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Approved Starship Obelisk Starlight Vacation Destination Station

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Be careful what you wish for.


  • ADAPTABLE: Like the Dreamweaver, the Obelisk is a massive investment of capital and infrastructure, and in order to ensure that this investment remains well-spent over the years to come, the Obelisk has both subsystems designed to be inherently adaptable on their own as well as modularity designed to allow it to receive future plug-and-play upgrades.

  • TOO BIG TO FAIL: The station is just too big and must rely on shuttles and special transports if there is a catastrophe then it is quite possible that there would be something terrible that could go with how long it could take for evacuations.

The “Dreamweaver” has turned out to be a massive hit when it comes to Vacations. However there is just such an incredible demand that a wait list had been formed and there is just no way that this could be acceptable to the Jedi who felt that everyone should have something that they can enjoy and be proud of being involved in. So the Obelisk was created. This specialized “Station” is a floating resort. You come in, you relax and think about nothing until your vacation is done. The purpose is to create more revenue to fund Guardian Angel Outreach.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Nicely made, however I found some problems:
  • First, the Affiliation; it is a Unique spacestation. Unique means it can belong to one person/company/faction. So please keep only the proper company/faction in this field and delete the other two.
  • The following links are broken:
    • Agrinicrete
    • Argentum-series Matrix Armor
    • Comscans
  • And you can't use the Oracle-class Communications Package, because it is not an accepted technology, just a sub from the faction archive.
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