
Nyseth, a cyborg male, was a criminal in the galaxy.
Just as other criminals, Nyseth's origins remained a mystery to the public. He became active in the criminal scene near 850 ABY as a freelance mercenary. His various skills with weaponry and hacking gave him plenty of opportunities for work.
Nyseth displayed combat experience both with ranged weapons - such as blasters and slugthrowers - as well as melee weapons such as vibroswords and knives. Obvious cybernetic enhancements in his limbs augmented his physical strength.
There appeared to be cybernetics interfacing with his brain. His reaction times were inhuman. He could also mentally solve math problems that normally required calculators even for the gifted. This assisted his natural gift for hacking.
Utilizing cybernetics within his body, Nyseth was vulnerable to the many of the typical combat weaknesses of a cyborg as well as the social prejudices against them.
Nyseth's height was six-feet. He regularly wore typical casual attire for civilians.
A helmet that he always wore obscured his face. The helmet could display pictures and text at Nyseth's will.
His left arm was obviously cybernetic with metal "skin." His other appendages and neck appeared normal.
Occasionally, he would wear an exotic, small backpack with gauges and electronics.