Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Now That We Have Time

"It's good to know that you feel that way. What next? I suppose that's the question everyone always wants to know the answer to, I suppose. Me too. Though honestly I have no idea." Ronin paused and thought. It was almost a full minute before he talked again. "We're both in the same general line of work, and we're both interested to see where this will go. Normally I wouldn't suggest this, but perhaps we might want to live and work together for the time being." Ronin paused again, though this time only briefly, merely touching his hand to his chin. "Since you can't express your feelings currently, I think it'd be fine to do so even if it does seem a bit... aggressive, I suppose? It's just that I don't really see any other way we could spend time together."

He had to admit, while a tad exciting, it seemed very odd to be suggesting the idea of living with a girl he had talked to for only an hour. However, given the unique stasis of Ay's emotions, it meant that it was pretty much a non romantic relationship, at least for now. Therefore, it seemed okay. There were some other benefits to the arrangement as well. Spending a lot more time with someone who actually talked with her might help her develop more normal speech patterns and cadence. Furthermore, they could both look for some way to remove Ay's inhibitors.

He looked at Ay. "That's my idea. But the important part is, what do you think."

[member="Ay Ge"]
"Statement, many new couples in a romantic relationship tend experience confusion on the next course of action after a confession has been stated". From past data and limited knowledge it was kind of normal for this to happen, even if their circumstances where, very unique. "Agreed, that form of thinking is sound as it will allow us to spend time together and make a living, we can discuss further details once this expedition is over". From what she knew of the man each would be able to compensate for the other lack of skill, in and out of combat, not only that but once again a smaller group to travel with.

"Your hypothesized living plan is agreeable, I do not see many faults in such an agreement as technical boy friend and girl friend". Such words did she never think would exit her mouth and in that though pattern, today events where getting more and more out of protocol, but it was, refreshing. "Query, what are you current living arrangements at this current time Ronin"? Did her new partner own a home or have a large enough transport for both of them to use, another question for later would be that of skin-ship and interment matters.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
Ronin had zoned out, after hearing the phrase "boyfriend and girlfriend." This was all happening rather quickly. After a moment, he realized that Ay was waiting for him to respond. "Right, uhh, yeah, um usually I switch between temporary lodgings on whichever planet I am working on. Though every once and a while, I'll go back home to Corellia and rent an apartment for a month or two and work in a starport. Hate the work, but it's always nice to be back home." Ronin had many a good memory of Corellia as all from that world did. It was a rather interesting paradox, the home loving and the wanderlust.

"I've been trying to get a ship that I can live in. I recently settled for a starship with a roomy cockpit, but that was before I knew about this job. Because of how nice the payoff is, I was thinking of going back and switching the starship for a freighter. That ought to have room enough got two, I suppose." Ronin had bought the starfighter because he still was not able to afford a freighter and wanted his own hyperspace capable ship. That was the day before he found out about this job. If only he had waited. Still, he had managed to arrange for a friend to return the craft to the seller. The friend had charged him several thousand credits, but getting the rest of the crafts value back meant he was able to finally buy a freighter. He had been working to this point for years.

[member="Ay Ge"]
Ay continued to stare blankly at the man, "Yes girlfriend, a person's regular female companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship, unless you would prefer different titles". She was unsure of what different ones would be used, but what ever he was comfortable with, as for current living arrangements once they departed from this ship. "Temporary logging is adequate with me for the time being, I am not very selective when it comes to an abode", after all she had spent her entire life in a white washed room with just a bed and toilet. As such anything besides that could be considered an up grade.

"If you are in need of help with this new ship purchase I may be of use, before beginning employment here I completed several bounties and worked for a freighter captain". "Since not having anything in mind to spend it on if you so chose I am able to allocate fund to buying this ship, more so if I am to be living in it with yourself". In Ay's mind it would probably be a good thing, not really using the money she had made for much other then food and other clothing if needed. Also at the rate her bank account was growing her former owner many have started to catch on, but if Ronin had it under his name, that may throw them off.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
After thinking about it for a little bit, Ronin nodded. "That would work, and make sense. As long as you're totally fine with it. It is, after all, your money. At least right now. If we did that, then it would be ours-- I'd contribute too, of course." Ronin didn't like borrowing money from other people, but that was probably the wrong way to look at this. Sharing? No, combining was what it was.

Ronin looked at Ay. He genuinely hoped this would work out for the both of them. In almost every way, the two of them were complete opposites. Yet Ronin admired Ay for what she had been through, and for who she was now. Together, he hoped that the two of them would be able to do much better than they had done separately. That was the point of couples, wasn't it? That, and two people who loved each other spending time together. But they weren't there yet. Actually never mind, yes they were. And relationships existed for having children too. Both biologically and, as a goal to some people. That was very much not a goal of his right now. For a myriad of reasons. Not the least of which was the questionable parental ability of both people involved, the fact that this was way too far ahead to even think about, and the fact that this wasn't even something he was really sure he cared about anyways. What was he thinking about again? Oh, yes, why he liked Ay Ge. Well that and Ronin found her oddly cute.

[member="Ay Ge"]
"Statement, I do not mind sharing my funds, though perhaps we may be able to make some sort of join account instead of having separate ones"? Would mean she would not be giving up all her fund to someone else, as well as pool their monetary wealth and other assets together, that was if Ronin agreed. She stood their observing her new 'boyfriend' wondering what thoughts where going through the man’s mind, possible future events? Maybe it was hard to tell, perhaps with what limited use of the force she had the girl may be able to learn force empathy to gauge what may be on the mercenary’s mind.

"Question, what shall we do once the trip is over? as it stands nothing has happened since our last engagement and we may be returning to port soon, are we to take a few days of or resume contracting work immediately". Though not the most luxurious the ship they were currently on did serve as a nice get away from the daily life of a mercenary in a war-torn galaxy. Out in the unknown region of unexplored space, but then again Ay had a feeling the two would spend the next few days trying to sort out relationship procedures, and then have a proper rest once the flight was over.

[member="Ronin Naara"]
"If we did anything it would be shared. That's the only way it really makes sense, at least in my opinion, and certainly the only way that's really fair." Ronin realized that he had just assumed that she understood that, but he hadn't actually said it out loud. At least it was clear now. If they ever separated, then it would be harder for them to sort out, but Ronin neither was planning nor believed that that would happen. He got up as well, smiling.

"Whatever we work out during the rest of the voyage, we're going to have to do some stuff when we get back to a planet. We're going to need to merge our bank accounts, and buy a ship for us to live on. I'm sure it won't be as nice as this one, but we should definitely be able to find something nice to live in and the right size. Since we need to so those things anyways, I'm sure we'll end up spending some time away from work. I'm assuming that's what you'd prefer too?" Ronin thought that it would be important to build and stabilize their relationship by themselves for a time. Ay's face remained as expressionless as it had been since he met her, but from what he knew and what she said, he was certain she felt the same way, or at least wanted the same thing. When he finished talking, he looked around for a clock. He was pretty sure that they had been here a while, and he was beginning to feel a bit tired.

[member="Ay Ge"]
"Statement, we will not need a ship as large as this one if it is to just be us, as for work, a respite may be beneficial depending on if we sorts out relationship boundaries and rules before then". Honesty she was indifferent to resuming work straight away or having time off, but if Ronin felt like he needed a break she was not one to argue, after all the man did not have an Exo-suit that gave him enhanced abilities.

With Ronin standing up Ay resumed her weapons maintenance, more then capable of multitasking, "Agreement, it would make sense for us to continue working out details in the coming days, but as for know I must beg my leave'. "My personal weapons require tending to and it would most likely be a disappointment to both of us if my blade rifle exploded upon next use". "Beside you seem to be physically tried now, just like a machine you body needs rest let it cause problems, for now I am assuming it is good nice, unless my new requirement mean we share a bed". She did not think Ronin would take such an option at this moment, but again Ay had little knowledge on relationships, the whole event being a learning experience as well.

[member="Ronin Naara"]

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