Alliance likely wanting to enjoy times of peace, she wasn't holding her breath.

"I'm sure they'd all love to see you again, so please do," Valery then said, as the conversation shifted following a little discussion with Vera. She knew Jand was more of an all-work type of person, but she was glad to see that he was wanting to reach out to other Jedi as well. One true strength of the Jedi was their ability to stand together, after all.

In response to Jand's smile, Vera just grinned widely and hopped up a little, which got Valery to chuckle. Once more, she placed her hands on Vera's shoulders and looked at Jand.

"I don't have anything else for you right now, but it was very good to-"

"Be careful fighting them," Vera suddenly chimed in with a new intensity in her eyes. "But you will do good and be cool!" she added with another hop, and while some might believe it to be the imagination of a child, Valery knew exactly what was happening. She had seen something.

"Did you see anything bad happen, sweetie?" Valery asked to be sure.

"Nuh uh," Vera answered. "They won't stop Jant."


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