Vanessa grabbed her, trying to speak against the sensations that she felt, saying to use her anger to become stronger. It was a call to dig into the fear and use it as a weapon, one that could destroy her mother, but that was exactly what she didn't want to do. Her mother used that same power, channeled it the same way, and look where it had gotten her. She was a crone that lived off others, desperate to cling to life, and for that reason Kala wanted to refuse the power, find her own way, not copy the pursuit that her mother did. "I don't want to be Sith, I've never wanted to be Sith." She responded, gripping Vanessa's robes tightly, as the frustrated mounted. She just wanted to go home. She wanted Amur. She just wanted to go back to helping people in her clinic and stop being afraid every other day of her life.
The cold came clamoring again, scrapping against her stomach, calling to her. The same sensation she had felt on Borosk, the same power that she had unleashed and lost Amur in the process. Her eyes stung, the emotional pain seeped in, and Kalanda felt the desire to just curl up and stop. This wasn't anything that she wanted, and it never had been. "I just want to be able to defend those I care about. I don't want to be weak." She muttered, stepping back from Vanessa. "That's why I came here Vanessa." She could only hope the woman would take her comments well, otherwise...well, Kala knew what was in store for her.
The cold came clamoring again, scrapping against her stomach, calling to her. The same sensation she had felt on Borosk, the same power that she had unleashed and lost Amur in the process. Her eyes stung, the emotional pain seeped in, and Kalanda felt the desire to just curl up and stop. This wasn't anything that she wanted, and it never had been. "I just want to be able to defend those I care about. I don't want to be weak." She muttered, stepping back from Vanessa. "That's why I came here Vanessa." She could only hope the woman would take her comments well, otherwise...well, Kala knew what was in store for her.