Iris spent the trip, surprisingly, meditating. Of all the things she could've been doing, just sitting down after a good nights rest and a good meal to clear her mind seemed like the best. Especially here, in the void of space. Where the only colors to see where her own and her Masters. Well, maybe her own. It was one of the few things she couldn't actually see in the world of colors she was used to. Her own. They were overwhelmed by the sea usually around her.
Even now, they were overshadowed by the brightness of Valery's.
Perhaps she should come out here alone, some time. Just float in space and truly look at herself. .. After this was over. The greying of her colors wasn't something she wanted to see again, and she could already tell what was causing it.
"I did." Uncertainty. On who she was and what she was supposed to be, that had always held her back. But through everything she faced, through everything she did, that feeling of unsureness was gone. She knew who she was, and what she wanted to be. Kai, though. That was a harder process to figure out. But she found her answer, and how it was a strength rather than a weakness.
Her first true friend didn't mean that she had to do everything for him or solve all his problems.
"Emotions. Or, a lack of control on them, anyway." Perhaps it was the nightmares that made them so hard to control, or perhaps it was just because she was still learning what it meant to feel. Either way, she had her outbursts.
"And manners." That one had her laugh, nervously, as she looked back to Valery.
"Hindsight's pretty powerful, isn't it?"
Valery Noble