Interesting. Import and export could be a useful trade to know someone in. Nodding his head once after he’d heard Monty’s response Ronan would turn his head so that he could look at Jak when the man admitted that he did some smuggling as well. Smugglers could also be useful, especially when a man was in need of transportation though Ronan imagined he could also make a deal with Monty if the time ever arrived when he, himself, needed to be exported off world securely. As it stood Ronan remained mostly silent, listening to the two men, while he remained seated at the table his eyes shifting between both Monty and Jak.
When the atmosphere of the room seemed to darken it drew Ronan’s eyes towards the entrance of the cantina where he saw a man, Zaiden, enter and approach the bar before ordering a drink. It didn’t take long before the newcomer had started towards their table as well causing Ronan to take notice of the obvious force usage displayed when the man caused his cup to levitate beside him. Looking at him Ronan remained silent, tilting his head to the side, before finally offering a...
“Interested in playing.” was easy to see the man was watching Monty deal the cards but that he didn’t know the rules of the game. Nothing wrong with that; Ronan was an adept player himself though he enjoyed winning a few games now and then. Then without a word the man, Zaiden, would have turned and walked away after another newcomer had entered and approached the bar. As he turned his gaze towards the bar Ronan would be able to see the new man from where he sat in the booth though his observation remained largely brief and inconspicuous. Ronan need only look long enough to discern a few things about the individual he was staring at and then his eyes turned away.
Glancing, too, at Jacen and the woman he’d move towards in an effort to coax her back to the booth Ronan would smirk briefly before looking back between Jak and Monty when he said...
“Doesn’t look like he had much luck.”
...just an observation on his part as Jacen hadn’t come back to the booth or the three of them with his quarry in tow, at least not yet, but the encounter was still young and given time Jacen might find a bit of success.
There wasn’t much for conversation at the moment which suited Ronan just fine seeing as how he was no social butterfly however after a time he had started to consider several different possibilities which lead to him turning his head so that he could watch Monty more closely...
“Import and export must need some protection.”
...which wasn’t an offer per say though Ronan did do a good job of subtly making inquiries that might have gained him a bit of information. Always beneficial to make contacts as well. Ronan wasn’t usually one for Mercenary work seeing as how he preferred the role of Bounty Hunter or Assassin but if the price was right he could be persuaded on a contract basis. He’d learned that being a Free Agent definitely had its own perks with allies, and enemies, on multiple sides of the fence.