Cryax Bane
Red-eyed Snake
Cryax's eyes widened when he saw her shoulder. "Oh! You're wounded! How did I not notice?" He shook his head at himself. "I'm such a jerk." HIs glasses had been broken in the attack, but that was no excuse. He chastised himself for being too wrapped up in his own injuries to see that she was injured too. Cryax flicked on his commlink again.
"Operations? Yes, it's Bane again. No not Daxton, the other one. Yeah, Bug. Could you send a med droid to my office? Thanks." He turned off the commlink and set his bloody t-shirt down on his desk, rifling through the top drawer until he found a med kit. He opened it up and grabbed some bacta patches.
Shirtless and bloodied, the Chiss slicer crossed the room to where Keira was standing. "I'm really sorry. This is no way for me to treat a lady who just saved my life." He smiled at her and came closer, batca patches in hand.
"May I?"
[member="Keira Ticon"]
"Operations? Yes, it's Bane again. No not Daxton, the other one. Yeah, Bug. Could you send a med droid to my office? Thanks." He turned off the commlink and set his bloody t-shirt down on his desk, rifling through the top drawer until he found a med kit. He opened it up and grabbed some bacta patches.
Shirtless and bloodied, the Chiss slicer crossed the room to where Keira was standing. "I'm really sorry. This is no way for me to treat a lady who just saved my life." He smiled at her and came closer, batca patches in hand.
"May I?"
[member="Keira Ticon"]