Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Obredaan: Do You Need Cortosis Ore?

[member="Durza the Zealous"]


[member="Alicia Drey"]

I am interested in being a shareholder and member of board at the aforementioned company you are making to mine Cortosis. <3
| [member="Lord Misao"] / [member="Matreya"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Arok"] |

Hi guys. The thread kind of died because I went on an unannounced LOA. I'm just getting in touch, to see if either of you are still willing to continue the thread?

| [member="Elaine Thul"] |

A spot has been opened. You're welcome to join the thread and stake your place in the group of five, due to others dropping out.

| [member="Grim Vizsla"] |

Sorry. I didn't see your old post, but now that I have, I'd be happy to do business, if you're willing? :)

I am interested in being a shareholder and member of board at the aforementioned company you are making to mine Cortosis. <3

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