Valiens Nantaris said:
Would they have access to bolters? For one it's a Firemane weapon and they're not fans of them, plus ammunition might be a factor.
Yep, they would. Eldorai regulars and Angelii have been using bolters for a long time.
The Angelii unit sub you made has bolters. So do the Valora's Chosen. The rogues have I reckon they took their bolters with them, too. Ammunition would be a factor in general, but Enyo manages to get ammo for her mooks, too, and she had to start completely from scratch with a bunch of street thugs.
Besides, bolters have been proliferated quite a bit over the years. They're not unique to Firemane (Archangel has them, too). ICly Firemane didn't even invent them.
So I'd say it's easier to equip a number of rogues with them than maintaining a cruiser...which they also do. Moreover, it's a unique unit, not an army. They wouldn't magically lose all their gear because they deserted from the Angelii. Or stop using a very good gun just because they don't like the manufacturer.
Otherwise they might as well go back to Stasers, if they're rejecting everything foreigners made. These Eldorai left the Matriarchy precisely because it's filled with backwards-looking reactionaries. I mean, their officers use lightsabres.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Valiens Nantaris said:
Do you feel they have the resources to buy that? They might be more likely to update/remake their old Angelii armour instead.
Point re resources, the
old Angelii armour is not good because it's outdated.
If you wanna remake/upgrade the Cusaeris, you're very welcome to. You could sub-mod it. Or just sub a new version that's up to date. Bump the ratings, add some doodads. Presently, modern Angelii got the common infantry armour Firemane makes...mainly because I did not have anything more modern or something tailored towards them. Angelii officers got a limited production cortosis one.