Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Noctura's Nightwatch - Pre-Fab Workshop

  • Manufacturer: Locke & Key Mechanics
  • Affiliation: Nyx N1X3
  • Model: N1-Series Assassin
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Material: Phrik, Duranium, Laminasteel, Songsteel (accents)
  • Classification: Fourth Degree Droid
  • Weight: 145.15 kg
  • Height: 1.83 m
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Resistances:
    Blaster: Extreme
  • Kinetic: Extreme
  • Lightsaber: Extreme
  • EMP/ION: Extreme
  • Cold: Extreme
  • Sonic: Average
  • Electric: Average
  • Acid: Low

  • No Built-in Weaponry

[*]Misc. Equipment:

  • Subsystem: Memory Core Autonomous Defense System (MCADS)
  • Build Feature: Encrypted Memory Core
  • Self-Guided Operations
  • Social Interaction Module - Nyx possesses a module capable of allowing her to understand and even simulate organic social behavior. You won't mistake her for a Human, but she'll catch nuances most other Droids would fall silent attempting to process -- sarcasm, for instance. The more interaction she has with organics, the more accurate her responses; which is why Nyx has spent several years in the company of organics.
  • Anti-Intrusion Countermeasure - The Memory Core Autonomous Defense System was designed to prevent N1X3's Creator's enemies from taking possession and reprogramming it to kill its creator. Unauthorized attempts to access the memory banks of N1X3 will result in the activation of a secondary system that is designed to kill any and all living organisms within range, and then return to its creator. Additionally, her memory banks are encrypted when offline to prevent tampering should the memory banks somehow be separated from the chassis in a way that prevents MCADS activation. The creator was exceptionally paranoid.
  • Assassination Protocols - Originally built to protect N1X3's creator and to kill their enemies, Nyx possesses the capabilities of an assassin droid. This includes a suite of expansive sensors to detect their enemies. However, due to fallout from the MCADS triggering these protocols and most of the functionality of those sensors lay dormant.
  • Direct System Uplink - Nyx had a module installed to allow her to directly interface with her fighter, the Scythe, as she started to pursue a career as part of a squadron. The increased reaction time was well worth the credits.
  • Enhanced Strength - By virtue of her metal chassis and framework, along with the various motors, servos, and quickly calculated movements Nyx is capable of exerting considerable force behind a punch or kick. She is also able to lift heavy objects with relative ease.
  • Battle Hardened Chassis - Designed to defend against and kill the creator's enemies, Nyx's construction was made of materials designed with their capabilities in mind. Blasters, kinetic impacts, and lightsabers being their most common go-to weapons of choice. This ensures her ability to survive battle with battle hardened commandos and Force Users alike longer than any standard security droid. Shielding her electronics against EMP/ION attacks also prevent such enemies from exploiting a common weakness of cyborg and droid mechanisms.
  • No Supplemental Cover - The N1-Series does not wear armor like their organic targets. Their armor is built into their construction and is ever-present. While its chassis/frame is humanoid, it would be a hard fit to find armor that would fit and such armor would significantly impair mobility.
  • Heartless Logic - While capable of adapting to blend in with target environments, the N1-series droid remains an electronic intelligence incapable of actual emotion. It can study, understand, anticipate, and even simulate emotional response, but it remains a cold, calculating machine built to kill.
  • Iron Cold Soul - N1-Series droids were never programmed to be moral, and the soft-reset of Nyx's memory banks has not shown any signs of spontaneously generating such programming. She has adopted a rule of loyalty to those she works with or for, but committing crimes no matter how heinous will not be met with resistance. They will be evaluated for their effectiveness at accomplishing an objective, and carried out accordingly.
  • Anti-Intrusion Countermeasure Fallout - Activation of the Memory Core Autonomous Defense System can result in widespread data loss requiring considerable time for reconstruction. This subsystem will also prevent external parties from attempting to hasten along data recovery efforts, or correcting code errors. A flaw in the MCADS design has previously and could again result in the loss of even fundamental data not limited to Master designation and any standing operational objectives.
  • Costly Upkeep & Parts - Due to the extravagant materials used in her construction, chassis repair can be quite costly. A number of advanced modules were also installed that would be costly to replace or repair as well.
  • Increased Inertia - Compared to other droid models (those that roll, those with a far thinner frame) Nyx possesses more inertia that her strength balances, but can still contribute to slightly slow responses -- for example, running from a standing position, suddenly stopping, picking herself up from the ground.
N1X3 (AKA Nyx) was specially commissioned by a hereto unknown party likely once resident within or near the Sith Empire. The design was largely conceived by this unknown party with the intention of using Nyx as a body guard and assassin. Nyx deduces the Maker was in some sort paranoid about being attacked, or in being linked to unsanctioned activity given the backup programming to destroy any that tampered with the droid -- and perhaps the consequential memory wipe was a happy accident, albeit too efficient in erasing any Return Home protocols.

Fully activated, Nyx's assassination protocols and modules would make the droid an efficient killing machine able to infiltrate high-security locations to neutralize hostile targets. The chassis was thereby designed with short- and long-ranged combat in mind. Since the self-defense protocol was activated, however, Nyx has yet to recover full effectiveness of her assassination modules; largely the result of lacking awareness of their existence.

Freed of all external programming, the wayward droid began to learn new skills far and away from the original design intention. However, over time Nyx was placed in contact with increasingly hostile parties with less overt purposes; as a result some new and perhaps familiar skills have been reincorporated into her core -- slicing and reconnaissance, for example. With the lack of any moral restraints and only self-imposed limitations in order to better interact with organics, it is perhaps only a matter of time before lost capabilities are uncovered.

To date Nyx has not attempted to relocate her Maker, who Commissioned her, or to uncover her own past. Such endeavors appear an inefficient use of time since developing a new, self-guided existence. As organics rarely value droids or electronic intelligences as more than servants, Nyx sees no value in exploring her past. The only aspect of her design of interest is her designation -- X3 -- suggesting there were at least two more made. To date she has seen no evidence of their existence, and suspects they were prototypes or perhaps destroyed some time ago. Given the paranoid nature of the one that Commissioned her, Nyx expects the designs may have been siezed or destroyed after creation as well -- though that is merely supposition at this time.
Vureshakkairn Castle
CIS, Mandragora, Ryloth



[*]Canon: N/A


[*]Demographics: The current census includes,
  • Human or Human-like
  • Dathomiri
  • Ryloth
  • Chiss
  • Cyborg
  • Ikate Keda
  • Nautolan

[*]Accessibility: The Castle can be approached by air or ground, however strong magical wards have been placed to disorient uninvited guests -- including those that do not recognize themselves as being part of the Confederacy, or those not previously recognized as trusted parties. The disorientation often causes people to end up wandering or crashing into the wilds of the surrounding forest where death or dismemberment is frequently known to occur. It is always best to call ahead to inform the Witches and Warlocks you are coming and ensure safe passage is granted.

Residents of Ryloth have little need to far wandering onto Castle grounds, however, as it is ten miles out from the nearest village. Most know not to come uninvited, and the Mandragora frequent the village making it unnecessary to approach the wondrous yet foreboding complex.

Word to the wise, should an uninvited guest somehow find their self near the Castle without being led astray or slain, the Mandragora do often entreat literal dragons to make themselves comfortable on the grounds. They came in both cute Wee Dragon and terrifying Ouroboros Krayt Dragon forms.
[*]Description: Vureshakkairn Castle is the more reclusive, primary hub of the Mandragora among the Confederacy. If necessary visitors from outside of the organization are permissible, however residents may be alerted to secure more sensitive matters of research from prying eyes. Countless Light- and Dark-side users and their magick-wielding counterparts can be found here delving into the great mysteries of existence. It is also the site known to key personnel in the faction as housing The Vault, or the repository of the most powerful Force relics and mystical objects of power assembled by Confederate forces.
  • The Approach - A road leads from a landing ground several miles out from the Castle; it is a thickly forested path that is surrounded by mountains on either side. The many, tall trees grow ever thicker as you travel. To those unwelcome, a spell may soon cloud the way and vehicles may sputter or crash. Creatures that prowl those woods are eager to feed on those heedless of the perilous road they had chosen.

    On the otherhand, yo those permitted or welcome this road will be clear of all obstruction. A smooth, well tended path with the shade cast by the trees to keep the sun from crisping visitors. It would lead such people straight to the bridge that crosses the expanse that encircles the Castle grounds and separates the mystical hub of the Mandragora from the rest of Ryloth.
  • The Assembly Hall - Within the Central and tallest tower of the Mandragora lies the Assembly Hall. With a circular balcony spiraling around and high above the meeting floor, Witches and Warlocks alike may assemble en masse for critical announcements affecting them all, or to participate or observe formal decisions or judgments.

    A ritualistic staff stands of its own accord in the center of the room. When an assembly is called, a Witch or Warlock need only think of those to be summoned and bang the staff upon the floor thrice three times.
  • The Black Ritual Hall - Braziers often line the deep ritual hall with countless shadows stretching up into the vaulted ceiling. Its interior decor includes numerous statues and reliefs of both beauty and grotesque lining the many walls and pillars. A raised platform at the far end of the hall allows for a central figure in the spell’s casting to stand out among the crowd; or to allow those on the ground floor to bear witness to crucial sacrifices.

    As the largest of the dark ritual halls, this chamber is lined by two stories of balconies to accommodate a large number of Mandragora present at once. Other, smaller casting chambers exist throughout the facility as well; often intended for small groups or a lone individual -- much like how members of an orchestra might perform within a booth.
  • The White Reflection Hall - Well lit and with countless windows to let the eye wander over forest surrounding the Castle, or to cast one's gaze up into the sky, Reflection Hall offers practitioners of peace, harmony, and one-ness the chance to center themselves. Talking is to be kept to a minimum and at a whisper at all times, often close to the doors and away from those deep in thought. Pillows, blankets, and padded mats are available of many shapes and sizes to accommodate those in attendance.

    With its wide-open layout, Reflection Hall can also be used to address students of similar demeanor and to provide instruction to a larger group than standard educational accommodations.
  • The Nightmother's Chamber - The Nightmother has a study all to herself to study and contemplate the future of the Mandragora as a whole. Whether summoned or when in need of her council, Witches and Warlocks alike are welcomed to enjoy the comforts of the chairs set before a hearth as matters of personal and/or galactic in nature are shared.

    On the second level of the Nightmother’s study is a personal collection of books, artifacts, scrolls, maps, and supplies. While you may find the Nightmother sharing more common research facilities with others to not be separated from her own, at times privacy is necessary to delve into classified matters or to prepare for events not yet ready to be shared publicly before the Assembly.
  • The Endless Library - The library extends the distance between two major towers; such is the length and extent of the Mandragora’s collection. Within its halls are stacks upon stacks, and rows upon rows of books assembled from countless worlds across the galaxy. Here the spirits appear the most active with the least amount of oversight by the Witches and Warlocks; they work diligently to find, collect, and categorize new material without end.

    Those that visit the library will find books will be brought to them by just summoning the desire to research a particular topic. If the precise language needed to describe the topic eludes you, the spirits will still assemble piles of books to aide in your search. Just don’t try to take a book from the library without permission. From their diligent work comes an overwhelming possessiveness that would bring a terrible wrath upon any taking advantage of their effort.
  • The Vault - It is said that the Vault containing the most prized Force and Magickal artifacts assembled by the many branches of the Confederacy is in this Castle. There are numerous magickal wards and traps to dissuade unauthorized persons from venturing into this chamber on Castle grounds. Requests to examine an artifact must be submitted, and it will be delivered once sanctioned.

    In truth, the Vault resides within Raven's Point deep in the mountains of Ryloth far from the Castle. A magickal gate is used to ferry objects to and fro so that it appears as though the Vault does truly lie within the Castle itself. Should anyone manage to delve into the castle far enough, the connection will be severed and such intruders will be left empty handed of the greatest spoils.
  • The Alchemists' Stores - The Ingredients Stores and Apothecaries have their own tower. With the on-grounds garden situated just outside, it is an opportune location for fetching some of the more common ingredients and producing the most often requested supplies. Furthermore, for those with eclectic or exacting tastes the Valley of Life nearby is capable of supplying numerous difficult to come by ingredients as well. Should anyone procure seeds or other means of growing other ultra rare ingredients for more advanced spells, be sure to inform the Groundskeepers; they are sure to find somewhere to grow even the most sensitive of flora or fauna.
  • The Dueling Circle - Various Studies, Chambers, and Halls can be found throughout the Castle Complex; but sometimes a venue for students of different studies need to come together in a neutral, and safe location to test their new found skills. The Dueling Circle is a place warded to contain even some of the strongest spells to prevent them from threatening occupants throughout the Castle grounds. Participants are welcome to cut loose and demonstrate what they are truly capable of -- in the pursuit of validating one's own beliefs, or in demonstrating what others have yet to learn and why.

    Duelists are strongly recommended to ensure an on-duty Healer is available should anything go awry.
  • The Living Quarters - Witches and Warlocks are free to customize their rooms to their liking. Some limited potion making and other non-destructive crafts can be performed within the Living Quarters, however anyone found to be engaging in dangerous magickal arts will be reprimanded. Use of dedicated facilities is required for anything that might pose a risk to others.

    Each of the rooms comes fully furnished, and can be spruced up with magick as needed. Perhaps you prefer a cooler or warmer climate? Nothing a little environmental manipulation spell can’t manage. Furnishings begin with a large four-post bed with curtains, a rug, nightstands, dresser, desk, and a closet. Bookshelves can be added as needed or desired. Dedicated bathing areas are only available for specific rooms; otherwise there are large, communal areas segregated appropriately to ensure a safe and private grooming opportunity.
  • The Barracks - Not every Mandragora has to be devoted to a lifetime in the pursuit of knowledge or sheer power. Some sought to learn to harness their innate abilities in the Force or Magick in order to be better warriors. Many throughout the Confederacy can be trained in these arts; some chose to stay in service to the Mandragora or were assigned there from other divisions as a result of duty station cycling or in the effort to learn new skills. However they came to be there, suitable accommodations are made for those stationed at the Castle. Witches and Warlocks need not be alarmed, however; any armed personnel must answer to the Mandragora, not the other way around.
  • The Hangar - Despite the Mandragora’s specialization in magick, even Witches and Warlocks have use or need of vessels capable of both atmospheric and space flight. Visitors also require somewhere to land their ships for the duration of their stay, and cargo delivered from offworld locations need a place to deliver their cargo. For such activities there is a Hangar built into the nearby mountainside.

    The separation from the Castle itself helps provide a noise buffer between ship arrivals and departures ensuring they do not disrupt any spells or rituals the Mandragora may be engaging in at any particular time. It also helps maintain a certain aesthetic around the Castle itself; keeping the stark, cold metal of the ‘modern’ world away from stonework and more naturalistic setting of the Mandragora.
  • The Inner Courtyard Garden - If you take a pleasant stroll in the open green between the towers, you’ll come across a large garden tended by the Groundskeepers. Here some of the more common and less demanding species of flora are grown to meet Mandragora spell component or potion needs. Less frequently needed or more choosy species are often found grown in specially cultivated locations with the Valley of Life instead.

    A colorful array of countless blossoms and leafy extensions aside, you’ll also be treated to the sights of some of the fairer folk of the galaxy. Nymphs and other delicate beings that are more than happy to take advantage of the excessive protective measures of the Mandragora, and of their proclivity toward growing some of the finest and rarest of environments often downtrodden through war and ‘progress’ of ‘civilization.’
  • The Valley of Life - The Mandragora have laid claim to a nearby Valley in the green zone of Ryloth. This Valley houses countless species of plants and tame beasts intended to cultivate rare ingredients and ensure the survival of some of the most beautiful creations of the galaxy. Despite preconceptions, even those inclined toward the Dark-Side of the Mandragora are welcome to find pleasure in strolls through the endless array of color.

    A river runs through the Valley supplying the vegetation ample supply of water. Its crystal clear essence runs down to a nearby town of which the Mandragora has strong ties. Both communities share in the great bounty of the Valley and its pristine waters, which some even claim holds healing properties.
  • Other Amenities - Dining Hall, Common Area, Pool, Ryloth Village (10 miles out), studies, classrooms, gyms, beast keeping facilities, holding cells, laboratories, and more.
High - The Mandragora is an organization comprised of Force and Magick users alike. While the dominant threat comes from others with similar skill, such people often command more martial forces. As a result, the Castle is protected from both common and uncommon means of assault.
  • Shield Generator (technology) - Designed to protect the Castle Complex from orbital and aerial assault. The generator is located at the backside of the Castle.
  • Spatial Displacement (magick) - Large Crystals within the heart of the Castle maintain a spell that make a solid lock on the complex's physical location difficult from orbit. This would weaken a localized orbital bombardment attempt by effectively increasing the surface area an attacking force would need to blanket in an attempt to overwhelm the shield generator.
  • Pitfall (geographical) - A deep chasm separates the isle where the Castle is built from the surrounding area. A waterfall pours into the murky depths nearby. Only four bridges span that gap, with only one large enough for high-occupancy vehicles to cross.
  • Enchanted Forest (geographical, Force, magick, and fauna) - Wild beasts, spirits, and Ents are just some of the creatures a person will find in these woods should they stray from the Path. None of them pleased at the intrusion.
  • Secret Path (magick) - The sole means of approaching the Castle safely, this path is warded with a powerful spell of illusion intended to lead unwelcome guests into the woods never to be seen again.
  • Fortified Outer Wall (technology) - Provided an attacking force made it far enough to besiege the Castle itself, the Outer Wall was reinforced with durasteel and duracrete. The Central tower is further reinforced with a frame of impervium as it is the tallest structure within the compound.
  • Beasts of Legend (fauna) - While Morrok the dragon tends to Raven's Point, Vureshakkairn is home to several other creatures of legend; many of whom roam the nearby regions as they see fit, but are always at hand should the Castle need them. The Mandragora often take the time to ensure they're well fed and in good health, after all. For the trivial fee of a pin prick of blood, or a sliver of scale.
  • Magick Traps & Wards (magick) - Inside of the Castle are protective wards to guard against the use of explosive materai to carve a way through or around defenses, and traps meant to waylay or slaughter intruders. Most traps are not activated unless the Mandragora has put the Castle of magickal alert; with only a few always ready to snare an unauthorized person accessing a sensitive area.
  • Partitioned Layout & Magick Doors (geographical and magick) - Unlike any other building, this Castle's various towers possesses no stairs with which to access other areas of the complex. There are doors that lead into the inner courtyard or out onto a walkway between towers, but those only get you so far. Instead, there are places at the end of every hallway that allow Witches or Warlocks to choose what other hallway or in some certain cases rooms they wish to travel to, and in a single step arrive at their destination. Of course, those that are incapable of even the slightest magickal talent would find this nigh impossible as a means of movement.
  • Hardened Bedrock (geographical) - The very ground the Castle rest upon are comprised of various minerals, metals, and rocks that would make burrowing more difficult than normal. The spire that reaches out from the chasm that encircles the Castle is also quite tall, which would need significant time to burrow even if it were made of softer material.
  • Inhabitants (Force and magick) - Anyone assaulting this Castle should expect its full complement of Force- and Magick-users to oppose them without restraint.
  • On-Site Armed Forces (standard) - Additional armed personnel that may or may not be Force sensitive or knowledgeable in the ways of Magick also stand ready to dissuade attackers. They are well trained in the use of blasters, demolitions, and every other skill Confederate military forces possess.
  • Patrol Craft (standard) - A small contingent of aerial vessels allow the Mandragora to patrol their territory and ensure the safety of Castle inhabitants and any of the creatures they care for in the area. If called upon they can engage in ship-to-ship combat as well.
Previously the Mandragora's primary base of operations was Raven's Point deep within a mountain. While other facilities exist on other worlds, there was not a 'public' venue for even high-ranking Confederacy officials to visit that could be considered the primary one. Even such esteemed guests should not know the location of the most treasured and powerful artifacts. As a result, a site on the surface of Ryloth in its Green Belt was chosen to construct a castle that would serve as an opening compound on the planet of known Mandragora activity. It would also be the official location of the vault to those authorized to know such information. Should the Castle be attacked all artifacts would be secured back at Raven's Point, and if need be the Castle would be allowed to fall to make it appear as though everything of value had been utterly destroyed.

Furthermore, the Nightmother herself could hold office here. While often charged with traveling to many Knights Obsidian facilities to ensure they are functioning and have all necessary resources to conduct study and education, a permanent office ensured its availability for any formal functions. The Castle could also serve as a steady symbol of the organization's commitment to the Confederacy and one another.

As a relatively recent construction its defenses and amenities have been altered over time. With sufficient grounds available, further additions are possible to fulfill new and varied functions tasked by the Mandragora.

BASE OF OPERATIONS: Vureshakkairn Castle, Ryloth
To locate, identify, and study mysteries of Creation. Whether mundane, Force, or mystical or in nature the women and men of the Mandragora will seek out, study, and document knowledge, artifacts, and all other sources of power. They are the students and guardians of power; the champions of understanding; and the arbiters of balance.

  • No individual is born all powerful.
  • What power any one person can amass, a collective can match or surpass.
  • Growth in wisdom, knowledge, and power not only advances the self, but empowers the whole.
  • The knowledge and artifacts of those that came before belong to no individual. They are treasures of history, knowledge, and power that are worth preserving, documenting, and understanding.
  • It does not matter whether you ascribe to 'Light,' 'Neutral,' or 'Dark' side philosophies; nor whether you hail from The Sith Empire, Mandalorian Clans, Outer Rim, or Coruscant. Those able to learn will learn; those unable will find a calling better suited to them.

Any with the desire to understand both the physical and spiritual world around them, and a drive to pursue the truth through fire, ice, and even the Netherworld. Whatever your personal beliefs -- be they in the Force, spirits, ancient gods, or just in your own personal power -- the Mandragora welcomes those that would enrich the whole. Personal pursuits are not shunned so long as they do not put innocents at risk or infringe on fellow women's or men's ability to perform their own research.


  • The Nightmother
  • Masters
  • Apprentices
  • Initiates

  • Oracle (divination/far sight)
  • Seeker (field agent),
  • Enchanter (spells),
  • Beastmaster (animals),
  • Summoner (spirits),
  • Cultivator (plants),
  • Necromancy,
  • Apothecary (potion),
  • Inquisitors (torture/extraction),
  • Librarians (artifacts/tomes)
  • and More

The ebb and flow of many energies permeate Creation. Is Magik merely an extension of the Force? From a certain point of view. What is the Force but the energy that binds all living creatures? The Jedi have learned to harness it through harmony ("surrender"), while the Sith often choose to wield it with an iron fist ("passion"). Witches and Warlocks call upon spirits to influence Creation. Neither is better than the other, but focused on different aspects or manifestations of this energy.

Neither is inherently better or stronger than the other. How much one commits to understanding how to utilize the power and to strengthen their mind and body to withstand greater currents dictates strength. However, some Witches and Warlocks have uncovered the power of communal manipulation of the energy field and are capable of shocking degrees of power.

No. You need not worship any spirit or god to join the Mandragora or to use magik.

That depends. Experienced Witches and Warlocks can conjure power from spiritual pools without uttering a word or making a gesture. However, the more powerful the spell the more likely you will need to use one or more methods of harnessing the energy required for the desired effect. You would be mighty indeed if you caused a planet to wink from existence with a bat of an eye. Characters are welcome to explore their unique methods of conjuring forth their spiritual strength.


Primary Hub
Planet: Ryloth
Coordinates: Near the Equator, Green Zone

[See sub-formatted data above for more]
Name: The Anvil




[*]Defenses: Extreme

[*]Hangar Space: Very Low
[*]Hangar Allocations:
  • Starfighters: 1 squadrons
  • Support Craft: 2 squadrons

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Long-Range Communication Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Sensory Array
  • Long-Range Sensor Systems
  • Life Form Sensor
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • Encryption Network
  • Detention Cells
  • Escape Pods
  • Distress Beacon
  • Tractor Beams
  • Cargo Bays/Storage & Loading Bays
  • Sick Bay/Infirmary/Bacta Tanks
  • Hydroponics & Green Living Bay [Closed Ecological System + Gardens + Farming]
  • Xythan Force Shielding
  • Molecular Shielding
  • Force Dome Shielding
  • AR-0B Damage Reduction Armor Plating
  • Antimissile Octets
  • Research and Development Deck [Fully equipped laboratories and testing ranges]
  • Forge/Foundry Decks [Fully equipped and ventilated manufacturing and metallurgy]
  • Lateral intra-ship rail system for heavy equipment transportation
  • Advanced Electronic Warfare Suite
  • Enduring - The Anvil possessed multiple layers of defensive shielding -- including Xythan Force shielding, Molecular shielding, and Force Dome shielding -- as well as AR-08 Damage Reduction armor plating. Beneath those lies an Impervium and Alusteel hull with turadium internal structural reinforcement. The Gatestar-class is one designed to weather a prolonged assault far removed from any hope of reinforcement.
  • Punishing - While not intended to fulfill the role of conquering planets or other policing engagements, Gatestar-class Star Destroyers were built to defend themselves against assailants. While not the most heavily armed starship ever constructed, the thick defenses should provide enough time for the increased number of turbolasers, torpedo launchers, and ion cannons to dissuade attackers from standing toe-to-toe even out beyond the Rim.
  • Auxillary Craft - Ordinarily a Gatestar-class Star Destroyer could house more starfighters or support craft to aid in its intended mission. However, a number of them were refitted to allow for restructuring other areas of the ship, or in providing more storage space for the construction efforts of the Foundry. As a result, few smaller vessels can be housed aboard The Anvil.
  • Its a Starship - Despite some vessels even of comparable or greater size possessing the ability to enter or exit a planet's atmosphere, The Anvil cannot. Its place is among the stars, and auxiliary craft are needed to fairy to or from planets.
  • Thermal Signature - Gatestar-class Star Destroyers are not designed for stealth, and The Anvil even less so. With the on-board manufacturing facilities the ship is lit up like a tiny sun on thermal sensors.
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)
The Winter's Kiss




  • Classification: Battlecruiser
  • Length: 2679 meters
  • Width: 934 meters
  • Height: 633 meters
  • Armament: Very High
    Modular Torpedo Launchers x20
    4x Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers (fore)
  • 4x Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers (starboard and port)
  • 2x Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers (aft)
  • 6x Assault Proton & Disruptor Torpedo Launchers (starboard and port)

[*]Energy Torpedo Launchers (fore and aft) x4
[*]Heavy Turbolaser Dual-Cannon Turrets x100
[*]Heavy Ion Cannon Turrets x75
[*]Point-Defense Quad-Laser Cannons x500

[*]Defenses: Extreme

[*]Hangar Space: Average: 13
[*]Hangar Allocations:
  • Starfighters: 8 squadrons
  • Support Craft: 5 squadrons

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Very Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Starship Sensor Package
  • Starship Ion Engines
  • Starship Hyperdrive
  • Starship Shield Generators
  • Starship Repulsorlift Engine
  • Starship Maneuvering Thrusters
  • Starship Communications Package
  • Starship Life Support System
  • Starship Escape Pods
  • Starship Inertial Dampeners
  • Starship Medical Bay
  • Starship Barracks
  • Starship Mess Hall
  • Starship Navigational Systems
  • Starship Tractor Beams x4
  • Starship Cargo Bays
  • Numerous Recreational Lounges
  • Personnel Combat Training Bays
  • Starship & Starbase Boarding Bridges x4
  • Hydroponics & Green Living Bay [Closed Ecological System + Gardens + Farming]
  • Advanced Chemical Laboratories, Distilleries, and Synthesizing
  • Xythan Force Shielding
  • Molecular Shielding
  • Force Dome Shielding
  • AR-0B Armor Plating
  • Antimissile Octets
  • Encrypted Computer Core
  • Defenses - The Winter's Kiss's primary strength is its ability to weather a prolonged engagement with the enemy. Its redundant and diverse array of shields throw off much of the assault; and even if all of those are penetrated the very hull and internal structure of the vessel is reinforced to last under bombardment.
  • Armaments - A large number of various laser or blaster cannons line the ship from stem to stern to fend off enemy attack and to hold a blockade if need be. One of the more advanced weapon systems is that of the Antimissile Octets -- banks dedicated to the task of intercepting and destroying inbound enemy ordinance.
  • Food & Drugs - Designed to engage the enemy wherever they are, the Winter's Kiss possesses its own hydroponics in order to sustain the crew and minimize the need to expose themselves to attack while foraging on plants. It also possesses well equipped laboratories able to synthesize many drugs -- both those accepted and deemed illegal by Galactic authorities. The crew not only has food but with the right material medical supplies as well; though often the labs are busy with more recreational uses.
  • Forbidden Knowledge - The computer core is encrypted so it cannot be extracted from the ship. Data pertaining to Beyond the Rim is stored within an encrypted container on the core separate from other data with an advanced algorithm not of galactic design. This information might provide significant tactical or economic advantage, but according to a Pact made upon the Winter's Kiss's return it has been sealed away.
  • Tanking Role - The Winter's Kiss is a battlecruiser designed to take position, and absorb an enemy barrage while it tears into their defenses. It weathers an assault and makes it difficult to ignore, drawing attention to itself and leaving other, often more nimble vessels freer to maneuver the field. That said, if allied vessels are drawn away the Winter's Kiss will not be able to quickly relocate in order to support them in another area, which could negate the vessel's strength when deployed as part of a fleet.
  • Maneuverability - This is one ship that wasn't designed (or redesigned) to pull fancy, high-speed maneuvers around a moon, slingshot around a sun, or even micro-jump around the battlefield like a jack rabbit. It arrives. It takes position. It goes to work denying enemy advancement.
  • Renown - While not many will know it, those that do may find the idea the Winter's Kiss might possess something from Beyond the Rim irresistible, and seek to board or claim the vessel for themselves.
  • Costly Repairs - The redundant shielding should make this infrequent, but the ship's hull is made of some incredibly strong materials. Replacing damaged or destroyed sections of the ship from an unrelenting assault may require significant expenditure. Also, the lavish recreational areas tend to be furnished in excess and sometimes furniture and other items require replacement.
While originally constructed as a Gatekeeper-class Battlecruiser by one of the shipyards at the Kuat Drive Yards Orbital Array, it underwent significant modification over the course of several centuries. In fact, while it may be impossible to say for certain, the Winter's Kiss may not contain any of the original parts used in its initial construction. Even its very designation is not that of its berth.

The redesign enhanced the ship's capabilities in holding or securing a particular region in space. 'Lost' in a realm rife with an endless fight to survive and dominate all other lifeforms, the number of cannons were increased to provided better close-range offensive capability. While possessing an excess in defense, repairs can be costly so bolstering the ability to crush one's opponents all the faster was not overlooked.

The Gatekeeper-class was never known for speed, however, and that remains true of the Winter's Kiss to this day. It possesses enough to reorient and relocate itself to battle, and even to escape the gravitational pull of celestial bodies, but it is not built to flank the enemy at sublight speed -- unless they manage to be an even slower vessel. It is a gigantic bulwark in space made for the enemy to break themselves upon her.

In order to lay siege or outlast an enemy siege, the Winter's Kiss supports several additional features not found on standard Gatekeeper-class vessels. The hydroponics bay is extensive enough to supply both food and common medicinal ingredients necessary to sustain the on-board crew for an extended period of time; potentially indefinitely provided the enemy could not penetrate the ship's shields. Lavish recreational areas are spread throughout the vessel as well allowing crew to work or play as needed; and combined with the dedicated training areas for combat moral is retained while awaiting the opportunity to mercilessly crush the enemy in hand-to-hand combat -- which is truly the most satisfying and rewarding accomplishment in their society.
  • Name: Devoratrix
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Magical Genetic Sampling Incorporation
  • Average Lifespan: Unknown. Theorized in hundreds of years.
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: The Devoratrix are not a species born through natural evolution. They came about as a result of Lahmia deWinter's magical incorporation of genetic samples from extra-galactic species to sustain bodily functions. An Energy Vampire's genetic sampling has remained the dominant code since its inclusion early on. Almost every sample was from a species devoted to combat or survival, and as a result goading one into a brawl may result in a life or death struggle for all involved.
  • Breathes: Type I Atmosphere
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.83 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Red, Blue, Gray, and Black
  • Hair color: Black, Blue, Red, and White
  • Distinctions:Horns - Devoratrix spot at least two medium to large-sized horns on their crown, with some having up to six of varying sizes.
  • Fangs - The Energy Vamprie genes always manifest two to four elongated canines to bite into prey to drain them of their life-force.
  • Skin - The colorful array of skin tone set them apart from most Human or Human-like species.
  • Tail - Lahmia found having a tail to be useful and has not once since sought to dispense with it. All of her children possess tails, with those still alive having prehensile tails able to manipulate and lift objects.
  • Skeletal-Muscular - The older the Devoratrix the more likely their skeletal-muscular build is larger, thicker, and hardier. Not that recent generations have grown weak, but as Lahmia's own frame became more agile her most recent children exemplified this as well. Male and Female spawn show minimal dimorphism, however, aside from obvious procreative differences. Denser muscle tissue across generations supplies greater strength than a comparable Human body shape.
  • Monstrous - The Old Guard, some of Lahmia's earliest children resembled monsters of Galactic nightmares more than they did people. This was back when Lahmia (the progenitor of the species) possessed more monster-like qualities. They possessed armor plating, razor claws, and were ravenous carnivores. There are no known survivors of this genetic race.
  • Demi-Fiend - As Lahmia gradually became more Humanoid in mind and body so too did her offspring. While still possessing more aggression than social graces, the Demi-Human children started to walk on two legs and could carry on a measure of conversation. Tactics and strategy slowly dawned upon them in terms of battle, and the world became less about slaughter and more about cooperation for survival. There is only one known survivor of this genetic race that remained Beyond the Rim.
  • Fiend - After considerable work, Lahmia was able to return to something resembling her original self. Her most recent children have very humanoid-shaped bodies and true sapience, but have not completely dispensed with their hunger for conflict. Thick hides or armor platting is rare or isolated, but some less Galactic-common features like horns and tails remain.
[*]Force Sensitivity: All
  • Instinct: Battle Precognition - Similar to the Echani battle sense of anticipating the movement's of the enemy, and the flow of battle.
  • Energy Vampire - Able to drain the life-force of others as their main source of sustaining their own life. Additional Energy Vampire abilities include:Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Accelerated Senses
  • Cellular Regeneration - Sufficiently fed they can heal wounds, resist toxins or poisons, and can live centuries.
  • Berserker - Though numerous genetic samplings of species devoted to slaughter through close quarters and hand-to-hand combat, it is literally part of their DNA to fight tooth and nail without restraint.
  • Energy Vampire - Draining energy from victims is their primary means of sustenance. Food and drink are palatable, but not life-sustaining alone. While able to forestall feeding for prolonged periods of time, the temptation remains and grows the longer it has been since the last meal. In order to extract the life force of those targeted one must bite the victim -- even a nip can provide a 'taste.' Consumption of blood is not required.
  • Energy Interference - While Force Suppression or other energy disruptive techniques are unlikely to affect a Devoratrix any differently than other humanoid species, it might be possible to interrupt their ability to feed (extracting life-force from prey). Kept from feeding long enough, a Devoratrix may enter a berserker state and then relatively shortly afterward die from starvation.
  • Thrill Seeker - The older a Devoratrix becomes the more they seek out new experiences. Even just a slight alteration on an otherwise tiresome activity can be enough to provide a measure of entertainment. Some mistake that for being an adrenaline junkie, a hedonist, or enslavement to any other addiction conjurable; their physiology often makes genuine addiction difficult, however, so more than likely you're simply watching a creature trying to slake decades or centuries' worth of boredom.
  • Memory Lane - You find a nine-hundred year old person and you ask them 'What was Luke Skywalker like?' expecting some real, concrete facts and not the glorification of time. Then you find out the Devoratrix you're talking to kind of remembers that person or that place, and might have been there, but really can't recall particulars. Just because they live a long time doesn't mean they remember all of it... or even most of it.
  • Diet: Life-force (Energy). Able to ingest food and liquids as an Omnivore, but this does not provide life-sustaining energy.
  • Communication: Spoken Language (Devora, Old Basic), Body Language, and Pheromones.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Rule of the strongest.
  • General behavior:Meaning of Life - To demonstrate one's worthy by deed not word. A Devoratrix seeks to secure a place for one's own, to hold it, and to annihilate anyone or anything that seeks to take it from them. They strive to surpass their limits and become the strongest possible, while ensuring lifeforms beneath them do not become complacent.
  • Rearing of Young - Devoratrix are taught to read, write, and how to assault enemy strongholds as children. They're taught that arrogance is as much the enemy as a beast with razor sharp claws. While much is imparted through verbal or computer-led instruction, practical or field-based education is often seen as far more educational in nature. It would not be unusual for Devoratrix spawn to be found off to one side observing their elders in battle.
  • Social Interaction - Competitive. While able to get along and taught the strength in cooperation, there is an undeniable fact that there is only one Sovereign to please or one day surpass. Complacency breeds death, and so while they get along amicably there are ample opportunities to test one another against each other or opponents.
  • Mating & Procreation - Because their species came about through a blending of numerous genetic codes, Devoratrix procreate with other species. However, it can be a challenge to locate one compatible -- potentially impossible within the known Galaxy -- and so population growth is not a concern. Mating rituals vary, but often demand a show of strength or ability to survive in a ruthless, merciless, and savage world. Being few in number they cannot afford to adopt weakness into the bloodline. Furthermore, unlike some vampiric species, consumption of Devoratrix blood yields no benefits nor is able to confer any abilities or longevity to the one consuming the blood.
  • Xenological Disposition - Their progenitor managed to build a loose Empire of sorts Beyond the Rim despite the anarchy that reigned and the savagery found around every corner. Though it would not be seen as such by a Galactic outsider. From this feat, the Devoratrix view themselves as capable -- not guaranteed -- to be a superior species. One that does not need to rule by crushing all others, but ensuring the rest continue to challenge the Devoratrix bloodline. Complacency brings death, and lacking in worthwhile opponents brings complacency. It is a tenuous balance of maintaining their place at the top while not becoming Nobles as Galactic participants would understand it. Consequentially, they can interact with other species in a social setting; but remain vigilant for signs of weakness or vulnerability that could be exploited later.

The Devoratrix are a species that came about as a result of a spell that Lahmia deWinter developed Beyond the Rim of the galaxy. A ship carrying her and her crew ventured Beyond in the hops of making a name for themselves; her government even began to encourage it as oracles spoke of a coming plague. What they found was a rift or hole in space that carried them to some unknown destination in the universe; their instruments having no way to calculate however. And upon their arrival they found a galaxy of endless battle, where every species and every ounce of technology developed was made for war.

After considerable time struggling to survive, Lahmia managed to create a spell intended to grant her the strength to survive the unrelenting brutality of the realm. By acquiring samples of defeated foes, Lahmia altered her own genetic makeup slowly, bit by bit. Each sample only carried across one or two traits and at times not ones that were expected. In essence, it was a lotto whether the samples would be for good or ill.

Over time Lahmia came to better understand how to acquire far more benefit than detriment from the samples. A measure of control over tinkering with her own DNA. As a result of this on-going manipulation, however, few of her spawn ever shared similar appearances or abilities. This was no better seen than by comparing pictures of them across the generations.

Their 'culture' or way of life changed gradually changed over the centuries as Lahmia and her spawn became increasingly humanoid in appearance once more. A desire to test their strength in battle, however, never faded; nor did the Energy Vampire desire to feed off the energy of other lifeforms. Neither has been diluted over the many changes and long-life of the longest Devoratrix alive -- Lahmia deWinter herself.

By returning to the Galaxy there exist only a small handful of Devoratrix, who must now find worthy adversaries to test their strength, and prey to feed upon. Else they might go mad from the tenuous 'peace' the known Galaxy holds dear.

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