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Odd question about Force Light.

[member="Edston Firestone"]

I would imagine it would depend on the skill of the user. In the beginning I think you would only get bits and pieces but a Master of the ability could get the whole connection in one big blast.

That is assuming I am understanding what wookieepedia says on it.
Viktor Alexander said:
[member="Edston Firestone"]

I would imagine it would depend on the skill of the user. In the beginning I think you would only get bits and pieces but a Master of the ability could get the whole connection in one big blast.

That is assuming I am understanding what wookieepedia says on it.
This is my understanding of it.
Ah, see I thought it was big, hard to control burst of energy first, then being able to bend it to different levels of "The Burn" later on.

I asked cause I view this guy as a sort of "Lightsmith", but it seems like I was on a whole other wavelength knowledge wise on that skill.
Edston Firestone said:
Ah, see I thought it was big, hard to control burst of energy first, then being able to bend it to different levels of "The Burn" later on.

I asked cause I view this guy as a sort of "Lightsmith", but it seems like I was on a whole other wavelength knowledge wise on that skill.
It's one of the most uncontrollable and difficult powers of any skillset. The most famous master of the ability, Nomi Sunrider, was unable to restrain it during her famous victory over Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun.
[member="Edston Firestone"]
I believe I know where you are coming from, so I'll answer my assumptions directly: It is not a tangible manipulation of physical light, it is the use of the raw power of the light side of the force to "burn" away the dark side. You are basically projecting a bright light that, while it appears to be a physical manifestation of visible light (think "hard light"), is the light side of the force itself. The natural side effect of this is to rid the surrounding area, or the area it is directed to when used by more capable masters of the power, of the dark side of the force - or at least push it away.
[member="Braith Achlys"]

Understandable, I suppose my Lightsmith title could refer to me being a shaper of fire as well as a force light user, rather than how it was in the forum I had Edston as a master in, where I was using Force Light in a different way.
[member="Edston Firestone"]
Well you're free to alter it as you'd like, I'm just giving you the canon interpretation of it :)

Just be wary of how you use it with other people, as it's easy to misuse a powerful ability like force light.
[member="Braith Achlys"]

Yeah, I figured it was very powerful, I wanted to know if I could "lessen the dose" so to speak, but I suppose i could alter it to lessen it, or even spread it further like I did back on that forum I referred to in the last post.

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