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Non-Canon Voluntary Realistic Warfare Test?

Personally I'd love it if we took more of the invasions and overall wars between factions and made everything complicated to give it the feel of a real war.

Part of that is joking, but I would really mean it to see more realism in our efforts, and I think it could lead to more fun. So I was kind of wondering if there was anyone who would like to get together and try to test the theory out in a not canon form, where people could/would represent their factions as is on the map in a contained Roleplay Group that would work to see if applied realism would be both fun and viable to roleplay here?

Originally I made this in response to another thread just rambling so this was disjointed thoughts. The real discussion is after the spoiler rant.
Armies on the ground are brought by ships of course, so rather than having boots on the ground in post 1 and bypassing a planet's defenses that were likely meant to keep those ships off the ground in the first place. Be realistic and having them have to deploy drop ships and landing craft at the start of a battle and survive getting around a fleet or through flak fire through atmo. It'd be very intense to see people writing that and it was always cool to see happen in the Clone Wars animations. It would also add layers to space combat because you then have fleets determining do they try to engage enemy landing craft and take hits from the other fleet or does the attacking fleet sacrifice itself to cover the landing crafts approach.

Taking that into account too, fleets would have to determine when to retreat as well, since an attacking fleet may be the only way for a faction's invading army to retreat so taking too many losses might mean stranding forces on an enemy planet. Not to mention I feel people don't consider alternative tactics when ships are unlimited. I would love it if factions could all agree on a fleet system so that every navy works with so many fleets that protect such and such systems, and if a ship is destroyed a faction has to worry about the finances to replace the ship and the time it would take a company to produce it. A faction's finances could be determined through taxes over how many planets/hexes they own and how many companies support them at what tier, that make them trade money. Companies tier and the size of the product could determine the time it takes to produce a ship. Whole Squadrons of fighters can be churned out quickly, but frigates and destroyers could be a different matter, and so could trying to churn out hordes of AT-ATs.

It would really effect fights all around since it makes retreat a viable option rather than forcing fights to drag on until staff determines if someone comes out ahead. Plus it would be nice if ground battles didn't just turn into PvP with background noise. Geonosis showed that even Jedi could be beat by numbers so not actively or accurately having a force on the planet to aid them or assert control makes no sense from a realism standpoint which is mostly where I'm coming from envisioning a more realistic warfare. Heck random morale factors would be cool too, roll a dice after a particularly bad battle and see if you get yourself a revolt, if a random planet rebels then do a quarter or half dominion to keep it.

Travel would also be cool to keep track of, by hex you could make it take x time to reach a place, again adding more depth. If 2 factions want to invade each other at the same time, where are their invasion force their moving to attack kept? Who would reach their target destination, and start the invasion of a planet, first?

It would also be cool if sign ups were limited to for attacking/defending forces. Since not everyone would be at both battles at the same time, and no one faction would commit every PC realistically to the same battle at the same time or coordinate that.

What I want to do is work with a group to concoct an income system per passage of time IC/OOC based on a faction's total number of hexes and companies. I would then want to come up with the idea of production times for major products. Large Tanks and Ships or varying sizes, with company tier reducing time. To make it fair too by the way, since some factions have less hexes than others, the option to have their faction construct mining or market facilities to facilitate extra income would also be a concept to employ.

Following then would be having the group determine fair starting sizes for a few battle groups per faction, a fleet and army that would roam a sector of a faction's space, to be its invading forces when attacking and defending forces when invaded nearby them. And that would mostly be it, however actual roleplays there would just be a few things I would love people to keep track of. And that would be how they would actually get ground forces/PCs to a planet, rather than appearing in post 1 and bypassing defenses people may have worked hard on, and also to give more depth to how an invasion would actually begin. Plus it would expand ship design to keep track of dropships, landing craft, and how many troops ships actually carry on them like wookieepedia for example kept track of.

From there fights would go on as normal, but groups would have to think about their losses more and determine if when they suffer enough casualties or have too many ships/vehicles broken it would be best to retreat and surrender the planet than to suffer more losses they have to replace, even if they might win the objectives at the cost of everything else. Since they'd have to keep in mind if they have the reserve forces to cover them from retaliation while they replace damaged ships, troops, and vehicles. If they even have the finances for it saved up.

Basically, if anyone's played Empire at War, Galactic Conquest.

Heck I would even throw in a random morale factor. If one side loses often enough or loses a particularly well established planet a dice roll initiative could be implemented to determine if a random world would "rebel" prompting a 1/4 or 1/2 dominion thread to keep the world.

I believe a level of depth like this could be fun and would spice up site wars much more, and is why I would like to give it a try.

As it stands I know most people could probably agree that skirmishes and raids are pointless with no real effect on things. But if this level of depth were added in they could be really run. A faction devoting a small force to say, sabotaging another faction's production of more ships, or taking out mining/market facilities on a planet to reduce another faction's income, would give reason for people to do these types of battles. And with the risk of lost troops, ships, vehicles needing replacement a skirmish, while smaller, could still affect the outcome of a war.

So what does anyone think? Are there any members of factions out there willing to participate in a closed off version of this? It would be non-canon since I doubt in a test anyone would want to suffer from this, and it would be voluntary so real dominions and invasions can always take precedence over it, but if people want to try this out and see if its fun or makes the site's war and politics more interesting I'd be very appreciative of the help.

And I am actually mostly on the way to finishing up an income/production system so people would not be forced to help make it.
Well-Known Member
I believe that Valiens did something eerily similar once. I was a part of it and I personally failed miserably, lol
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Are you suggesting that we practice roleplaying an invasion of sorts by utilizing reserve assets, logistical support, taking hits, and doing everything that most experienced "military commander" writers do in these kind of situations?

I'll admit that most commanders take losses and casualties, but not enough. And I would absolutely love to see more people writing about transport and logistics elements coming in with the second and third wave attackers, but does this really require writing a whole thread when you can merely remind people regarding the importance of these factors?
[member="Hans Vaiden"]

Can't convince factions to track their resources really.

Ships never run out in an entire war effort and soldiers pop up everywhere.

Its not so much reminding as seeing about showing people it can be fun and intriguing to do these things at all. Some people think its too complicated or takes the fun out of fighting if they have things they can lose or they have to do a few things realistically before they get to [personal PvPs or getting right to the objectives and nothing else.

Me I think it'd be fun as heck because it'd put a lot more thought into conducting wars and it could draw factions together more getting them to think together and plan out their battles. Strategic planet taking to collapse another faction's economy by wiping out their connection to mining/market worlds or sabotaging a company's construction of new destroyers so those destroyers don't appear in the next battle is something that doesn't happen. Because like I said, factions don't track resources so there's no weight to doing raids or skirmishes and you can invade or fight as much as you like and there are no consequences between winning or losing a planet which has little effect on the faction at all aside from the threat of cloud breaking.

Plus I know back before Camellia's homeworld was captured by the Sith that the Republic tried battle groups a few times. Getting Military Characters in groups to rp together, but it never stuck since once a battle started anyone could be anywhere doing anything. I think it'd be cool if invasions were more closed off, limited number of PCs per side, so if people were put into battle groups by their faction then that battle group could handle defense or attack for a battle and another could do defense of attack for another.


And ya know I think he did do something kinda like this before, I think I had just joined the site recently then so it does sound familiar.
[member="Hans Vaiden"]

For example, a Republic Class Star Destroyer carries 3,000 ground troops (according to its wookiee)

If Faction A sent a Battle Group to invade Faction B with 3 Republic Star Destroyers, they would then be ferrying 9,000 ground troops in infantry/vehicles over time with drop ships, assuming their faction didn't construct dedicated landers (like the Acclamators from the Clone Wars which often landed on planets in the TV series and comics).

If Faction A loses the invasion and lost a Republic Star Destroyer with all hands (crew and the ground force passengers) attempting to get around the enemy fleet to deploy their ground troops, they then are down a destroyer. If they want to build another it will cost x credits and x time from Faction A's Shipwright Company, along with x credits and x time for their Vehicle Company to replace the lost tanks and infantry equipment. In that time Faction B might send a small Raid to the planet where Faction A's Company is building that new Destroyer. If they are successful, Faction A loses its credits and has to restart the clock to build again. In which time Faction B might have already replaced their lost forces.

Faction A though might not mind the loss though, as they have expanded more and their tax income and mining/market facilities net them enough credits they aren't worried, and they have another company also building more equipment for them. But this whole thing adds a lot more weight to the Invasion, Skirmish, and Raid threads on the site, and it also gives more weight to the products companies make since they aren't infinite. And I would gladly do my best to design the whole system perfectly if it were used site wide after a test that got everyone on board. Plus it'd be fun to see how it'd effect invasions randomly since some could be longer than others, while some could be very short if a faction had a very poor commander and their PCs can't make up the difference with their own prowess.

I also realize this adds more depth to companies since it expands the concept of their contracts with factions, since they then become more important to factions survival and growth. This would also give Agricultural Companies and Non-Military Contractors more worth too, since a distinction could be made that an Agricultural Company or Tailor or Construction Firm adds extra income to a faction over mining/market facilities or Military Companies.
[member="Hans Vaiden"]

That's partially why it doesn't happen. But it honestly isn't that hard to keep track once a system would be in place. And it wouldn't affect a player's roleplay. You still roleplay the same but the consequences are expanded. Raids are done to cripple enemy resources and it actually happens. Factions have actual forces they keep an eye on. It just puts more thought on the people in charge to plan out the wars they wage against other factions. Which would liven up the wars, politics, and business on a galactic scale. Day to day roleplay lives aren't affected.

The only changing statistic that is a concern to anyone is the finances which would change per dominion/invasion when a planet is gained or lost, but since its an additive system, all one would have to do is say +X or -X for each lost or gained planet. Or note when they have something destroyed or replaced.
"Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics"

~General Robert H. Barrow, USMC
I think that you bring up a lot of good points that far too often get ignored while we write here. I'd really encourage people to think about how those things play out in their writings.

But like Hans said, I think this may be a little complicated for many of the people here, but especially for those where the military is present, but not very noticeable, or if the factions run a smaller or more unorthodox type of government (like the Red Ravens).

I think it might not be a bad idea to try these in a smaller setting, like an individual sector campaign between two factions like the One Sith and the Republic. That way, any kinks could be worked out on a smaller scale, and thus would be easier to correct before it is applied to something bigger. I'd be up for testing it on that sort of level, just to see what it would be like.
Gir Quee said:
But like Hans said, I think this may be a little complicated for many of the people here, but especially for those where the military is present, but not very noticeable, or if the factions run a smaller or more unorthodox type of government (like the Red Ravens).
I just think there's too much effort needed to successfully do this. When you capture an enemy base or raid to steal things, I don't want a summary of what the attacker captured down to the tiniest bullet or speck of dust. I merely just want someone to say, "Team X captured the base, taking all inside along with [Key Item 1], and a few [Key Item 2]s."

I think a reminder or maybe even a guide to adding on logistical summaries and proper execution of large-scale military operations would be a whole lot better than practicing something that most people probably won't even use. If you create a guide, it's optional to follow and the more experienced commanders will take a look at it, maybe learn somethings, and then implement it. Maybe then their subordinates will catch on and the whole thing will change the way we do things.
[member="Gir Quee"]

That's exactly what I made this thread for. To hunt for volunteers to test this out to show its not complicated or hard and that it adds intirgue and depth to warfare. Could restrict the campaign to the Core Worlds, maybe 30-40 worlds total and split between 3 factions using the system.

[member="Hans Vaiden"]

But then you lose the aspect of a faction actually being ahead by having ran their resources correctly or the possibility of them losing steam in the war effort after a turning point bleeds them dry and their new weapons of war aren't done being constructed to keep up. Ya know like a real government.

I'd like to try it like Gir Quee said and like I mentioned in the first post.

A completely voluntary and contained campaign to test it out and see if the writers enjoy it and the system I have in mind is really that bothersome to keep track of.

I do think you're overcomplicating it yourself though. You don't need to track anything like that in a Raid or Invasion. You just say, facility destroyed/captured, +X to victor/-X to defeated, ships/vehicles (poor innocent NPC soldiers who will never see their families again omg you monsters!) lost.
[member="Camellia Swift"]

I think it might be best to start small, and scale up from there as each part is successful (something like a "babysteps" sort of concept). I'd suggest some sort of meterage system (like each planet produces 500 meters of capital ships a turn, and can support up to 1000 meters). We could start by tracking capital ships, and perhaps using the point system devised by Valiens for Terminus campaign for ground units, and work from there.

As far as setting, I think the Tapani Sector might do well, since its various houses would likely align to certain governments here (House Pelagia & Caadrian with the Republic, House Mecetti with a darkside group), and everything about the Sector is fairly well-detailed.
[member="Gir Quee"]

Nah I got the system in mind. Don't worry about that. But yeah I was looking to constrict production to companies rather than planets so that it creates a need and use for them by factions so for the contained setting you could for example use lucrene to build such and such for x credits and I'd explain the system in full if we got say 5-10 people per group with 3 groups hopefully. So there'd be enough people and interacting factions to show the system off.

I didn't see all the stuff about the Terminus campaign, I should go read up on that then.

Btw if you have skype Gir, hit me up. Mine is drail5108 should read as Camellia though. If you wanna make inputs to me faster since I get updates there faster than I refresh these pages.
Gir Quee said:
As far as setting, I think the Tapani Sector might do well, since its various houses would likely align to certain governments here (House Pelagia & Caadrian with the Republic, House Mecetti with a darkside group), and everything about the Sector is fairly well-detailed.

The Tapani Sector is part of the Protectorate, based on the map.

[member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Moira Skaldi"] [member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Gir Quee"]

Mhm, it wouldn't actually affect the Tapani Sector's status in the OP for real. It was just his suggestion for a cluster of worlds to test a scaled down form of the system.


Who doesn't like warfare simulators? Technically this would also greatly provide opportunities for business/trade and politics too. I could imagine the senate convening or the moff council meeting to decide where they put the budget (Do they wanna expand the military or open up more academies or maybe build more market centers?)
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
I would love to do proper strategic warfare in a Canon situation, not sure how motivated I could remain for non-Canon stuff.

Suppose we pick an unclaimed system between Republic and Sith space, get faction administration approval to have it be contested, and go from there?

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