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Approved Tech Occultation Gauntlet

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Intent: To combine existing canon and Chaos technologies into a single restricted-market system, available for use by selected individuals for future RP.
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Manufacturer: Vrotoa Industries / Visenj T’shkali
Affiliation: Closed-Market (Restricted; Select Customers Only; Up to 20 Units Available, maximum**)
Model: Occultation Gauntlet
Modularity: No. (Can be worn over thin form-fitting armor or clothing and under long-sleeved coats, etc.)
Production: Semi-Unique
Material(s): Electrical Components, Reinforced Stygian Triprismatic Polymer Duraplast, Zersium, Adegan Crystal, Emitter Matrix, Focusing Lens, Inert Power Insulator, Stygium Crystal, Neoprene, Gabonna Memory Crystal, Graphene Battery.

(** Four (4) units claimed by Visanj T'shkali, leaving only sixteen (16) available to selected customers)

Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 1.59kg
  • Blasters (And other plasma energy type weapons): Very High
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Kinetic, Projectiles: High, when light shield is activated; Moderate otherwise.
  • Kinetic, Concussion: High, when light shield is activated; Moderate otherwise.
  • Sonic: None
  • EMP/Ion: High
  • Acids/Corrosives: Low
  • Waterproof to 30m.
  • Hardened against EMP/Ion damage.
  • Field disruptor allows user to pass through most common energy shields, briefly emitting energy signatures which interrupt shield integrity to allow the user to swiftly pass through undetected.
  • Multispectrum disguise suite holds up to four pre-programmed disguise matrixes, which include voice changers, false life-sign emitters, etc. which even allow for False Eye, Touch, or Voice capabilities, enabling the user to successfully fool most basic biosecurity locks requiring retinal, fingerprint, or voice-based identification to open. Users’ disguise is incredibly detailed and will sufficiently fool casual onlookers and basic scanners and sensors.
  • The no-show component generates a skin-tight electromagnetic sheath about the wearer scrambling his or her bio-signature and energy emissions, offered sound dampening protection, and obscured them to most active and passive sensor systems and render them practically invisible to detection via thermal, infrared, or sonic sensors.
  • Stealth generator component emits an active camouflage effect which further serves to render them practically invisible at medium and long range via active camouflage.
  • View masker renders them invisible to audio or visual recording or scanners, creating a sort of ‘visual static’ around them to make casual observation with the naked eye impossible.
  • No-show, view masker, and stealth generator act as a package, operating in tandem when activated to maximize stealth effects.
  • Light shield can protect against blasters (and other plasma energy weapons) and lightsabers well, but does little to protect against projectile weapons such as slugthrowers, rail guns, etc.
  • Light shield also does not offer protection against concussion-type weapons or damage.
  • Shock resistant.
  • Offers terrific stealth suite, enabling wearer to become practically invisible to casual first-person detection, audio/visual recording and scanners, and to most other basic and generally-used active and passive scanners and senors.
  • Disguise suite can offer up to four distinctive holographic disguises, able to convincingly impersonate another humanoid individual, even able to mimic their fingerprints, retinal scans, and voice(s) to bypass biometric security detection.
  • Waterproof, shock resistant casing has been hardened against EMP/Ion threats.
  • Individual field disruptor will allow a single user to pass through basic and common energy shields undetected.
  • Moving too quickly or clumsily while using either the stealth field generator or the disguise suite will disrupt the effect, creating a “flicker” effect momentarily exposing them to detection.
  • If the field disruptor is overtaxed, such as by remaining beneath a shield too long, it may shut down, placing the user at significant risk of death, being horribly disfigured or damaged, or – at the very least – of being detected.
  • Powered by the same battery, only one (1) feature (i.e. stealth field generator/no-show package, individual field disruptor, disguise suite) can be used at a time.
  • Total battery power for the entire unit is limited to a maximum of 3 hours before needing to be replaced, and if heavily taxed as through significant punishment to the shield generator or significant exposure to shield energy when using the field disruptor, that number is reduced proportionately.
  • Very expensive and sold only to restricted clientele, it is uncommon at best to see one of these and almost impossible to see two or more together outside of the manufacturer’s showroom, making them exceedingly difficult to repair and replace.
  • Field disruptor does not affect molecular or particle shields, nor can it work on advanced or particularly powerful shields, being limited only to basic energy shielding.
  • Offers no protection beyond that listed in this submission.
  • Does not protect against biological security measures such as dogs or similar beasts, which rely on olfactory senses or similar means of detection or identification.
  • Disguise suite, due to the massive amount of biometric information required, can only hold up to four pre-programmed disguises and cannot be easily or quickly swapped out or reprogrammed in the field, with such changes needed a direct link to a computer and time to input the entire configuration into the system.
  • Disguise matrix elements, i.e. voice, appearance features, etc. cannot be mixed-and-matched, but used only one at a time in an all or nothing-type format.
  • When field disruptor is in use, this will prevent any other items, i.e. communications, datapads, etc. from working properly.
  • Disguise matrix is confined to humanoid beings of similar size and shape as the user.

Building on existing technology, Vrotoa Industries sought to create a high-end, limited series item for its catalog: The Occultation Gauntlet. Combining the capabilities of an individual field disruptor, personal stealth field generator, light-shield bracelet, no-show, and view masker, the Occultation Gauntlet provides a package of personal stealth and mobility benefits, enabling users to pass through basic energy shields, rendering them immune to most common active and passive sensors, using active camouflage and light and sound dampening technologies to confound scanners and make first-person detection nearly impossible, and providing them with solid defensive capabilities versus energy weapons like blasters and lightsabers. While only one of the three modes: Stealth, Shields, or Field Disruptors, can be used at one time, the versatility of the Occultation Gauntlet is unparalleled.

Due to the cost to create them and the rarity of materials used, only twenty were created, with four of them immediately claimed by their creator, leaving just sixteen units available for sale. Sales of this item are strictly regulated and highly restrictive, sold only to persons affiliated with major factions and sold one per customer only with vendor approval, the Occultation Gauntlet instantly became one of the most coveted and rare items in the galaxy.

Custom-fit to each owner, the Occultation Gauntlet must be sized and fitted for a particular arm, noted in the purchase request, and is able to be worn over thin material such as bodygloves or typical clothing or inside of the sleeve of a jacket or coat and covers the entire forearm. The Occultation Gauntlet does not limit normal hand, wrist, or finger movement and extends to just beneath the elbow. Tactile sensitivity while wearing the Occultation Gauntlet is reduced by 35.97% according to company testing, which is comparable to that lost while wearing sturdy leather work gloves or cold weather mittens, and does not hinder shooting / trigger pull capability. The Occultation Gauntlet is shock resistant and waterproof to 30m, making it resilient against humidity, precipitation, or general exposure to moisture. Can be worn with wrist-mounted items which do not nover the forearm, allowing access to touchpad controls or emitters / projectors, and which mount items on the inside of one's wrist. Touchpad can be locked with PIN code set by client upon activation of their unit.
Factory Judge
Visanj T'shkali said:
Light shield can protect against blasters (and other plasma energy weapons) and lightsabers well, but does little to protect against projectile weapons such as slugthrowers, rail guns, etc.
I fear that this is incorrect as the submission this is related too does in fact have a "High" rating against Kinetic based attacks. Which include Slugthrowers. Secondary to this, you are using stealth based version of Duraplast. Which has been known to have fairly high resistances to Kinetic weapons, Blaster/Laser weaponry, Including Lightsabers, and even EMP Ion Resistant when Reinforced.

I feel safe with the idea if you would like to move the Kinetic based ratings up to "High" if you would like. Or specifically mention that the "High" rating is only when the Lightshield is in use.

[member="Visanj T'shkali"]
Factory Judge
[member="Visanj T'shkali"], Yes lol. I saw this an really liked the idea. In fact, I would have liked one of these for my own character if I knew about them before I made my own armor.

The edits you have done are fine. Thank you very much for working with me on it. Considering is has clearly stated weaknesses, and isn't overtly powerful, just more so a very good utility stealth suite that can be used for armors, or other.

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