Kaia almost took off, but halted and took several large gulps of water -and some air- as suggested. Followed by a moment of nausea and a withheld burp when the air decided to come back up. She would have been in there already if only she had drunk slowly. When she was finally ready, she assumed what she thought would be a correct posture and headed inside the outcrop. She was very cautious as she sat down, but once she took her seat and let go of the tension in her body with a deliberate exhale, then everything aligned perfectly. She could feel the presence of the Force congregating in this spot, as it had probably felt for the Jedi before her. She felt solid, but relaxed, like she had become a part of the rock itself. A movement in the warm air kissed her skin as she smiled, and with a sure hand she opened the bag of lightsabre components.
She allowed the presence of the Force in the rock radiate and flow through her, guiding her hands and her mind through the elaborate process of assembling the signature weapon of the Jedi: The lightsabre.
Her right hand cupped the bottom of the bag, while her dominant, left hand hovered over the open top. Kaia raised her hand and the components floated out, swirling slowly as if gravity was nullified. She gently put the empty bag flat on the ground in front of her and smoothed it out before placing her right hand under the floating components. With delicate movements of her fingers, the components begun to sort themselves into groups. She halted, then took the schematics for her sabre and placed them on the ground in front of her, while her right hand kept the objects floating. She did not even think about it, her concentration was so deep. As her left hand hovered over the schematics, she paused and then straightened up again and placed her left hand back on top. She found she did not need the schematics any more, almost as though the flimsiplast itself spoke its secrets to the Miralukan padawan.
Even in deep concentration, she smiled. The components shifted and aligned; metal bent to the right shape of the outer shell, sized to fit her strong, but delicate hands. Last and perhaps most importantly came the crystal. It floated out from a small compartment on the inside of her belt, where she kept small things for safekeeping. The silvery crystal rotated and reflected the light brilliantly before taking its' place in the alignment of the construction. Some of the other components shifted and bent to assume the perfect shape for a snug fit of the sabre. Then, everything started to truly assemble. The components fastened themselves to each other and slid inside the cylindrical metal shell, the buttons and blade adjuster became fitted, and finally the composition became locked together.
While sitting there, she lost all concept of time, she was too focused to feel hunger, thirst or fatigue. She was completely enclosed between the Force and the becoming lightsabre. The cylinder turned around in all possible directions as she investigated every little aspect of her work. Her brow furrowed over her blindfold as she probed it for all and any faults. If it was off in alignment, then -as Corvus had previously mentioned- it could explode. Her hands clasped around the hilt as she rejoined with the rest of the world. She could almost feel a hand on her shoulder, patting her reassuringly as she rested her thumb on the activation button.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]