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No Stone Unturned, no Book Unburned [New Order Dominion of Cadomai Prime]

| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra stepped onto the bridge, her Sith robes trailing across the floor as she approached her Masters side. Folding her arms across her chest, she turned her eyes to the world below. Cadomai Prime. What a memory the New Order had scarred into it's populace. She was significantly different than to the woman Pandeima had met and subsequently brought into Sith Apprenticeship. But this one half to the same coin. Her Master had seen the first half, now Cadomai Prime had brought out the second. The question was, would she find her Apprentice as equally as enticing as she did Alicia Drey?

"You've come to expand your business, I see."
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

"Indeed I have... but what you did was a very, very bad mistake." She paused, running a finger over her lips. "Those women could've been given to men in the Imperial army as wives. Those children could've been taken and raised as a new generation of Imperials. Your foresight is... lacking." She sighed. "What, you expected me to punish you? I have no reason to do that. not unless you do this again. True Sith have immense foresight, and plan ahead months, if not years before their next move."
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I was told to slaughter that camp." She paused, in thought. "I hated them for following the Jedi. Rage led me to my actions." Breaking her silence, she turned her gaze to her Sith Master. "To me, they were of no consequence Master. It didn't matter if they lived or died in the grand scheme of things. But it mattered to me that they died. Their deaths were... satisfying."
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

"Don't find satisfying the deaths of people who may serve you later down the line. Find satisfying the deaths of enemy soldiers, of generals who valiantly cleave to their cause and refuse to break away. But those whom you can mold, those you can shape to serve you or support you - do not kill them. Instead, capture them and convert them to your way of thinking. This is my lesson to you."

Pausing, she turned back to her apprentice. "The factories are coming into play. Let's make this a pleasurable experience."
| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra didn't take Pandeima's gesture. Her eyes were on Cadomai Prime; and her mind, it was aflame. Rage coursed throughout her body at the same. Her hatred, intense. Her sulfuric, yellow eyes gleamed like they were caught in the flames that she saw in her mind. Her eyelids lowered and a deep breath was taken, to relax and cool down. Her rage and hatred was cold, but sometimes, anger exploded in an avalanche of energy, as the Jedi Master and the civilians he was trying to save, just found out.
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Sighing, she chose to simply wait. "Just let the anger out. It's not a good emotion to rely on anyway. Passion is far more effective, far more easily controlled and tempered. And more... enjoyable." She smiled, giving a soft chuckle.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I find it difficult to feel anything other than what I am experiencing, when I am faced with the Jedi. I've experienced passion with you Master, but I do not how to think or feel differently than how I've done throughout the majority of my life." She turned to Circe, with a fiery gaze. "My rage makes me strong and hatred has fueled me in my desire to destroy the Jedi Order. Don't you want that too, Master?"
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

"What I want is for the Jedi to start abiding by what they teach. History has shown us that the Jedi are supposed to be the tolerant ones, according to their teachings - yet instead of pondering the Dark Side, instead of accepting that what we who wield the more powerful side of the Force feel is just as natural as they, they shun us. Murder us. And our desire to be who we want to be has become twisted into a hatred of all Jedi over their prejudice."

"So yes. They are hypocritical... and they deserve extermination as such." She smiled, wrapping an arm around Alicia. "But don't kill women or children. They can prove to be useful later down the road."
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I'll try, Master." Ayra felt her anger and hatred dissipate as soon as Pandeima touched her. One of her techniques in the Force to force such a thing? Or because it was merely her touching her? Ayra thought about it quietly, as she rested her head on her Masters shoulder. Was this a weakness, this feeling? She didn't know. But Pandeima was the teacher and she planned to teach Ayra passion in all it's manifestations. She explained that was how she became the Sith Lord she is today. Ayra didn't doubt her power- she could feel it, by literally leaning her head on her shoulder. She murmured. "How is Subach? You've not taken me to it's Headquarters, yet."
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

"Well... Subach headquarters is located extraordinarily close to Fringe territory. I currently have some deals stating that they are not to touch my planet and any of its manufacturing facilities. Not to mention I don't exactly want to take the time to travel through there, honestly. While our headquarters are there, the only production work we do there is for independent ships, not for the Horde or New Order."
| [member="Enigma"] |

"Hm." She locked her hand in Pandeimas. "I know of a system nearby that is said to be deserted and easily brought. It's called the Almania system. It has three moons and a planet called Almania. It's in the heart of New Order space. You could use my influence with Vulcanus and the other Sith to make sure Subach and it's dealings there go unnoticed, while you wouldn't have to worry about the Fringe seizing your assets, being so close to them."
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"Almania, eh? An interesting choice... but let's focus on the here and now. Once our factories are finally situated here, there should be no issues whatsoever with moving on to Almania." A smile crossed her lips as she heard a powerplant initialize, the soft hum of hypermatter reactors filling here ears as the nearest facility began operation. "The tooling and dies we needed for this were originally purchased from Yutrane-Trackata. We produced a single prototype off their design of the MZ-9 before completely and utterly reduxing it."

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I haven't heard of these ships. I suppose I have a lot to learn about ship design and creation, if I am going to be working for Subach. Should we go inside?"
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

"They aren't ships. They're tanks. Or rather, tank destroyers. Tracked vehicles, not using a repulsorlift, and as such able to operate anywhere, unlike some of our other vehicles." She smiled. "You do indeed have a lot to learn." The two of them entered the facility, machinery already sparking as the various droids got to work assembling the various vehicles.
| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra followed the machines as they went to work, putting together the anti-tank vehicles that Subach was creating for the New Order. Her hand lowered to a railing as she walked beside Pandeima, mesmerized by the different sparks that were giving life to the systems inside each machine. "I could get used to this," she murmured.
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

"I'll bet you could... a melodic symphony of death-dealing mechanons assembled piece by piece, every weld, rivet, and screw holding a marvelous device together capable of causing tremendous devastation. It's... beautiful." She thought over what Alicia could do. "Not as beautiful as you, though."
| [member="Enigma"] |

"As you keep reminding me, my Master." She smiled at Pandeima and gave her a playful wink.

Had Darth Bane envisoned such a pairing, when he had created the Order of Sith Lords? Presumably not. The Rule of Two had evolved and changed from the time of the Bane-Zannah apprenticeship. The Tenebrous-Plagueis relationship, for example, focused on harnessing the wealth and power of business to plant subversion and chaos among the Republic senate, whilst exploiting the criminal underworld. That, too, continued into the Plagueis-Sidious era, until the latter killed his Sith Master and used the decades of preparation and resources to create the Clone Wars, which ended with the Great Jedi Purge and creation of the Galactic Empire. Of course, one Darth Caedus would be the last attempt of the Baneite era to continue the Sith Imperative, but he too failed.

So, what did that make Darth Pandeima and Darth Ayra? Were they a continuation of Bane's Rule of Two or a new form? Darth Pandeiuma's Rule of Two? They would, inevitably, find out.
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Of course Bane never had expected such a thing. Particularly with the bladesmith similar to himself as an apprentice to a more powerful sorceress. Then again, Zannah had proven herself more powerful than he in their duel. While the two of them would certainly use their abilities the way the last members of the original Rule of Two had done so, Circe intended for a happy ending this time. Not a sad one.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

Of course, similarities could be made between the Tenebrous-Plagueis apprenticeship. The later planned to recruit his own apprentice, from which both of them would rule over the galaxy, together, for all eternity. But the Muun Dark Lord of the Sith had an ability that neither Darth Pandemia nor her Sith Apprentice were aware existed. The craft of midi chlorian manipulation had been lost with the Muun's death. Only notes from Plagueis's own journal existed in another lost artifact known as the Book of Sith. But would either of them discover such a dark secret?
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

And with that, the foundries were set. The machinery inside the factories was set, and the brand new products would be prepared for use against the enemies of the Sith. Any future development of the MZ-10 and MZ-15 would begin here. With everything moving forward, the New Order was well on its way to more proper and permanent expansion.

[END, I assume]

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