Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Oderint Dum Metuant | The First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance held Mustafar Hex


Well-Known Member
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Location: Mustafar, Vader's Castle
Allies: First Order & Allies
Enemies: Galactic Alliance & Allies
Engaging: [member="Jamie Pyne"]
In Vicinity:
[member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Ara Ren"]
[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Abraxas"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
[ Theme ]
--- --- ---
He could taste the defeat in the air, the fear emanating from the girl - though not terror. Whether it was the band which she wore or some trick of the Force, he could feel no terror in her, just the willpower to endure. It was a familiar sensation to the Ren. Enduring pain was just one of the realities of life as he knew it. As he felt the blade knocked away the momentum of his swing carried his blade high and with what strength he could muster he propelled the blade downward as if to cleave the woman in two - imagine his surprise when the killing blow was halted, gripped in an iron grasp of the Force. In vain he tried to push through the block but was met with an inexplicable resistance. The rage and the fury filled the man but met with an obstacle, one he couldn't overpower by mere strength - he felt the wind sucked from his sails. As he frantically tried to respond he found the girl bursting forth from her crouched position and then she was upon him.

With that quick burst of power the girl had moved inside his guard, impacting his right shoulder which sent him reeling as he tried to keep his balance. His grip on the blade never faltered but he quickly found himself now facing the girl who now stood just behind where he'd been but a moment ago. As he re-aligned himself with the woman he noted her saber had already been retrieved, the blade igniting as soon as it had entered her hand once more. A twitch consumed the fingers of his left hand as he transitioned full control of the blade to his right - but there was no time to waste. She had been quick, aided by the Force no doubt - it was thick here, coursing through the two of them. The darkness through the Ren and the structure, held only at bay by the light emanating from the girl, steadfast in her resolve. It was an admirable trait, the resiliency of one who by all appearances was delicate. Had he been a younger man, had the situation been less dire or his loyalty less resolute, he might have let up - but he was none of those things.

A violent shake of his left arm brought a modicum of feeling back to his fingertips as he continued his advance. Wielding the blade with one hand he took a powerful step forward, slashing horizontally at the girl. Another step, another strike, this time from an upper angle. As he moved forward he used the long reach of the blade to his advantage, his goal to keep pressing until she was either overwhelmed by his strikes or able to turn the balance. Driven by the pain in his shoulder and the Force, his blade sung as it slashed through the air - the crystal in its pommel empowering the Ren, not unlike the Jedi's own bracelet. The pain brought focus, and the focus brought strength. Strength which he now brought to bear down on the Jedi.

Castor Ren's Equipment

Armor: Armour of Ren

Explosives: (In Pack/Attached)
[SIZE=9pt]NPCS- Various Jedi Masters, Knights, and Jedi Service Corps troops in either Standard robes or Jedi Guardian Heavy Armor Robes, Standard Lightsabers, Standard Jedi Light Shields. Moving along with Erinyes and [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Grand Master Omai Rhen[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] to secure the entrance and continue moving forward. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]NPC Actions with her: Attacking and slaying the droids in the castle.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Directly Engaging: [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Kyrel Ren"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies Nearby: [member="Ty Rellius"] [/SIZE][member="Elpsis Elaris"]

[SIZE=9pt]We are the lucky ones...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]We shine like a thousand suns, when all the colours runs together...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Like a beacon of the Light, there Erinyes stood in the middle of the atrium. Round her ash drifts sent the long cowl into the air, dancing as the pale cloak about her fluttered, the sting of hot ash and heat threatening to bury itself into her bones. Jade throbs observed the girl child [member="Samka Derith"], the room swarming with metallic figures, their steps beating a frantic beat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"What are you doing to me?"[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]What was she doing? Fear, confusion, a sense of loss. Uncertainty. It was so familiar, that dark past. That endless night. Compassion went drifting across the Jedi Master's visage. Like a dozen violins, that melody took on frantic notes, a cacophony that slowly began to wane upon the words that seemed to go echoing within the young Knight of Ren’s head.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Rest, f’r I mean thee no harm.” the pressing of the morichro continued, weaving and coaxing Samka into the lull of Erinyes’ voice. It was not her intention to bring anyone harm or death; blood had been spilled, lives absorbed into the ocean of the Force. Too much death.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was at that moment that Erinyes felt the touch of another. [/SIZE][member="Elpsis Elaris"] was near. Her strength soon added another layer to the coax.

[SIZE=9pt]Dance me into the night.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Underneath the full moon shining so bright...Turning me into the light...[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]The blaze of a crimson saber interrupted the session, the incoming wail of, "Leave my Sister alone, I will not allow you to harm that child Master Jedi for now you're fight is with me." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Two more blades came to life, another Twi’lek coming towards the Jedi Master to attack. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A deep sigh seemed to flow from the Jedi, almost as if in disappointment. In heartbreak. Those large green eyes caught sight of the incoming attacks, and pulling back from her attempted trance of Samka and leaving it to [/SIZE][member="Elpsis Elaris"] 's care, the Jedi Master calmly, and serenely, brought her arms up.

[SIZE=9pt]With a small gesture of both hands, the Force went surging through the Jedi, a powerful telekinetic grip extending out to attempt to catch both Knight and Master in her hold. It was to freeze them in place beyond lightsaber length, not to throw back, not to to even cause harm. Just to halt their strikes mid-air as the Jedi Master observed them all in tranquility.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Thee doth not has't to do this.” her musical voice would coax, perhaps, almost a plea. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dance me into the night[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Underneath the full moon shining so bright... [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Around them, the flood of droids ran headlong into battle. A kaleidoscopic range of colors of violet, cobalt, canary, and emerald. The char and hiss as blade met metal, electronics popping and sparking. Bolts deflected, striking at chassis's of droids only for the cry of the Jedi wounded to echo amidst the garbled metallic poweroff of the droids. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Grand Marshal was not far behind, his blue blade swinging left and right. Front and back - block, parry, feint, attack. More and more Jedi were spreading across the atrium, intending to move deeper into the keep along with Erinyes should she continue her path. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]They were all here led by the Grand Master, and his continued presence was like a rallying cry of the light. [/SIZE]
Vader's Castle​
Allies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"] [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Liliane"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Elmont Block"] and the rest of the GA​
Enemies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Cameron Centurion"] (next time baby)​
Directly Engaging: Going to help Taryc so incoming for Connor and Ara​
Gear: In signature​
Well the presence she had been starting to move towards still seemed no closer, and while she truly wanted to go confront that individual... she could feel the ebbs and flow of combat much closer to her location and it had a familiar presence there. Connor was dueling one of the other GA members here... but there was another dark signature heading towards their fight and whoever that was was likely to try and tip the scales in the First Order's favor. That was just unacceptable, plus Connor was likely to learn another important lesson besides what he might have seen from the illusions.

Cracking her neck, she channeled the Force through her limbs and began moving much faster. She needed to go... that way, deeper... back down into the tunnels of the castle. She wasn't attempting to keep her presence hidden, wanting Connor and his unknown ally to know that was she responding to aid an ally, even if they hadn't called for help. It was an advantageous position to be in, being able to help balance scales where necessary. Plus, it felt like Master Draclau and the Grand Marshal and Sarge had the entryway well in hand. They just needed to mop up a few more of these Ren inside and then... well the future was constantly shifting.

She reached a point where she sensed a dark signature one level below her... hmm they must have gone into some secret tunnels Vader had excavated when the castle was constructed. Using the Force to guide her, she sped along, getting closer and closer to that dark signature that had been moving to help Connor.
Location: Vader’s Castle
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Erinyes Draclau"]
Enemies: [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Gear in bio

The distraction worked, and the Ren blacked out before she could drag down the ceiling. Aver pulled back, straightening her spine with an appreciative groan. The merc was about to slit her foe’s throat and correct her previous mistake when the comms lit up again.


“Corridor clear,” she grunted back and hefted up the sonic rifle the Ren had dropped. Alliance troops were pushing past the outdated droids, squads breaking their formation more and more. Aver used the opportunity to move forward herself, shooting a couple rustbuckets in the back. With a thankful nod to the returned Captain Vyrgg, the soldiers poured into the Castle behind her while she jumped straight into the fray.

A quick threat assessment later, Aver was leveling the stolen rifle at the exposed backs of the two FOs – a green twi’lek and a particularly feisty-looking Ren. Her finger would come down on the trigger, three, four times, wide spread. All the while she’d keep moving closer, intent on reaching melée range and catching them between a rock and a hard place together with the Jedi reinforcements.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: Darth Vader's Castle[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Mishel Ren"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Rest, f’r I mean thee no harm,” the woman’s words were comforting. Simple yet effective at removing what fears she held. She gave a dreary nod of acknowledgement of the jedi’s words and relaxed the grip on her lightsaber, letting the blade disengage.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The unexpected but welcome appearance of Kyrel and Stardust gave her some relief but not enough to completely snap out of whatever sinister spell the Jedi had placed on her before reinforcements arrived. Just as she began to reinvigorated, the work was continued by the new arrival.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You… You can’t-” she began to speak, her tone increasingly flat in every word. “I have a-a mission to-to do.” Her words became a reminder to herself more than a message for anyone outside her own mind. Things were still hazy, becoming more so by the second. The pain was completely gone now, as was her anger. Even the intense heat of Mustafar seemed more like a pleasant warmth, perfect for relaxation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her eyes glazed over and a ditzy smile crept over her face. There was even a small snort of a giggle. She watched her allies, the cyborg and the Twi’lek fight on unperturbed. They’d be just fine. Everything would. She’d earned her rest.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]That was the next sensation through her mind. A jolt of it crossing through her brain denying her opportunity to take a well earned break. But it wasn't her own body crying out but another she was connected to. Within the lazy mist cooing Sam to sleep emerged the figure of a dark haired teenager curled up. This was the vat grown Ren placed under her protection, Mishel Ren. The girl was in so much pain it tore through the effect even Sam. The connection between Master and Apprentice was something she had heard a lot about but never truly understood until that moment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mishel struggled to her feet, as ready as she possibly could be in her current shape. It might not be enough. A feeling bubbled up inside of her, something similar to how she felt having to leave [/SIZE][member="Kriel Firin"] behind but not exactly the same. The fate of the others was on them but Mishel was hers. Her responsibility, hers to protect. Samka wasn’t quite free from the Jedi yet but the emotion stirred within her at the scene was giving her the drive needed to push on. Not only was it her own emotions but she was suddenly so connected with the younger girl she felt that same pain, that same fear, that same longing to be home. She needed to push on. For Mishel. For all of them. She needed to help all of them. To help Mishel.

[SIZE=11pt]And so she did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Mishel?” Her own voice felt distant, echoed. Sam wasn’t speaking in the physical world, she was reaching out through the Force, something only the two of them could hear. “I-” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]warned you not to go alone [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]was what she wanted to say but stopped herself. What good would that do now? Make the girl feel foolish and blame herself? “I know you can do this,” she said instead. “You’re stronger than I give you credit. Every time I try to shield you, because I think you can’t do something, you prove me wrong. You’re different, Mishel. You’re made for this in ways people like me can only dream of. We’re all going to come out of this alive. Trust me and trust in your instincts. Trust the Force. Because I need you with me. You’re a pest but the Supreme Leader entrusted your care to me and I don’t fail my missions which means I’ll be seeing you back at the Bastion before long. I promise. Soon we’ll be home. All of us.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As the connection waned, Sam did her best to replicate the Battle meditation she used with Ara on the descent. Encouragement, confidence, dulling the pain, renewal from exhaustion. All she could do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And she was free once more. Back watching her fellow Ren clash with the Jedi. She remained motionless for a moment, pretending to still be inflicted, before she slowly brought her com to her mouth. “All units,” she whispered in a voice barely audible. “Primary objective complete, facility mapped. New primary objective, protect operative Mishel. You know where she is, lock onto her implants.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Samka wasn’t sure whether this would be approved by her superiors or not, she reassigned the Assassin Probes scouting the building to protecting one of their number instead. Some might say her personal feelings had interfered but after all the effort required to create Mishel Ren, this was about prioritising the protection of a valuable asset. At least that’s how she’d justify it. The Assassin Probes weren’t built for full frontal combat but they gathered in droves, swarming the Geonosian Droids which once served Lord Vader, shielding Mishel from further harm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Now she had her own business to attend to. Harrison. He’d uncovered the way to what she needed. Still pretending to be immobilised until the last moment. She unleashed a burst of Dark Side energy as a parting shot, aimed at causing deep primal fear in the minds of those who had tried to hold her. This... Jedi who thought she could restrain someone as strong as her, someone powered further still by the Dark Side oozing through the building, while battling more of their number. The arrogance of the being sickened her and she hoped her psychological attack had done something, anything but she couldn’t be certain. She was strong in the Light Side of the Force, very strong, and Samka had no time to stay and find out.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]She dashed down the corridors, boosted by the speed granted by the Force towards where [member="Connor Harrison"] had begun his fight, praying she wasn’t too late and wasn’t be followed.[/SIZE]

Objective: Have Fun Storming The Castle
Allies in Vicinity: [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]
Enemies in Vicinity: [member="Elmont Block"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] | the incoming [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Allies At Location: [member="Castor Ren"] | [member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | KoR/FO
Enemies At Location: [member="Jamie Pyne"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Liliane"] | [member="Ty Rellius"] | [member="Kimiko"]
Gear: In signature, 1x Curved Hilt Lightsaber

The coughing finally subsided, her left hand moving up to the side of her face, pain and heat radiating from the cheekbone. The sting of sweat covered fingers touching an open wound had her hissing, the tell-tale warmth of blood coating her fingertips.

Releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, the knight wiped her fingers on the edge of her jacket and took a moment to orient herself. The well structured hallways had given way to natural rock formations interspersed with channels of lava, the air oppressive and weighing on the Knight’s armor. Smoke made her already blurry vision practically useless, the orange-red glow of the magma the only indication of the places not to step.

Her footsteps echoed amongst the stonework, mind searching for the clearest path to Connor and whoever was with him. An opening to her right looked promising, Ara setting off again, using the same trick from before, power behind every movement, body a blur as she traversed the dark and twisting corridors.

A familiar voice preceded her appearance in the cavern, her steps slowing to a casual walk. The power within the cavern called to her heart and blood as surely as the man within did. Her eyes were long lost in a wave of amber and sulfur, glowing with anger and power, a wicked smile turning up the edges of her mouth. Blood ran down the left side of her face from the twisted metal of her mask after the blaster fire had all but shattered it.

Crystals of every shade of red sprouted from the ground, the obsidian walls, and anywhere else they could find purchase. They pulsed with power and potential, the dark side permeating the room and any who dared enter. Steam billowed and filled the room with heat and haze, her already shallow breathing taking another hit as her lungs struggled to find a reasonable amount of oxygen from the acrid air around her.

Beyond colors and shapes, the half-Hapan could distinguish little, but she hardly needed to. The connection between them snapped with power as her steps brought her further into the chamber and closer to Connor.

The armored woman on top of the disciple glowed with power in her mind’s eye, but the Knight cared little. He had called and she had answered. Bloodlust burned through her, the unfinished fight from earlier leaving the Ren unsatisfied and desperate for the crunch of bone and the sounds of anguish from anyone foolish enough to test her.

Strengthened by the pain of each of the wounds left by blaster rounds and her own desire, one hand reached out, curled into a claw, and shifted, attempting to throw the armored woman off and away from the man who was currently her target. Surprise was a weapon well used and with any luck, her entrance had gone mostly unnoticed.

”My turn to interrupt.”

The low rolling chuckle was underscored by another echoing step of boots on stone, the snap and hiss of a saber being drawn and activated filling the cavern.

Another aura, this one recognizable, moved closer, slightly above the trio, but incoming quickly. Raising an eyebrow at her ally she tilted her head thoughtfully. Reaching out to him telepathically, she spoke, unwilling to alert their opponent to incoming reinforcements.

Incoming, Connor.
Location: Vader's Castle, Mustafar
Allies: [member="Erinyes Draclau"], [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], directly engaging: [member="Samka Derith"]
Gear: Beskar armour (in sig) + ARGH jets, bolter, hard sound carbine, magnetic revolver, anti-forcer + forcebreaker grenades, lightsabre.

Elpsis felt the burst of dark side energy that slammed into her mind, seeking to awaken a primal fear and drive her to despair. The Fire Adept winced when she felt the mental tendrils, but steeled herself and did not waver. Her mind was not so easily swayed, not after all the trials she'd endured.

Burning, unyielding faith guided her. Her generally upbeat attitude helped as well. Taryc was fighting down there in the catacombs of the Castle and she was certain the former Inquisitor would be fine. Nor would Elpsis let her down.

Her intended target had managed to liberate herself from the mental attack and now sought to charge down the corridors. Ironically, Elpsis had just come up from the lower levels of the Castle, where Connor, Taryc and Ara were. Thus she would be effectively standing in Samka's way.

Before Elpsis had tried to take the Ren out of the game without inflicting physical damage. But now she brought up her Deathrattle Carbine, a fine Mandalorian sonic gun, and squeezed the trigger, firing a burst. Cones of hard sound, able to shatter bones and turn organs into jellie, even through armour, were unleashed upon Samka. Hard sound could not be blocked by a lightsabre, but was very loud and good at mucking up eardrums.
Vader's Castle
Advancing Upon: [member="Erinyes Draclau"] | Grand Master Omai Rhen | [member="Elpsis Elaris"]
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]

Silver-green eyes flashed with a mixture of controlled aggression and focus as Cameron deftly dodged the lightsaber of one that appeared...almost tragically young...only to be forced to raise his own blade to parry the strike of a much more experienced force user. There was no version of Cameron in battle that extended quarter to his opponents or diminished his ruthlessness against a less skilled opponent. It was through conflict that all sentients were forced to be the very best version of themselves, striving for a perfection that more or less was always just out of reach. This was the critical component of what it truly meant to follow the doctrine of the Sith. Excellence and superiority through any means.

With his free hand, the Sith Lord sent a torrent of raw dark side energy towards the younger opponent that had over-extended in their attack. The tendrils of energy were purple-white and seemed to radiate with their own life as it arced out in various directions towards the young Jedi. A notable yell of exasperation escaped the more senior of the power as Cameron readjusted his position to slip out of a defensive position. A master/apprentice couple then? Shame they seemingly failed each other in the end.

Allowing his lightning attack to dissipate, Cameron shifted to a two handed grip as he continued to battle the Jedi Master. Their contest was a deadly ballet, but the music had to stop eventually. While Cameron was used to maintaining an aggressive posture in battle, he could not say the same for the Jedi that seemed arguably more comfortable settled into Form III. The loss of the apprentice hadn't made the Master reckless just...unsettled enough not to be at the edge of his performance level. It was the only place safe enough for the Jedi.

As soon as the Jedi Master over-committed to an opening that Cameron had taunted him into, the large Sith Lord dipped and spun to his right with surprising agility before plunging the alchemical blade of his weapon deep into the Jedi's gut with a reverse thrust. The visceral feel of flesh sliding over the blade brought a thin smile to Cameron's lips as he turned and ripped the weapon skywards, splitting the Jedi Master in two.

Cameron did not bother to admire his handiwork. In the back of his mind, he apologized to his dear niece. He wouldn't be complying with the wishes of [member="Aela Talith"] this day. Fortunately, he'd not been the one to spoil the children in their youth. Without sheathing his bloodied weapon, Cameron turned his attention to the main entrance to Vader's Castle. It was there that he sensed a massive strength, a focal point of light and hope.

The Sith's smile darkened as he advanced.

Mishel Kryze

Location: Vader's Castle, 2 Floors Below the Roof > Rooftop
Allies In Range: [member="Samka Derith"] via Telepathy | Assassin Probe Droids
Enemies In Range: [member="Aela Talith"] (Rooftop) | Geonosian Droids
Objective: Plant the Flag, Defeat the Droids



Geonsian droids moved forward and Mishel headed for them, lightsaber out she did not bother with a stance or a form. Droids cared not for them, they simply shot - aimed and shot. Their goal was simple; eliminated the intruder. Once more her sore muscles worked to bring the blade down, embers from the droids flew as the lightsaber cut through them. Sidestep, swing - block, deflect, deflect and block once more. Vicious slash after vicious slash, forward and jab, back again and jab once more. Cut left, cut right and still the bolts came through hitting into her armour scoring it once more. She could still feel the weight of their impact and the more they hit the more she felt them burn. The girl's vision blurred a moment as another blaster bolt grazed across the left shoulder of her armour. And so she swung her blade again, hand over hand as she cut through the droids.

Then she heard a voice, a familiar voice in her mind Sam had reached out through the force. "Mishel? I- I know you can do this. You're stronger than I give you credit." All Mishel could do was listen, her body and mind were too concentrated to reply now and their connection, however, weak made it clear that Sam was somewhere far, far away from the girl. She spun on her heel to block another shot and swung her lightsaber over to rip apart yet another droid. Every time I try to shield you because I think you can't do something, you prove me wrong. It took all her will not to stop to make a reply to say to Sam that she had every reason to shield Mishel. The girl was a foolish thing, often acting on impulse like a child when she was a disciple of Ren who should know and act better than she had. Another slash, as her body moved forward her lightsaber's hum muted by the sounds of blaster fire - of droids initiating orders. Her will was the only thing that kept her on at this point. You're different, Mishel. You're made for this in ways people like me can only dream of. Forceborn. She recalled it mentioned of her once or twice and how many were quite disappointed with her, namely Seiger. Her behaviour was more indicative of her mother's nature; Siobhan. A wild force of nature that could not be tamed, but she was not her mother. The girl recalled the information that the console on the second floor displayed, she recalled the many titles that Siobhan Kerrigan bore. The Butcher. The Kerrigan. The Karishzar. Ethereal Fist of Kaeshana. The image of her mother on that profile, seared into her mind. She was not her mother, she was not that woman - they shared only blood.

Her assault on the droids continued but each step and each swing felt heavier - weighted by her armour, by her sore and tired body. We're all going to come out of this alive. This made Mishel want to scoff but that would require energy. Energy she could not spare in this hour, in this minute nor in this moment as she continued to fight. Some Forceborn, she thought for a moment as her force reserves began to build themselves back up. Trust me, and trust your instincts. Her instincts? Mishel was so tired she wasn't even sure if they were still there all she knew was her mission and her goal and how she could not give it up. The vat-grown Ren refused, she refused to fail her master, her father, and everything that she was simply because a silly spirit provided an answer to a question she would not have gotten on the Bastion. Seiger had only given Mishel what she needed to know, he told her that he had rescued her from Tygara for it too had suffered a terrible fate and once more by invaders. This time the invader was not an asteroid - a fate that Kaeshana had met with long ago, no this time the invader had been Kraal and in the mess of it all. Her mothers had left her to her fate to fight the First Order on Kaeshana - the First Order who had arrived on a humanitarian mission to help the Eldorai. This is what was told to her in the tank as she grew, alongside her lessons of the dark side. Flash training as some might call, programming - others would say. Trust the force. Trust the force, trust her instincts - trust in her master, Samka Derith. In that moment Mishel paused all movement, lightsaber in hand - her breathing heavy from the fighting she had done. It was not that the droids had stopped, but it was that she needed to listen to what was being said.

Because I need you with me. You're a pest but the Supreme Leader entrusted your care to me and I don't fail my missions. Which means that I'll be seeing you back at the Bastion before long. I promise. Soon we'll be home. All of us.

Her eyes filled once more with tears, this time a smile accompanied them. She closed her eyes for all she wanted now was to go home, all she wanted was to be with her brothers and sisters. It was in this moment she that heeded Sam's words. Trust the force, trust her instincts - trust in the force and as the bolts made their way to her ever so still body hitting against her armour, as the pain made itself known. Mishel let go... She let go of trying to block the bolts on her own and felt the force around. A barrier began to build itself, a force barrier as she focused and concentrated on the words that were being spoken to her. What she felt instead was encouragement, confidence, a sense of renewal - her exhaustion would no longer weigh down on her. The pain would be dulled, and as the teenager opened her eyes she saw Assassin Probes on the other side of the barrier. It was then the barrier shattered and Mishel put her lightsaber away and began a fast-paced walk that turned into a full on sprint as the Probes kept the Droids occupied she found her way to the stairs. "More fething stairs," she swore to herself, "brother [member="Castor Ren"] must have modelled his fitness program after the bloody castle." The girl huffed as she reached the final floor before the rooftop, she checked down into her armour where the First Order's flag still sat, nestled - unharmed thus far. The last set of stairs, "kark it all." As one [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] might curse she force sped up the last set of stairs until she reached a landing.

There was a door, and so she placed her hand on the door's handle. Mishel licked her lips and checked herself over, blaster still somehow secured to her hip - lightsaber still there. The brunette grabbed for her saber and flicked it on. With her shoulder braced against the door, Mishel Ren opened it and stepped out onto the rooftop and into the unknown...

Fiolette Fortan

En Route to Rutan
Expeditionary Strike Group 11 was now on a hyperspace route to Rutan. There had been no communication with forces there and Avalonia became concerned, Fleet Admiral Fiolette Yvarro volunteered to assemble a quick strike force to engage the enemy, provide reinforcements, resupply troops already on the planet and medevac the wounded. Once these objectives were seen to they could then begin to assess the planet for any additional objectives such as dispatching a beacon to mark a location for future observation stations. FIV Warspite led ESG 11 toward its goal and aboard the battlecruiser, Fiolette studied what information they had on the Galactic Alliances defenses...

"Galeway, bring me the last recon reports on Rutan, will you?" She requested as she stood in the CIC. A large oval holotable provided an overview of the planet and the last known status of those on the ground. Datapads laid scattered around along cups of coffee, tea and various ashtrays. With her hair pulled back, uniform without wrinkle or crease - communications badge perfectly in order. "What's the status of our troops? Tap into their communications," they had installed with their troops the VCSM. "Have the flotilla begin feeding us with their information, will you?" She issued out another order, this time to Ensign Farrah. Her hands were clasped behind her back as she looked up a moment overhead to view the ever speeding hue of hyperspace, and then her eyes went back to the holotable. "Bring up their status here, I want the planet imagery here, thank you Galeway. Return to Captain Walzer, will you?"

Captain Walzer, Fiolette promoted him so that her old crew might keep hold of the Warspite in her absence and since she'd never let a commander take charge of her beloved project, the man had been promoted. A smile pressed upon her lips momentarily as she analyzed the situation, arms folded across her chest. "Two shields?" She questioned when another officer, Lieutenant Commander Dalessio presented her with the last bit of information from the ground. Fiolette's brow furrowed she didn't like the sound of it, and so she wondered, "our last recon reported no planetary shields on the planet whatsoever, any idea when it was installed?" She asked of the first shield.

"Perhaps when SIS caught wind of our movements this way," the LC replied - purely conjecture but it was a logical assumption. Fiolette nodded in agreement and looked back at Dalessio for any other information that the LC might be able to provide. "We're still trying to determine the type of shield at Rutan. Unfortunately, we may not until we're in orbit, at which point we might be able to scan and run it against known Galactic Alliance planetary technology. In the meantime, you have a gift Admiral."

A quirked brow was raised.

"The captain wanted to tell you himself," was all that Dalessio could say.

Annoyed. Fiolette took a breath and huffed, looking about the holotable she grabbed her datapad and looked Farrah in the eyes. "Be sure to dispatch Farrah to my location once he returns."

"Of course, Admiral," Dalessio acknowledged.

Fiolette then took a cup of coffee that had been resting at the edge of the holotable and proceeded to make her way toward the lift. She tucked her datapad under her arm and brought the cup of coffee to her lips. The Admiral nearly gagged and was grateful that the lift doors had closed, "bloody cold as a Galidraani frost." The woman cursed, and waited for the lift to bring her down to the proper level so that she might a fresh cup of either coffee or tea, whatever was being served in the mess at this hour and then make her way to Captain Walzer's ready room to see what sort of gift he might have in store for her and at this point in time. Once the lift doors opened, she stepped out and made haste for the mess - which surprised many of the junior officers and some of the enlisted as she waltzed through the mess doors. The blonde woman returned the cold beverage to staff with an apology, "time seems to be fleeting when you're plotting in the CIC, might you have a fresh brew about?"

"Just o'er there Admiral, fresh cuppa of Avalonia's finest." A petty officer remarked with a smile.

"Thank you," she said gratefully and turned on her heels heading straight for the long table in the back that held several fountains. There was a bit of a crowd there, and Fiolette knew that she could march her way through with her rank and station, however; she did not. Clearly, whatever it was that the Captain wanted to present her with could wait, after all - he decided to present it to her now. Now in the middle of the bloody night when most of the vessel should be resting save for the poor lads and lasses that had been roped into the late night shift. Worse, the poor sods who had to work the complete overnight of which Fiolette had become part of as of late. She gave the other crew a smile reassuring them that she did not want to jump ahead of the others. At least, not today - and as she stood there among the crew, it made her miss this. Miss the feel of captaining a vessel, the feel of being out here among the stars, never let them take your ship. An admiral once told her as she was coming about the ranks once upon a time. Once they take your ship, you might as well retire - there's nothing left after that. A smile traced along her lips as a small voice whispered that it was her turn to take to the fresh brew.

Taking a rather bland off-white cup from the muted forest green rack, she moved to her preferred choice of tea and allowed the beverage to pour into the cup. Fiolette took a moment to allow the tea's aroma to waft its way to her nose, and when she had inhaled its scent, another smile came to her. This one from the familiarity that the tea brought her, and so she turned on her heels and made her way back out of the mess. The blonde turned to her left and made her way down the corridor the Captain's ready room if she recalled would be yet another lift ride, but this one went to the bridge she need only to navigate her way through the Warspite in order to do so.

:: Admiral Yvarro to Captain Walzer, where should I meet you? ::

She decided to ask before she ended up stranded in some junction, or rather on the bridge because she assumed that that's where he'd be.

:: Walzer to Yvarro, forward observation lounge. I see that Dalessio has delievered my message to you. ::

:: They have - forward observation lounge? On my way then, Yvarro out ::

Forward observation lounge was the other way, and that would be an entirely different lift altogether. And so the Fleet Admiral changed directions and headed down for the proper lift, all the while nursing the cup of tea. There was a warmth to it and not just the temperature, it reminded her of life back on Galidraan. Reminded her of when life was far simpler but also quite backwards if she had to say so herself. Mhmm, perhaps Galidraan was not the best thing to think about at this moment. Still, the tea was quite well made and as she stepped into another lift, "observation deck." She called to the lift and listened as it hummed moving upward toward the observation deck.

The observation deck was quite beautiful Fiolette once noted before when she went on the Warspite's initial tour of the First Order and now as she stood on the deck once more. The admiral was sure that her opinion of it had not changed. As they traversed the hyperlane and the varying shades of blue and white passed them by her eyes followed the passing lights down toward the open bar that rested on the upper deck, the forward lounge was beneath it and generally quiet. Most days it laid open to the crew, but it was always the first to be reserved for various meetings with important figures such as Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"] or Grand Admiral [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], or even - a foreign dignitary or two although they were few and far between. Fiolette with her cup of tea crossed the observation deck and headed for the lounge.

There Captain Walzer awaited her, "there you are."

"There I am, Captain," she remarked with a smile as she placed her nearly empty cup on a side table of the lounge. Their black uniforms seemed designed to reflect space as she watched her reflection for a moment before approaching him. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Fiolette placed her arms behind her back, hands clasped.

Walzer agreed, "it is." He too held his arms behind his back but this time he held a box, "well now that you're here I can present you with this." He moved his arms out to his front and presented Fiolette with it. It was a rather strange looking box at least from her point of view but then she noted that the box itself bore no emblem. Walzer slowly lifted the box, and inside laid a note. "I'm not entirely certain what's in it but we did have it scanned and as far as I could tell - nothing life- Admiral?"

"That cheeky little she-devil," she said under her breath with a smile. General [member="Suravi Teigra"] had left the Admiral a gift of sorts. "Thank you Captain for presenting this to me."

Quizzically he turned the box around but found nothing, and then looked at the Admiral and noticed she was holding a note.

"What does it say?"

The Admiral pressed the paper note to her bosom and gave him a look, "now, now Captain. It was a gift meant for me, was it not?" She moved the paper away from her bosom if only so she could get a glance at the handwriting. "Let's just say that the gift will be most helpful to us in the upcoming..." Fiolette's eyes narrowed, "battle, as it were." The blonde turned on her heels and toes, "carry on Captain and thank you, again."

Location: Hyperspace En Route to Rutan
Allies In Range: N/A
Enemies In Range: N/A
Objective: Assist First Order Forces on the Ground.
Barkesh North Engagement - (Taheera for some reason I never get your notifications)

[member="Taheera Sollo"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]| [member="Tsuki Aihara"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"]| [member="Braith Achlys"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

His feet landed on the ground, his weapons were secure enough within his grip and against his forearm that he could apply pressure to keep his blades from being jabbed into his own person; they came mighty darn close though. When his feet collided with the ground he backpedalled a bit but then stepped forward to reengage. Just then a blaster round flew past his fast, Rekha had them covered. He had to be careful to maintain his balance so he didn't get caught in the crossfire.

He turned to look over to see if Trex was okay, the weapon this guy had was something Rebel had never seen before. It was almost like it was alive.


Just what the hell is that thing...

Sweat dripped from his head and fell towards the ground as the muscles in his face tensed.feeling the sudden surge of danger at his back he turned to see Taheera being pulled towards the Dark Jedi. He spun his left blade around and held it so that it was upright like a normal lightsaber.

Just then, he reached out with his mind to connect with Taheera, "Keep...him...there"

His right remained in the perpendicular grip, and just as he lunged himself at the mans back he dug the blunt end of his lightsaber into the mans back, releasing and electrical charge from the generator in the ends of his hilts. His second came down from above with moderate force, not a full power attack but aimed at the other end of his staff where the heads lay. It wasn't the intended target but he thought maybe he could keep him from using that end while Taheera held the other.
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
FN-4077 "Sub Zero" or "Zero"
Rutan Surface
Allies: First Order, Imperial Remnant, and other Allies
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, and Allies.

Looking in the direction of the yell that came towards them, Zero could faintly see the outlines of the SIS forces pursuing them. Without hesitation and still not spotted thanks to the camouflage of her armor, she took off again at full speed. This time however making a big loop to get around behind the SIS forces. Though still out numbered this flank would hopefully make them think otherwise of engaging Joan. Setting up in a nice cover position behind a fallen tree, with a perfect spot to lay prone and setup her blaster. She would quietly watch and wait to engage them with extreme prejudice if they took a hostile action towards her Commanding officer. If it were to kick off she would prioritize the closest to Joan first to protect the officer, then work towards herself with the hostiles. For now however she would just quietly watch and see how Joan would handle this in true officer fashion.

Zero's trigger finger kept inching closer and closer to the trigger guard, she was itching for a fight and wanted to lay waste to these bullies as she made them out to be. Things almost seemed a bit childish in her mind, to rationalize anything she did it was because she felt threatened, or she thought they were the biggest meanest "kid" on the block. This could have been a side effect of her being taken and trained as a Stormtrooper from when she was 4 years old. But this could also be because she was just a complete and total psychopath in the eyes of the rest of the Corps. No one really could explain it, she was an anomaly from the training.

[member="FN-888"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jarven Zexxel"] | [member="Maria Natalja"]
skin, bone, and arrogance

Mustafar Ashflats - Wreck of the FIV Frontrunner
[member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Pharazon Draken"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"]
[member="Choli Vyn"]​

Natasi kept her head down as she hustled with the rest of Wenck's men across the ash, kicking up plumes of ashy dust from her stormtrooper boots. It was physically demanding; Natasi was in the best physical condition of her life, but even she found herself getting winded -- some combination of running on the shifting 'sands' of the volcanic ash that coated the area, the sweltering heat, and the air saturated with the sulfuric stench of Mustafar's volcanic activity were combining to challenge the Grand Moff. She kept fit, but the gym at Number 10 Park Boulevard and the firing range at the Avalonia garrison were a far cry from Mustafar. She followed with the men and women of Wenck's squad.

A brilliant explosion stopped the Grand Moff in her tracks; even the filters on the stormtrooper helmet's goggles were not enough to fully dim the brilliance of it. Two tanks in [member="Pharazon Draken"]'s division had gone up in flames. The air was filled with burning embers and kicked-up ashes, in the cries of broken men and the screams of laserfire. Natasi was struck dumb by it for the barest of moments, standing in awe of the beauty and terror of battle before regaining the presence of mind to dive into cover behind a rocky outcropping next to the one [member="Rexus Wenck"] had identified as "Shorty" -- the coward. She was about to wonder why all the tanks weren't returning fire when the tanks nearest her -- a hundred yards away, but a hundred yards across empty space might as well have been a hundred miles -- began to do just that. Turrets swiveled and began to belch hard light at [member="Choli Vyn"] and the aerial and ground forces that came with her.

The air was rent by the blasts, by another explosion, by the impact of laserfire raining onto the crash site-cum-battlefield. She heard the distress of Captain Draken as it related to [member="Irajah Ven"] and tried to suppress the feelings of anxiety and guilt she had over a civilian's injuries. There would be time for that later.

Peeking her head cautiously over the top of the rock behind which she and Shorty had taken cover. Natasi raised her blaster, aiming down the sights at the enemy forces unloading from the gunship. She called into the helmet comlink: "Captain, we need to get to those tanks and get them on the move before -- "

The rest of her call was lost in the static. Ducking, Natasi turned in time to see the Frontrunner -- her home as much as Number 10, perhaps more -- suddenly begin to erupt in flame -- first from the reactor section in the back, then along all its systems. Bulkheads that weren't vaporized were ejected into the air or thrown haphazardly across the ashy hellscape. Natasi wanted to protest, but no words came. She checked her blaster's energy pack, then looked over at [member="Rexus Wenck"] and nodded grimly.

Location: Mustafar, Planetside.
Sub-Location: Mensix Mining Facility - Exterior Landing Platforms > Interior Corridor.

Allies: The First Order and their Allies - [member="Rolf Amsel"]
In Vicinity: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Commander Lusk"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="BE-183"] | [member="AR-3752"] |
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance and their Allies - Moving to Engage [member="Draco Vereen"]
In Vicinity: [member="HK-36"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Six-O"] | [member="Elliot Locke"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] |

Primary Objective: Secure the Mining Facility.
Secondary Objective: Rejoin the Strike Force.
Equipment: See Signature for Relevant Links.
Post Count: Three.


Blinking away the slurry of distracting lights flickering across his Combat Visor, the Stormtrooper Sergeant pulled his churning axe from the corpse of the last defender holding the exterior catwalks. His gamble had worked, as it seemed, they were unable to repel their sudden and furious onslaught adequately.

While he had known that having Eights use his repeater on those damned mobile weapons platforms would aide them in routing their artificial foe, Torian couldn’t muster the courage to break his seemingly sour-faced facade. They hated him, just as much as he had hated them. Those men and women that had formed his Squad were new faces, freshly cleared for duty or simply veterans of other understrength units that were transferred to his command. He hadn’t earned their trust yet, not they his. So what good would it do to admire and congratulate one of his men for doing their job? Offering the man nothing more than a snort of acknowledgment after he had come looking for praise, the Squad Sergeant turned his smiling death masque towards the ash-shrouded skies.

For a fleeting moment, he was curious how the battle above was going. The Concordia was there. His home. Floating in the skies above Mustafar, dancing with the Orbital weapons platforms and various defenses that formed the entirety of this world's meager defenses. He wondered if his void-bound home would be skewered by the combined assault of an uncaring foe. He wondered if they would even bother salvaging her remains before the ever grasping claws of gravity had taken hold. Hell, he even wondered if he had left his quarter’s lumen strips active before departing for the Hangar Deck. The thought of the ribbing that would come his way if such an eventuality was true had made him shudder. An act that had drawn him out of the realm of possibilities and had thrown him back into the present.

His eyes, bathed in the crimson and gold radiance of his combat visor, drowned in the scrolling screeds of tactical data. His armor, though blackened by the fury of a functionally immortal enemy, had sought to divine the secrets of the enemy. Tracking his gaze and falling upon the curtain of corpses that dotted the catwalk, his integrated battle-computer had attempted to scan the ruined bodies and relay the information held within their cold, dead fingers. He couldn’t care less what world their IFF transponders had made mention of. He couldn’t even be bothered to give a damn about how a particular set of synthetics had differed from their artificial fellows by different margins. They were dead, and he was alive. That’s all that ever concerned the Stormtrooper Sergeant.

Blinking aside the distracting walls of text to focus on the matter at hand, Torian turned towards his fellow Sergeant and opened a secure, squad-level communications channel. Without waiting to hear the other man’s voice across their shared link, the Bakuran-born Soldier began ordering the man to have his Squad remain behind to secure the protruding platform for the Second wave. Though the skies were choked with friendly and hostile targets alike, their fellow Stormtroopers of the First Legion would need a place of safe harbor.

:: Let them know that it can be found here. :: Torian finished, severing the bond with a sequentially coded blink.

With his orders given, he turned towards the Facility and let a smile curl across his lips.They had lost their breaching charges when the weapons platforms had taken out their dropships, leaving Torian with the only means of expedient access. Gunning the trigger of his heavily modified Vibrosaw, the Stormtrooper began hacking at the sealed blast door like a man possessed. Every strike had torn the magma hardened steel asunder with a deafening squeal - scoring the metal deep as the Phrik teeth bit deep. For what seemed like a minute, though admittedly longer than he had expected, the terrifying weapon had chewed through the tracked door’s connection latch, forcing the two slabs of rent metal to part with a spine-tingling shriek.

No longer impeded by flesh and steel, those that remained alive within Squad Pierce began filing into the Mining Facility, shouldering their refreshed weapons and keeping their eyes peels for threats. It wasn’t until they had taken several steps into the compound that the first sign of danger materialized. The passive sweep of the Stormtrooper’s sensors had alerted the Sergeant of various booby traps that were installed in the corridor ahead. It seemed that the Alliance had held little regard for their resources, which had led him towards the inevitable conclusion of how such a towering juggernaut amongst the stars was able to function, bereft of such precious war material. He tried not to chuckle as one of his men had made a crude comment about pulling things from darkened spaces, but quickly silenced the rest of his Unit as they failed to show the same restraint.

Directing several of his Squad to the fore and pointing towards the booby traps that lined the fluted corridor, Torian watched and waited for his men to carry out his command. It was when they had nearly finished their work that a figure had come forth from the flickering darkness. Switching his visor mode to rid himself of the visual obscurities, the Sergeant’s eyes widened in wolfish delight. Standing afore him, several paces beyond his thirsting axe’s reach, was a man who had been broken by the fury of combat. His armor was rent and punctured in several places, coated in his blood or that of his enemies - the Bakuran couldn’t be sure. The fingers that dominated his right hand were unnaturally twisted, telling the Stormtrooper that they were broken. A sword was crudely lashed to his left gauntlet, though with a broken hand and no feasible way to tie a knot, Torian assumed that there were others nearby that had bound his weapon to his extremity.

Foolish, the Sergeant thought as his lips peeled back into an arrogant sneer. Such an act would limit the movement of a weapon, and in tight confines such as this - well - it was almost inevitable that he’d be losing more than just his grip on such a puny pigsticker.

:: You seem lost, Mandalorian. :: Torian began, allowing his thick, gravelly accent to bathe his every word. :: Has the destruction of your Birthworld deprived you of your sense of direction? ::

It was clear that the man would not attack first, for his stance was one that bespoke of deterrence. He would not permit them to pass, but nor would he charge into the fray with sword high. From the looks of his armor, it seemed that was already done before and had met with some measure of success. Nevertheless, as the Corridor was not fully disarmed and it would be suicide to make the first move - perhaps he could goad the man into a blind rage - forcing his hand until a majority of the devices blocking his path were dealt with.

:: Perhaps we should escort you outside, so that you may relive the travesty of a world dying, and once again find purpose in the fire. ::
Location: Mustafar, Vader's Castle
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: First Order
Directly Engaging: [member="Castor Ren"]​​
Labored breathing was now part of the song and dance she wrote with Castor. At least, on her end. Pain ached through her torso and hand, creeping up her left arm like a spider. Half of the strength within her was no longer at her command, having lost the ability to wield her weapon with a two handed grip, something she desperately needed to combat the sheer power of the Ren's heavy strikes, coupled with the momentum the blade itself carried with each swing. Sure she could block his attacks, but for how long? She could not repel them, nor could she lock blades with him and have any hope to win such a scuffle. Her only chance of turning the direction of this fight was to either be ignoble, or lucky. But perhaps she could be a bit of both, Force willing. It was clear that he hadn't the intent to let her walk out of there alive, so what exactly was the point in showing him some kind of egotistical honor? She was a Jedi, sure, but she wasn't looking to die for a code.

Having been able to shoulder her way past the man, daylight back in her hand and brought back to life, and no longer backed against a wall, her situation was slightly better than moments before. All she had to do now was not die, a prospect which was rapidly becoming less and less likely. Jamie's face was a sweat covered mess, hands tinted red from the smearing of blood from several areas, hair ragged and tussled. Even her legs were beginning to ache now, body working overtime to pump oxygen throughout to remain standing. Castor stepped forward, just as she knew he would, the man was determined after all to see her dead, and cast another heavy swing of his sword towards her. The first time she simply backed up two steps, the tip of the blade coming mere inches from cutting into her again. The second time however, she played into him. The blonde leaned back, but allowed the sword and lightsaber to collide, hissing and crashing into the ground as sparks flew upwards. There was little resistance in her defense though, it was merely a diversion.

Her left hand, though useless for holding anything, could still utilize the Force, and utilize it she did. A flash, bright as the sun, cast outwards towards the Ren's eyes, threatening to inflict a temporary blindness within him. Perhaps only a few seconds, but depending on how slowly he shielded his eyes from the act, she would use those seconds to drive forward once again, her target? The pit of his primary sword wielding arm. A small, but relatively potent weak spot she had noted briefly earlier in their fight. If she could drive her saber quickly, and forcefully enough into that gap between his plated armor, perhaps his inability to properly wield Krisgaldr would be enough to change the tune of this fight. If she could manage more than one strike in that same spot? All the better, but if she were lucky only the one might be enough, should she catch him well enough. A lot was riding on that plan. She was nearly out of tricks she could conjure up.
Location: Vader's Castle​
Objecitve: Kill the Jedi and Secure the castle​
Enemies: [member="Elpsis Elaris"] GA/Jedi​
Directly Engaging: [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Erinyes Draclau"]​
Gear: Life Support Armor, Lightsaber​
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Cameron Centurion"]​
Kyrel was hoping that his blade would deal great damage to the Jedi before him, but than he was surprised by the quickness of the Jedi Master that he would even think that it would be damn near impossible to even be able to dodge his attack, needless to say he was speechless and cursed himself for his clumsiness as he angrily thought to himself. 'You fool you're compassion for that girl would be your downfall.' He attempted to strike her with powerful strong attacks, but than was suddenly stopped as if he was frozen stiff and couldn't move at all. His anger kept rising as he thought to himself. 'No I will not fall, not to the Jedi, not to the Sith Spirit, not in a place like this. This place will not become my tomb I won't allow it I won't you hear me.' He forced his will through gathering all his anger, all his rage to push through the hold that he was in and within moments of imposing his dark will through the force he was able to get out of the hold and kept trying to strike her in the two front attack trying to land a horizontal strike across her torso.

He than noticed that the Firemane who was hunting him was here, and his anger grew as he thought that his effort at trying to save his fellow Sister was in vain. He gave into compassion for once in a very long time, and it didn't turn into a strength but a weakness. He kept pressing his attack trying to distract the Jedi Master all the while taking a few glances at the purple haired ren, than when he looked she was free and for a moment felt a sense of satisfaction swell within him. Perhaps his attack wasn't in vain and in all honesty he kind of liked her. Nonetheless he now had a battle as his strength in the dark side was going to be needed for the fight, he kept trying to bash at the Jedi Master giving into his roaring anger letting it fuel him, and giving him strength no matter if she did not want to kill Kyrel the same couldn't be said for him. He had waited to face off against the Jedi for a very long time and he wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Despite the droids being obsolete, they were still deadly and killed many Jedi in their path mostly Padawans and Knights after all they were Vader's personal army and although they were expendable they were doing well with holding off against the Jedi. Suddenly a disturbance in the force had suddenly alerted in him in the midst of his attempted attacks, as he saw a figure wielding what looked to be a sonic rifle. Kyrel thought to himself evilly. 'The fool, he has no idea that this gives me the perfect opportunity.' With the touch of the force as he had stopped attacking the Jedi Master he redirected the shots at a few Random Jedi, and most especially directed the shot at an attempt to hit Erinyes giving a nod to Stardust he used the force to leap out of the way, and set his sights on the new attacker landing right in front of him saying to him smugly. "Very poor move Jedi scum, If I can even call you Jedi." He said as he moved his saber into a horizontal slash attempting to destroy the sonic weapon and cleave into both his hands, while Stardust would be left to face off with the Jedi Master.
Enemies - [member="Erinyes Draclau"]
Allies-[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Vaders castle

Stardust was suddenly stopped for a moment, she growled as she fought back against the control and jumped back frowning as she got a good look at her. She sighed out as her blade touched the ground and she spoke

master I wish that this didn't haven to happen, I'll make sure not to kill you painfully....

She charged forward, she first sent out a wall of flames towards her as a distraction, once this was done she would break through the flames and attempt to slice from the shoulder down, if it succeeded it would hopefully do some damage. If not and it was blocked she she jumped nack a little ways to but not enough it would take some time to get to her...espevially after witnessing that ability of hers...

ALLIES: [member="Darth Carnifex"] ; [member="Koshka Scalvez"]
ENEMIES: [member="Michael Sardun"] and his booboo [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Grozkalla"]
EQUIPMENT: Duraplast Armor Stormtrooper version of this basically | C-51 | Wrist Datapad | Vibroknife

ENGAGING IN LOVE: <3 [member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Click, click, click. Jude's fingers frantically played on the datapad in a futile attempt to reveal the location of the woman that had just disappeared from the realm of existence. Abruptly, something snapped in the back of his head but it was too late for his muscles to react to the warning.

The air exploded from his lungs as the blonde reappeared to body slam him like she was applying for the Galactic WWE. And hell, the spear move she came in with would make even the renown wrestler - Darth Edge - green with envy.

Any other time, Jude would've appreciated the curved body of a hottie slam into his alas this was not one of those times.

Okay, maybe some small part of his mind did sickly appreciate this. Maybe.

It all happened in a flash of a moment when he felt a needle stab right through a gap in his armor and into his flesh.

And then everything changed. Blue eyes locked with blue eyes, the spark turned into wildfire.

From feeling helpless to the tackle, Jude embraced it. His hands wrapped around the blonde's back. The agent's life was complete.

Oh, ma chérie.

Wait what ?

"I've been looking for you my whole life... fire woman." Falkrowe purred like a satisfied cat as both fell on the ground. He felt no pain. "Aimlessly looking for my other half and here you are body slamming me with affection."

Jude Falkrowe was in love. Like a 14-year old girl.

First Order Security Bureau at its finest.


OOC Writer Account

Rutan Surface, Forest, Enroute to Surveillance Outpost.
Allies: First Order Forces and Registered Allies.
Enemies: Galactic Alliance Forces and Registered Allies.

Helden pivots over-right-shoulder and is confronted with the sight of a pair of what she could only guess was two SIS Agents. "Zero, move to position Aurek!" Joan orders the Scout trooper with a thrust of hand with extended fingers off into the forest; Zero complied and takes up a camouflaged position off on the confrontations' flank. Joan feels some disembodied fingers jerk at her heavy armoured body; The Stormtrooper Officer shifts weight into the back of her heels and angles her weapon's barrel towards the ground, bending knees so as to lower her centre of gravity. It was an example of the Stormtrooper Corps' anti-force user training provided to the First Order's supersoldiers. Joan's feet stumble forward for a moment before finding their place amongst the grass and sticks, she heaves up the notorious T-7 Ion Disruptor and trains it on the 'Jedi' shouldering her rifle; Infamous for its' ability to disable starships and reduce organic targets into a primal sludge, threateningly. "Halt!" Joan's voice cracks like lightning against the tall trees, beneath the helmet's visage, lay a ferocious scowl with both blue eyes wide open; Unnecessary to close one eye to sight a target less than one-hundred meters away. "I'm detaining you both under the suspicion of being unlawful combatants party to an armed conflict between states." The woman's voice is harsh and militant; Unforgiving. The First Order's Stormtroopers were by and large trained from childhood and it shows with the cold precision in which Helden delivers her orders. "Identify yourselves immediately!" Joan demands, tightening her hands' grip around the ion disruptor rifle.

[member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Maria Natalja"] [member="FN-4077"]
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
FN-4077 "Sub Zero" or "Zero"
Rutan Surface
Allies: First Order, Imperial Remnant, and other Allies
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, and Allies.

Patiently waiting for the order to shoot, Zero watched Joan stumble forward a bit. Now knowing one of the hostiles was a force user she would have to make that one a priority before the rest. Zero knew Joan could handle herself in a firefight, plus with all the trees around there was plenty of cover. Now just came the waiting game. Zero knew what was next in Joan's mind, yet didn't really understand why she would do that to these people. If Zero had her way she would just open up on all of them right now, even with Joan in the firing line, Zero didn't really take those precautions. Everything was about the objective and not about the numbers of losses sustained. Quietly Zero switched off the safety of her blaster and readied it just in case, more like she hoped to use it, but if the Captain could get them out of this without a fight that would be nice as well.

This was all too exciting for Zero she felt at home with this kind of situations, she had gotten herself into many on purpose just so she could get her bloodbath she wanted sometimes. Yet this time she had other orders, and those were to follow [member="FN-888"] and make sure the facility they were tasked to take was secured. Though the beauty of it was those orders were a bit open and how they went about securing as facility could be left to Zero's imagination.

[member="FN-888"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jarven Zexxel"] | [member="Maria Natalja"]

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