Sochi was coming up, trying to close in the distance. She kept a moderate pace, her strides long and then she came to see her Padawan maneuvering herself through the thick mud. She holstered her lightsaber and watched the girl push herself to the other side. She had done fantastic this entire training session. Surely Sochi felt the need to take her into seclusion now. They would board Ru's personal Jedi training cruiser, the crucible. On board they would continue in one on one training until they both arrived on Shili. She smiled watching, the a he approached the muddy earth herself. Sochi hadn't want to step within it, but she did nevertheless, pushing through slowly, trying to reach her Padawan. She wanted to actually participate in the training on her students, not just sit around and bark orders. That was the proper way, in her mind.
She pulled her legs, one after the other. Using her muscular strength rather than the force, she maneuvered herself through the heavy, thick, mud, when she looked down she could see the foot prints of her pupil, some which she used as stepping stones to aid her. She was just acouple of steps away from the ledge, she saw her Padawan standing there; obviously tired. She deserved the well needed rest to come after this. Sochi climbed out of the mud and on to the dry, solid ground, she inhaled, and released, a while she simultaneously placed her hand on the girls shoulder.
"You've done extremely well today Ane'irna. Your growing into your abilities very well, I must say. I will teach you one last thing today, and afterwards you are free to rest. Soon I will take you into seclusion for further training. Keep that in mind, now lets begin." She said softly, and sternly.
"This next technique is called center of being, its a meditation technique that can be used with passive and defensive forms. This form of meditation can help you defend yourself from some of the most cunning and twisted of attacks. This will aid in the defnesive process." She said moving some feet away. She turned and stood facing the girl, then she brought her lightsaber hilt up to her chest, and waited for her Pdawan to respond.