Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not All Are Over Powered

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Noted all points thus far as it concerns nano tech. I'll drop the subject for now and let other items be debated/discussed.

True I'm new here and lack much history of this board and how it came to be. So I'll just keep an eye out for thread discussions such as this one... and get a better feel of this place and of the writers here better. :)
i have to side with the judges and was considering applying to join , there group because everyday i search threw cannon lore and discover things that i am like wow i can not believe that is so OP and as a rper for us all to have fun i think some one needs to monitor it and that's why i am glad we have the judges doing there jobs, if we didn't have them a ton of people would be rolling around immortal with a god complex claiming there characters could never be hurt and everyone would have the best gear and world destroying weapons. That is why there should be a forced currency system, things cost so much and take so much time to build so every one cant be gods for instance if you invent new tech lets assume a new weapon takes 1 real day after creation and approval to RP built and would cost a certain amount of RP Money, i am not exactly sure how a currency concept would work but i have some ideas perhaps like the little sign under your character that says how many posts you have something like that for currency that changes every so often and the more good rp you did it would grow like doing rp threads , related to this rp game , or visiting planets and running goods something like that, if i knew how to code i would have already suggested it to the admins unfortunately i dont. I agree with the entire ban list as i have made some of it possible, like Nykkalt for instance it shouldn't be restricted it should be BANNED. But i helped get it restricted. It is super OP Nykkalt was a highly vibrate metal that reflected any light, air, or even hyper-spectrum frequency. Rare and precious, it existed in a liquid form beneath the surface of the moon of Kufs. Because of that, the moon was essentially invisible to anything electronic. So in theory if you painted a liquid Nykkalt coat on a star ship it would make you invisible to any forms of scanning or probes now they could see you with a naked eye or track your ships exhaust trails or weapons fire but if you just move slowly threw space , you would be invisible to detection, or perhaps say you make Nykkalt robes for your character he would invisible to all robots , scanners probes and any electronics serious OP and because it is a natural side effect of Nykkalt it has absolutely no draw backs now mind you when i first discovered this substance that is 100% canon the judges saw how op it was very fast and i suggested they restrict the item and remove it from use and i was willing to redo my submission, but we compromised and i invented a bunch of draw backs for the use of Nykkalt, Now my point is if you find something cool in canon and your like that's awesome i want to use it like i thought with Nykkalt, keep in mind were all here to have fun rping and if it is op like Nykkalt make sure you have a plan to Nerf it a bit , because were all here to have fun and no one is a god or has world destroying powers. It is possible for some of the star ships i have seen on this site to blow up a planet possibly , in theory my Titian Star Ship has enough fire power but it is not proper RP to just sit in space and say i fire everything i got and destroy the planet. The judges and the restricted items and there to keep things fair and i am glad for it. I will keep looking threw canon tech and doing my job as a rper and reporting anything i think is beyond the spectrum of fair RP.
Eralam said:
By and large we're a bunch of arseholes, but we mean well. Marina DeVoe
[member="Marina DeVoe"], Honestly, don't take anything we say worth a grain of salt. It's just us being emotional about something we deeply care and love. Thus why we talk about it on so many levels and so many opinions.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
[member="Ignis Imura"] Not a problem. No offense was taken at all. If I were offended, I would take it off the board and PM the offenders. :) Debates are what they are.
I've experienced enough debates to know that you only need to put your point across once. That is what I did in my previous posts and it is still standing. If the majority have already decided on it, then it must be accepted till some new factors call for a change.
I'm a veteran writer (well over a decade for this charry) and have been through an helped Administrate a lot of excellent boards. I'm just laying back for now and continue to monitor (read) as to where this thread goes.

So carry on everyone with what this thread is about. I have already put in my two credits on the nano tech. :)
I personally believe that nanotechnology could be considered extremely seriously considering its past on the board (although, uh, modern computer cores and chips should definitely be allowed. We want 14nm, 10nm, and 7nm chips, guys. We want to produce some stuff using nanotechnology. It won't make you immortal\), but if the Soulsaber and Je'daii (or however it's spelled) weapons super similar to Forcesabers are allowed, why are Rakata forcesabers not allowed? I mean, the Soulsaber is, for all intents and purposes, just a more powerful Forcesaber that is a literal manifestation of the Dark Side. Why is something less powerful not allowed? It could use a bit more organization, is all I'm saying.

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