Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Now That We Have Time

Quite a while after having woken from stasis, Caraway's crew finally had time to themselves. This meant that Ronin and all the other members of the crew were, at least for now free to do whatever they wanted. Well, they like all things were always free to do as they pleased, but for now, exercising that right was permissible.

Ronin leaned against the wall and pretended to consider what he was going to do. In reality he had decided a while ago. Still, best to go through the formalities. He considered his options. He could go talk to someone, or sit here doing nothing. Alright, so who would he go talk to. His instinctual answer was Ay Ge, but he stopped himself. First, he had to clarify what his intentions were, at least with himself. Why did he want to talk to her? No, never-mind that, the fact that he wanted to was reason enough. He would talk to the girl, and learn more about her. Learn who she had been. Find out who she was. Then, he would imagine who she would be.

Ronin nodded once, then stepped into the middle of the hallway. Time to find [member="Ay Ge"] .
The last few days had bee a wild one, not that Ay really cared, if called to fight she would come, not groaning at be exhausted, not sighing of having free time interrupted, no panic at a sudden battle. In her off time the woman was usually exercising, keeping fit in what ever manner she saw fit, or attending to her small array of weapons, as she was doing right now.

Sitting in the lounge area of the ship, her ballistic O-katana stripped and separated out on the nearby table, herself inspecting the gun mechanism for the rail acceleration system, making sure everything was working as it should and the mechanical peices were not worn out.

'Item condition, satisfactory, make not for possible replacement in 2 months time', so far her maintenance had gone undisturbed, but if history was a reminder she was certain someone would try and converse with her. Not that she minded, as long as it did not cause any interruption that would hinder her current task

[member="Ronin Naara"]
Ronin walked around for several minutes before eventually ending up at the lounge, where he finally found [member="Ay Ge"] . She was sitting on one of the sofas in the lounge, with her katana mostly disassembled before her. She appeared to be examining it, presumably assessing its condition. Ronin made these observations as he entered the room, the door opening with a Shwooou. He walked over to her, the door closing behind him Sshhhhh.

"Hey," he said, stopping by her, "mind if I sit down?"

He doubted that she would say no, for starters, she did not seem to be at all surprised by his appearance, and she didn't really seem to care if he was there or not, though this didn't dissuade him. At least for now, this was the way she seemed to treat everyone. He hoped it wouldn't remain that way, as it made him rather sad. Intelligent lifeforms were one of the best things about this universe, and he felt that she was missing this truth entirely.
Ay did not move her head as the door slide open, she knew who was already, if not sensing them through the force, the foot steps, the time between each tap against the ground, followed shortly by their ever recognizable voice. "Answer, I do not 'mind' if you sit in close proximity to me", a small slick resonating from the small inter locking system of her scabbards self loading system. "Question, might I inquire to your reasons for being here"? Ay had a pretty clear idea of why, the young man was one of the few that seemed to show a deep interest for her, others were content with the way she acted, not really caring, others more of so put off by her robotic like nature.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
Ay's "sit in close proximity to me" comment was followed by a brief coughing fit on the part of Ronin as he tried not to choke to death after his failed attempt at swallowing. Her general manner of speaking didn't really bother him, but there were some times where he really wished she didn't have to pick the specific words she uttered, and this certainly was one of these times.

A bit embarrassed, and now stripped of any semblance of nonchalance, Ronin sat down. "Reason for being here?" He said, "do I need one?" He asked. Then, after pretending to consider her question for longer, he continued "Unless you mean here," at this, Ronin indicate his spot on the couch, "to which question I would respond with my previous query, though I will generously concede the reason of wanting to talk to you."

[member="Ay Ge"]
Ay gave Ronin a blank stare as he started to go into a coughing fit, herself wondering if that man was suffering from any strange side effects of the stasis chamber, totally unaware that her phrase was causing the odd behavior. Her eyes continued to observe him as he sat down next to her, Ay about to respond to his comment, before he went on a slight tangent, earning another blank stare, but on in the inside she was rather quizzical about hi current medical condition. "Answer, you do not need a reason if you wish to only partake in conversation or as it is more commonly know 'chatting', if that is what you wish, I will answer any question that is within my power".

[member="Ronin Naara"]
[member="Ay Ge"] had been staring at Ronin since he had started talking, a gaze that seemed to grow in intensity with every syllable. It was a rather disconcerting gaze, with less of an "I'm interested and engaged," and more of a "what are you doing here" feel. Ronin wasn't really dissuaded; As with most situations like this, it wasn't so much that he didn't know as it was that he didn't let it affect his actions. Normally such a mindset was fine up until the point, and Ronin was rather worried that he had already crossed that point. Ay was rather hard to read.

"Wonderful," he said, smiling with a slight chuckle. He knew Ay didn't have any intention behind her manner of speaking, or at least none that he was aware of, but that didn't mean that the way she said some things was not, at times amusingly bizarre. "How're you doing after stasis? Personally I hate it. Really, it's just objectively worse sleep."
Ay was a little confused by Ronins tone of voice, from what she could gather the man was excited to sit with her, which then led to the question, why? She supposed unlike others the outgoing individual was more of less intrigued by her constant blank mood, probably interested in knowing about her life, though there was the possibility for a more deeper, this would not be the first time someone had found Ay attractive.

His query about statistics seeming to indicate more personal interest in herself then actual medical concern, "Statement, I have not suffered any side effects from the stasis chamber, myself operating at peak efficiency, personal analysis deems it uncomfortable, but I have been subjected to it enough times that I am no longer bothered by the drowsy state one has after waking up".

[member="Ronin Naara"]
"What happen--" Ronin wanted to ask [member="Ay Ge"] about the beginning of her life, and he was reasonably certain he could, for her emotions generally seemed to be rather limited and muted, but if that were not the case, he doubted she would tell him. So he changed his statement "Err, nevermind. That's good to hear, I suppose. Say, why were you waiting in the stasis area after everyone had left."

Ronin pretty much knew for a fact that he wasn't the reason, and after stating the question, wondered why he had decided to destroy his hope in this manner. He grinned inwardly. Oh well, he had said the words. Anyways, he was curious about it, but he doubted it was for any particular reason. Maybe she had just decided to stay and make sure everyone had woken up? No, they would have done that anyways. He doubted Karaway had asked her to either.
Ay turned attention away from her weapon as Ronin went to ask a question stopping short,only more question arising about the mans way of thinking. Was he trying to be careful about what question to ask? Was he working slowly towards what actual inquiry he had? Gleaning from the cut off happened she assumed the pilot was about to ask her to elaborate on the stasis comment she made, but decided to ask about her earlier behavior when everyone was still waking up. "Answer, people not used to stasis chamber or with medical problem may experience side effect after long periods of time. From experience and medical know how I decided to stand and observe everyone pod and help if there was any problem, it would be detrimental to the crew if someone where to be put out of communion due to hibernation sickness".

[member="Ronin Naara"]
"You know things about medicine too? I didn't know that at all, that's really impressive." Ronin knew absolutely nothing a

bout healing injuries, just causing them. Something that was both rather depressing, and somewhat ironic. He doubted that he ever would learn, but he honestly probably should have. He assumed for Ay Ge, this had been part of her apparently robot involved upbringing. He didn't know what the purpose of that had been, but there seemed to be one, and judging from both the method and the effect, it probably was not good. Whatever she had gotten into, judging from the fact that she was here, and why, she seemed to be free now. Ronin continued,
"I know some mechanical stuff, basically medical knowledge of objects. but that's it." Here he shrugged. "I've never really had enough time and motivation to learn first aid. Did you learn it when you were growing up?"

Ay could have easily given a minimal response of yes or no to this question, but Ronin doubted she would. She had so far been resonably somewhat invested in keeping the conversation going. Ronin wanted to keep learning more about this qirl, who he was finding was even better thsn he had initially given her credit for.

[member="Ay Ge"]
"statement, It is to be expected I have not informed you of it before". Yes many people where surprised by her medical knowledge, although limited mainly to theory, how to detect problem, caused and diagnosing them, but lack much practice in treating illness and wounds.Though spending all her life being 'conditioned' to kill rather then save, any skill that was useful Ay aimed to master one way of another.

"Question, You are a mercenary of sorts are you not? wouldn't first aid and taking care of yourself would be a necessary requirement"? She had designated Ronin as a rash and outgoing person that may have effected him line of thinking in regards to medical skills, as for the following question, Ay had no trouble explaining it, save for classified information.

"By growing up I assume you mean where I was taught, as part of project Nechorniac all subjects where required to under go military grade training from a young age". She would elaborate more if asked but as of now that answered his question about her medical knowledge and where he obtained it.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
"Well, people usually don't know what's good for them, and if they do, they usually don't do it. You do have a point though." Ay really had a point, but like many in the galaxy, he had decided that learning how to hurt things was better than getting oneself unhurt.

"You mentioned "project Nechorniac." Is that what you were part of? What was it?" From her partially cybernetic body to her odd speech, both in its vocabulary and cadence, and her various hints such as robot teachers, It was clear to Ronin that Ay had been involved in some sort of program, an expreiment perhaps, but as to its method and purpose, he had no clue. Ronin had realized that he liked Ay. She was strong, independent and dependable, quick thinking, and not at all bad looking. Because of this, either to reavaluate his feelings or focus them into concern, Ronin wanted to find out what this "project Nechorniac" was. He needed to know, he supposed.

[member="Ay Ge"]

I'm super sorry that took so long! I've been busy with theater and school going into vacation! >.<
Ay sat there for a moment, actually considering his reasoning behind not learning first aid. “Statement, your analysis is sound and considering you are still alive such methodology must work to some extent”. If Ay had to come up with a comparison to what Ronin said it was the ago old ‘A good defence is a good offence’, just in this case it was being better at killing the person trying to kill you. “You wish to know about Project Nechonica, I will elaborate for your need, but I must inform you many aspects will not be discussed due to their classified nature" (I.E. need to work on her back story).“Explanation The project was run by a shadow organisation I never found the name of, it’s goal to produce artificial force user super solider for assassination and front line combat”.

“Such a Project involved 20 test subjects, classified from numbers 600 to 620, myself being subject number 603, each of us no older than 5 years of age”. “Though I cannot go into much detail on the augmentation progress due to classified operations I can tell you it involved the production of your cybernetic exo-suits, neurological path way adapters and enhancements in which to use said suits to our fullest effect”. “Finally, all subjects where fitted with inhibitor chips and similar technology to help control out behaviour and shut off certain parts of your brains, for instant emotions, the reason for my, as other would call it, ‘robotic state of mind’… does that answer your query”? She paused for a moment, allowing Ronin to soak up all the information.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
"Yes, more than adequately. While you never said anything about it ending, I assume that it did, given the tense of your statements? Ans since I assume it did end, have you looked into getting these inhibitor chips removed? Don't you--umhh never mind..." He trailed off, thinking better of what he was planning on saying. 'want to act like yourself?' Ronin thought.

Inhibitor chips. According to [member="Ay Ge"] , these prevented her from thinking proper;y, from experiencing emotions. They violated the most basic freedoms that any intelligent creature should have, the shelter of its own mind. Ronin's core beliefs were centered around freedom, the idea that beings should be able to do as they pleased simply because they could. Perhaps it was a dangerous philosophy, but it was, he believed, the right one, and he at the very least, stood by his right to believe it, no matter how faulty it truly may be.

The removal of Ay's inhibition chips was a goal that Ronin very much wanted completed, for reasons he told himself were truly just selfish. Their mere existence was antithetical. He wanted to to interact with Ay as she was as a person, not simply as the 'robotic' state of being consigned to her be some apparently equally unfeeling creature. He wanted Ay to have emotions to herself, to live as all should, by the path that they choose for themselves. How that was selfish, he didn't know, but he told himself that it was. Perhaps just further reconciliation of the situation with his view of the universe.
"Statement, I escaped my holding cell which is why I am here today, myself eliminating the security garuds scientists and other personnel on sight". Perhaps not a very ethical thing to do, but Ay was not willing to take the chance of being followed or tracked, besides such projects where most likely deemed illegal anyways. "As for the other imates I freed those where were currently in there cell and alive", a hint to the fact that a few had died along the way, "but many where still operational, out on mission, where they are now I do not know".

The two sat in silence, Ay merely staring with a blank expression at Ronin, not showing any indication that she was worried about his safety now he knew information that would most likely make him a target. Not to mention the other children that may still be apart of the project, still being used for assassination and other acts of violence. To many a sickening thought, to her just another threat that she would have to deal with in time.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
[member="Ay Ge"]'s story was worse than he thought it would be, though this did not surprise him. Still, what a terrible situation. And not only that, but for her the ordeal continued to this day, with the shadow of whatever organization owned the project possibly following her. Accordingly, she was here, the last place that anyone would look. Even if someone had found out that she participated in the mission, finding the ship would be nigh impossible. At least she was still doing things, not hiding in some safe place somewhere in the galaxy in fear. He supposed she didn't have fear. Still one might argue that that was the safest option, but that would have defeated most of the point of escaping something akin to a prison. He understood why that would be. Or so he assumed. Everyone wants to determine their own fate. Everyone wants to have a fate, a purpose, not be consigned to a life determined by data and experimentation rather than luck and choices.

They sat in a silence, at least for a moment, which Ronin did not break. Not because he couldn't think of anything, but more because he didn't want to. He was more interested to see if Ay would do anything about it, to make a statement or question of her own, or to let the silence ring stagnate like a puddle of still water, while they simply watched reflections. Or perhaps she would seize this opportunity to remove the disturbance of Ronin, or herself from the room.

Time to see.
Ay just sat there for the next few minutes, observing Ronin, eye the small reaction in his face, though affiliated with disgust, hatred... concern and something else, something she could not quite fathom. It was a bother, thing that Ronin seemed to be emanating, but just unknown to her, and Ay was not about to let that go unknown, as her protocol she needed to find out everything she could about an individual."Statement I have come to hypothesis that you are keeping some sort of information from me that directly related to matter at hand, your extra attention and question have made me 78% certain there are alterioir motive to you talking with me".

"At the same time I have come to conclude that the likelihood of this being a thread is 0%, would you be able to explain this to me"? A simple request, first attempt to settle the matter then an there, if not Ronin would have to b prepared for a assassin stalker for the rest of the trip.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
This girl was the most forward person he had ever met, amazingly so. From what she had said earlier, presumably this was a result of not possessing feelings like nervousness, fear, or embarrassment. Still, he wasn't quite sure how to respond. She seemed like an interesting individual, an exceptional individual perhaps, but he had known her for a very short time. Still, he figured, he might as well get out with it. It would be bad to avoid this opportunity to voice his thoughts on the matter.

"I like you, I suppose. You're pretty much the opposite of me, and yet you're still incredibly independent and resourceful. A rather spectacular individual. I'd at the very least like to get to know you better, I suppose." Hopefully Ronin would live through the next 10 minutes, hopefully things would go much better than that.

"So, now that you know my 'ulterior motive,' what do you think?"

[member="Ay Ge"]
If Ay could show emotion of being surprised she would, but the... confession? was something that only registered as a 10% possibility, from what she knew men where not really into someone like her. Ture Ay was easy on the eyes, smooth skin and a well toned figure, but her personality, robotic like nature seemed to be off putting to many people, both sexes included.

"... your reasoning it is odd, but still sound, it... is nice to know that someone views me in a different light", her voice though not any different was hesitant, herself not sure how to handle such a thing. "As for what I think... I am unfortunately not able to express any love or feelings towards you at this moment, but if it makes you feel better you are intriguing to me, out of everyone I have known your... interesting".

She hoped that would be a sufficient response to his rather heartfelt confession, "Query, how do we proceed from here, since there is a mutual attraction between one another"? Any romantic relationship did not seem possible at this time, her protocol not having anything in store for possible coupling.

[member="Ronin Naara"]

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