Without her brother's insistence that she come to the party, there was little doubt in Sayl's mind that she would have bothered to arrive in the first place. One, everything was too loud. Sure, she'd grown up on Nal Hutta, a world full of events similar to this, but perhaps that was part of her dislike. Secondly, it was too bright. There was a beauty there, but it was hard to find past the neon glow. Overlooking those factors, however, it seemed to be a good time, and she navigated the packed crowds with ease, picking her way past and through the neverending sea of people, having done so numerous times in the past. This time, however, she wasn't there to pickpocket, but for more innocent purposes. If anything her twin did could be called that.
Finally spotting [member="Sage Bane"] across the dancefloor, raising an eyebrow at the man whose arm he held, she wove her way through the mass of people towards them, first looking the stranger up and down before turning to her brother. "So, how frowned upon would it be if I took a few credits here and there?" No formal introduction to his obvious partner, no asking how he'd been, not even a simple hello. Simple and straight to the bottom of things, just as she always was. It was a habit of hers that annoyed most others, but that was something she didn't pay attention to, yet again another thing to get under people's skin.
As if just noticing she blinked, offering a crooked smile to [member="The Cartographer"]. "Oh, yeah, hey. Sayl, his twin sister." She nodded towards her brother, not giving a further introduction on her part. Not much else was required, usually, as the two were identical not only in looks but oftentimes personality as well. As the saying went, if you've met one, you've met the other. That went doubly so for them, as most were quick to notice. "Not a bad place you've got here, either. A bit more upscale than what's usual, but I could get used to it. Especially with the company." At the last words spoken she looked to who she assumed to be the host pointedly.
This wouldn't be the first time she'd purposefully irritated her brother, and if the night went the way she predicted it to, it certainly wouldn't be the last, least of all the last of this particular party. No, the night was just beginning, and so was she.