Meme Knight.

Name: Canith Crimson
Handle: Nomad
Gender: Male
Faction: Nova Outbound Freelance Fleet, Firemane
Rank: none
Species: Nautolan
Age: 18
Home world: Dantooine
Skin: green
Height: 6'4"
Eye colour: black
Force sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
(Skill Ranks: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, Master)
Heightened senses from being a Nautolan
fast on his feet
quick learner
Mechanic (Adept)
High intelligence
Pilot (Expert) ((Not a fleeter))
rarely uses his intelligence
not really affected by things that should
Force lightning
[member="Vagabond Crimson"] - Son
[member="Anan Crimson"] - Cousin
[member="Oka Osaa"] - First Force Master
[member="Cross Ikon"] - Father Figure,
[member="Mit Tuxaire"] - Friend
Appearance Due to training Nomad has an athletic build he is also quite tall.
Before the fall:
Nomad was born on Dantooine, his parents were merchants who moved around a lot and that inspred his love of travelling and seeing new places. However everytime he met kids his own age they would call his 'green vagabond'. It got to the extent where to fought a Mandalorian who had been particularly bad. This disconnected him from other people and he preferred to tinker with old droid parts his parents never used. He managed to create a basic AI which could access medical records when he was 11 years old. The AI he called ‘Scraps’ taught him how to build basic cybernetics.
Nomad was 14 when he left his parents to try to get a job at a battle droid making company on Corellia. He was taken in, which gave him enough credits to get by. He was laid off from the factory due to company sales dropping after a few months of service. Nomad entered a grim part of his life at that point.
He couldn't find any jobs and he had to stowaway on ships to travel. He was just living until just after he turned 15. He heard of a bounty with a reward large enough to buy a ship.
Nomad's Target was on Tatooine. He boarded a transport ship and researched his Target. The Target was known as 'Blasters' A merchant selling illegal weaponry. Nomad froze 'Blasters' and brought him to a wealthy Hutt on Nar shaddaa. Nomad was able to buy his own ship with the reward. He named his HWK-290 light freighter ‘Crystal’ He chose his old nickname which he had grown fond of; Nomad.
He requested to join an elite squad after several months of doing jobs here and there. He was accepted but Nomad had to be trained. He spent a year of his life training to beyond his limits.
A few months after that he became an apprentice in the force. Oka Osaa was his teacher. For a year he studied the force but progressed rather slowly in practice. During his second year of training Oka disappeared for a long time Eventually Cross and some of the other Nova's declared him deseased, Even though Nomad didn't want it to be true it did seem strange. Cross dragged him into another organisation, The Shadow Dynasty.
Force Powers:
telekinesis (apprentice)
sense (Novice)
Mindtrick (Adept)
E-11 Blaster
Carbonite Grenades
Nomad wears a modified Jedi robe with mixed metal alloy made into a weak torso armour
Ship: HWK-290 light freighter

Kills: none
Bounties Collected: None
Role plays:
You know why I like rooftops? Nomad is taught the basics of hand-to-hand combat, he also uses the force for the first time.
I got, two tickets to paradise Nomad is trading some 'questionable' goods
Execution #267 Saving the day, with a hint of fail
A Day in the Forrest Nomad finds a labour droid
Pilots need training too more training
Pour me another shot...
For the Record A rivalry it born
Let the force flow though you... Force training... knida
A trip to tatooine
The Strolls Of Naboo
Sandy Toes and a Sun-Kissed Nose
Unfamilar Faces