It didn't exactly surprise her that Gatz Derrevar wasn't aware of her ties to her sister - aside from her immediate family she was rather hopeful that nobody else was able to make that connection unless or until she wanted them to - but it still continued to tug at the back of her mind that somehow, someway, he knew of her enough to have found her out and known what it was she'd done for a living as well as for whom. Her friends were the chance encounters she made every time she stepped off of or onto a ship throughout her travels, people with whom she stayed with while she was in town rather than living in a new hotel room every other week. There were a few people she'd either become friends with or lost contact with that wouldn't have even the slightest hesitation in talking about her - though, aside from her name and the line of work she was in, they didn't really know all too much about her, and it was fairly obvious that whoever had linked Gatz up with her knew even less.
She shook her head, to confirm that she was, in fact, not a Sith by any stretch of the imagination, accompanied by a verbal confirmation by way of Mmhm.
Deciding that there wasn't any need for her not to sit in the open co-pilot chair Amara took the seat without much consideration on her part. "Drink, gamble, find a new play to stay once wherever I'm sleeping stops being a good spot to be in." She rattled off, taking the spare moment to glance down at her nails now that they weren't trekking outside in the evening gloom. "Normally I'd have been at a club somewhere, if business hadn't tied me down to smuggler dens for the week." Amara admitted as she settled in and tried to position herself comfortably in the seat. "You?" She asked, trying to keep the small talk flowing. "Assuming you don't get up to, um, 'murder and mayhem'."
It was a bit refreshing that the first person she'd divulged to about her paranoia didn't seem quite so overtly judgmental, granted she was also giving back a large heft of credits for him to keep quiet so it could very well be the money talking, but she had a feeling that there were quite a few people that wouldn't share his line of thinking - putting aside the family that she hoped had either forgotten she existed or hadn't even realized she'd stepped out of the bacta tank that had been keeping her alive for the vast majority of her life.