Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ode to Freedom (Invite only)​
The night was hot. LITERALLY. The Cartographer's mansion was once again alight and packed to the brim with loud music and dancing. He had every reason to celebrate, after all. His bounty had mysteriously been terminated. He had a gorgeous boyfriend. Best of all, he could show his face in public again.​
Bael was immersed in the throng of beings moving in-time with the music. He stood as intimately close to [member="Sage Bane"] as he pleased, their chests practically melted together. He grinned at his half-Chiss lover. "You look wonderful," He said, speaking loud enough to be heard through the music.​
[member="Cryax Bane"]​
[member="Jack Rand"]​
[member="Kala'ndryl Ryj"]​
[member="Cilara Ventril"]​
[member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]​
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]​
[member="Meili Shaw"]​
[member="Sayl Bane"]​
[member="Gavin XIII"]​
[member="Dakita Calfur"]​
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]​
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]​
[member="Roshki Belawiiks"]​
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]​

Tonight Sage Bane was ecstatic, and this time it wasn't just the copious amounts of glitterstim in his bloodstream. A few weeks ago the young half-Chiss had been slumming it on Nar Shaddaa, working for the Ko Hentata drug cartel, but now he was partying on Correllia with his beautiful boyfriend, Baelfire Lenasin, known more famously around the galaxy as [member="The Cartographer"]. As much as Sage had enjoyed hiding out with Bael at the Jedi temple on Ession where he was training to be a Jedi, the wealthy bio-scientist's Coronet City estate was definitely Sage's idea of trading up. Technically he wasn't allowed to leave the Jedi temple on Ession, not for thirty days anyway, and with the stipulation that his drug test came back clean, but kark it. Sage had always been the man known for never saying no, and tonight he wasn't about to add that word to his vocabulary. Not when he had a gorgeous golden-eyed Epicanthrix man on his arm.

Bael looked amazing as usual, more casually dressed in a black sweater and jeans. But frankly, Bael could wear a potato sack and Sage would still be completely smitten. He leaned in closely and whispered in Bael's ear, low enough to be sultry, but loud enough for him to hear over the dance music. "Sorry, I can't hear you with your shirt on," he joked, then he added. "Thank you my dear, Baelfire. You look good enough to eat. What say we mingle with your beautiful guests?" The Chiss hybrid then took Bael's arm gently but with a possessive edge to the gesture. Sure there were throngs of attractive men and women crawling all over the place, but Sage only had eyes for one man, and he wanted everyone to know that The Cartographer was his.

[member="The Cartographer"]

Without her brother's insistence that she come to the party, there was little doubt in Sayl's mind that she would have bothered to arrive in the first place. One, everything was too loud. Sure, she'd grown up on Nal Hutta, a world full of events similar to this, but perhaps that was part of her dislike. Secondly, it was too bright. There was a beauty there, but it was hard to find past the neon glow. Overlooking those factors, however, it seemed to be a good time, and she navigated the packed crowds with ease, picking her way past and through the neverending sea of people, having done so numerous times in the past. This time, however, she wasn't there to pickpocket, but for more innocent purposes. If anything her twin did could be called that.

Finally spotting [member="Sage Bane"] across the dancefloor, raising an eyebrow at the man whose arm he held, she wove her way through the mass of people towards them, first looking the stranger up and down before turning to her brother. "So, how frowned upon would it be if I took a few credits here and there?" No formal introduction to his obvious partner, no asking how he'd been, not even a simple hello. Simple and straight to the bottom of things, just as she always was. It was a habit of hers that annoyed most others, but that was something she didn't pay attention to, yet again another thing to get under people's skin.

As if just noticing she blinked, offering a crooked smile to [member="The Cartographer"]. "Oh, yeah, hey. Sayl, his twin sister." She nodded towards her brother, not giving a further introduction on her part. Not much else was required, usually, as the two were identical not only in looks but oftentimes personality as well. As the saying went, if you've met one, you've met the other. That went doubly so for them, as most were quick to notice. "Not a bad place you've got here, either. A bit more upscale than what's usual, but I could get used to it. Especially with the company." At the last words spoken she looked to who she assumed to be the host pointedly.

This wouldn't be the first time she'd purposefully irritated her brother, and if the night went the way she predicted it to, it certainly wouldn't be the last, least of all the last of this particular party. No, the night was just beginning, and so was she.
Entering the scene with an entourage of rainbow assorted Twi'lek was the alluring and charismatic CEO, Aleksandyr Gaillard; well of course he was known to [member="Cryax Bane"] but perhaps for others he was less renowned. Regardless there was no lack of poise in the way he walked, no lack of shame in what he brought with him, and more importantly no greater display of affluence this side of the Galaxy.

The young producer of luxury starships and superfast speeders, Alek was by no means short of having a bit of a playboy reputation for those who have heard of him. For anyone of the political elite and criminal underworld whispers were spreading fast of his unethical business strategies that have gotten him this far. Sales may have been at all time low but the value of his brands and limited product range were soaring. Nonetheless there was a certain auspicious attitude about the way he presented himself to what could simply be described as an over-the-top welcome home party that he had very little understanding of why. He didn't know the host, the host likely did not know him, and the only reason Alek was even invited was probably because of his ties with Cryax. Maybe the Nerd Lord wanted to see his tastefully accented less than potential business partner again. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Did it matter, though? A party was a party! There was musics, alcohol, promiscuity, and above all new connections to be made.

This was the essence of new business. This would require tact, elegance, and surely a bit of flamboyance.

[member="The Cartographer"]
Dak entered the stately mansion alone, party-senses turned up to eleven. Wearing a glow stone necklace and not much else she slithered through the crowd, making her way to the open bar. She ordered a Corellian whiskey and leaned in to ask, "So where's this photographer guy?"

He looked confused. "I... I don't think there's a photographer tonight, Ma'am."

"No the photographer!" shouted Dak. "You know the guy who's party this is."

The bartender chuckled and then said, "Oh you mean [member="The Cartographer"]."

"Yeah whatever."

The bartender gestured to a pair of attractive men who appeared to be very close already. She scanned around the room and her eyes landed on another cutie with a bevy of Twi'lek lookin' like his harem . Frak, the beautiful ones were always taken. Still at a swanky place like this maybe she would find her Yyegar Sugar Daddy and live happily ever after.

She laughed out loud at the absurdity of that thought and looked elsewhere for someone with a cute lower lip she could bite into later.

[member="The Cartographer"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"] [member="Dakita Calfur"]

((This is Roshki))

Tiola walked into the mansion wearing one of her dressier outfits, though she still had a blade hidden very....well.

Her reasons for being here were twofold: Not only did the Jumper love a good party, but she also wanted to find out why the bounty on the Cartographer had been dropped. Oh, she'd heard stories here and there, but the way Tiola figured it, it never hurt to get it from the source.

Walking past the man with the harem of female Twi'leks, Tiola finally spotted whom she had, many days ago, been hoping to kill. The man was in the company of another man and a young woman, both looking as if they were related.

Putting on a crooked smile, the blue-skinned woman walked up to the three, murmuring a greeting to the siblings before looking up at the Cartographer. "Well hey there, fellow. You're the host, right?"
"MITTTTT!! We're going to be late!" She shouted whilst wave to her friend and lab rat [member="Mit Tuxaire"] and a newcomer [member="Gavin XIII"]. She got heated that her pet Malachite refused to come even just as a friend. She pouted a little bit and whispered, "That jerk......He's lucky he's fluffy." Luckily for everyone there was a party and she did love a good party. Meili Shaw headed over to the bar, she intended to order so much ranging from some wine, whiskey and that honey stuff that fire ferret showed her, the ferret referring to Malachite. But she was unaware of the men joining her, could they drink nearly as much as her? But they seemed quite determined to enjoy themselves. She, of course, approved because well...boys would be boys.

"Bartender! Would you be so kind and get some warm wine and whiskey. For myself and these boys may have as much wine as they wish as well." Meili told the bartender, she has as much credits to blow thanks to her father and well the scientist job to boot. As she pulled out her credits the bartender refused stating although this party had a bar, this was still a party no money needed. Her face filled with bliss as she enjoyed most things that were of course free, rich or not. This "[member="The Cartographer"]" fella was indefinitely one swell fella if she did say so herself. With the accordance of free, she down several shots before Mit and Gavin could even reach the bar. A big ol' smile framed on her face from cheek to cheek content with everything.

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin smiled at the girl who'd ordered him 'whatever he wanted'. What he wanted was something absolutely toxic. But what? He walked over to her, and stole a bit of an odd drink he'd never seen before. It was green and bubbling. Awesome. The Thirteenth grinned wildly at the bartender, and pointed at the drink.

"Forget wine, I'm having some of that green stuff, too. Looks terribly acidic. I like drinking acid."

[member="Meili Shaw"]


Well-Known Member
"Yes, yes, Meili." Mit said, walking to the bar. He didn't know anything about [member="Gavin XIII"], though he seemed ok. Mit sat on one of the bar stools and watched [member="Meili Shaw"] as she drank far more than He would ever even think about touching.

"I'll have some of that tea, nothing added." He said, tossing a few credits to the bartender, whether the guy wanted them or not.

[member="Gavin XIII"]
[member="Meili Shaw"]
Nefertari arrived quietly. She had made a change from her normal robes for something more flattering of her figure.

Sitting down st the bar, she said "iced tea" to the bartender. While he got her drink, she noticed her friend and romantic interest [member="Mit Tuxaire"] as well as [member="Meili Shaw"] who was drinking whiskey like nobody she'd ever seen.

Mit hadn't noticed her "Intresting how she can down that much isn't it?"

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