Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Of Mynocks and Masters

Current Outfit

Location: Coruscant, Jedi Training Room


Voli was still not used to being inside the Jedi Temple, it was a warm and inviting place filled with peers who were Force Sensitive like she was. Yet, despite her desire to be among fellow Force Sensitives, Voli still felt homesick. She didn't know why it wasn't like her parents understood the power that she possessed. The power which caused them numerous headaches and was part of the reason why she isolated herself away from people, making only a few friends such as Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss . Mom and Dad would rather bury their heads in the sand instead of acknowledging the Bantha in the room. Voli was gifted in the power of the Force, a lot of power according to the Jedi scientists who tested her. They told her that her midichlorian count was off the charts, having a power equivalent to a Jedi Master.

"Midichlorians," Voli snorted looking out at the Coruscant skylines. "Somehow knowing that the Force is actually microbes sucks the wonder and magic out of it."

Maybe Midichlorians weren't exactly the Force but still having a power level kinda stunk. Then again, when Voli explored the Jedi Library, she read a book about great Jedi Masters who were defeated by Knights who weren't as strong in the Force. It was about all about skill and determination though to Voli that sounded like a cliche. The people who sat on the council were powerful people. "Perhaps Midichlorians are necessary then," Voli muttered. "They separate the weak from the strong."

She spent an hour waiting for her new Master: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic to arrive, she told her to meet at training room 05 at 7 in the morning. Voli never woke up that early before being a late sleeper, but Dreidi wasted little time in explaining the harsh realities of being a Jedi. Training and discipline were what's needed to be a great Jedi, there were no shortcuts. Voli was grateful though that Dreidi was not only understanding of her situation but was willing to train Voli as a Padawan. Despite being not that much older than Voli, Dreidi exudes so much confidence and wisdom. Voli hoped that she wouldn't let her down.

Her Jedi Robes were fashioned after Dreidi's but were also black which was fitting for Voli. She couldn't wait to get started with the Jedi training. "When will I get my Lightsaber?" Voli said to herself giggling with glee. "Can't wait to cut down some fools."
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

The focus on midichlorians and someone's midichlorian cell count was something that Dreidi had long since taken no notice of. Such a matter did not concern her and placing too much importance on it was to give into arrogance and ignorance of what truly mattered as a Jedi. It had been the old Jedi Order's folly during the time before the first Galactic Empire to focus on cell counts and the importance they held in a Jedi's capability in the Force. Now, Dreidi focused on the message that everyone could use the Force. Some were capable of using it with more ease than others but that did not matter in the end.

That was something she had stressed to Voli as well. No matter her cell count, she was a Padawan and that she would remain until Voli demonstrated the qualities of a Jedi Knight. It did not matter if next week Voli was as strong as a Jedi Master in the Force if she continued the mindset and attitudes of someone not deserving of the rank. And to Dreidi, the latter was far more important than the former. The former was something everyone could achieve in time, the latter was something that only a few could find themselves successfully obtaining.

Walking into the training room, hearing Voli, Dreidi raised her eyebrow. "If cutting down fools is what you think is appropriate for a Lightsaber, then you are not ready for one. Until you demonstrate the understanding and respect for the weapon it deserves, you will continue to only use a practice saber." Her words were stern. She was not going to have a Padawan who thought she could strike down anyone she thought would stand in her way. "Today we are going to focus on understanding the Lightsaber and the very first Lightsaber Form."

"Tell me, what do you know of the Lightsaber and the way a Jedi uses it?" She purposefully chose the way a Jedi used it as the question since she had a sneaky suspicion that Voli had some idea of why a Sith uses one. The Padawan had admitted to liking the Dark Side and all things surrounding it.
Current Outfit

"Gah!" Voli jumped hearing her Master's voice, she didn't hear her coming, nor did she sense her. "Sorry Master!" Voli sprung to attention, her white hair briefly blinding her. Part of her knew that Dreidi was going to give her a lecture on how Voli should allowing the Force to flow through her. The fact that she was unable to sense Dreidi was already a mark against Voli. It was also a sign to Dreidi that Voli wasn't keeping up with her mediations. Which wasn't entirely true, Voli spent her free time mediating but it wasn't about connecting to the Force but rather using it to attempt to open the Sith Holocron in her room. The Holocron that mysteriously appeared at Voli's home a year ago.

Not that Dreidi needed to know this though.

"Yes Master," Voli grumbled, it would've been nice to have a Lightsaber on day one, but she'll have to earn it like many other Padawans. "So we're learning Shii Cho: The way of the Mynock?" Voli smiled. "I've read up on it, Shii Cho is the most basic form of that are taught to Younglings! Though it may be simplistic, but when taken to its highest form, Shii Cho can be as deadly and unpredictable as any other Lightsaber style."

Voli then moved some of her long locks of hair over her shoulder as she shrugged. "It's the weapon of the Jedi Knight," She answered in regard to the Lightsaber. "Even though a blaster is more practical."

She took a breath trying to come up with the best answer for Dreidi. "I mean you stick the plasma blade through the opponent, and it's instant death." Voli shrugged. "Not much to add to a Lightsaber, just slice and dice I guess."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

"It is also a Form based around disarming, not killing opponents. The Jedi are not here to murdering those we dislike or stand in our way. Our primary goal is to help others." Dreidi lectured, she held concerns about the way that Voli saw the way things should be. It was dangerous and dark mindset that would only cause more harm than it would help. "A blaster is not more practical. In the hands of a Jedi, a Lightsaber can do a great deal of things that a blaster could not. Carving through locked doors, creating openings where a path is blocked. Lighting your path as you walked. The Lightsaber also helps you connect to the Force, the crystal resonating with your own energy."

She ignited her green blade and guided it in a twirl to face Voli, "constructing your Lightsaber is tapping into the Force and connecting yourself in the most honest of ways. The hilt is made on the subconscious desires." Dreidi stated, "it is not merely a plasma blade but an extension of yourself. Each Lightsaber is unique, each one tells a story about its owner." She looked at her Padawan, "this blade protects not just yourself, but those you fight for, those who need help. It is not just for creatures, or enemies, but you can carve peace and harmony with this blade. Bring light in the darkness and inspire hope to those who had lost it."

"A Lightsaber is more than a weapon. It is a symbol." Dreidi stressed, "we are not here seeking war, or fighting enemies Voli. We are here to build peace, offer hope and build bonds between people. It is our duty as Jedi to bring people together, to let them feel safe and at peace. War is thrusted upon us, it is not what we desire." Dreidi was firm in her tone, she knew there were actions that Voli was taking she held secret, her mind betrayed her in that regard but Dreidi did not pry.

She possibly should but she wanted to respect the privacy until she felt there was too great a concern.

Standing beside Voli, "now, I will guide you slowly through the movements. Watch, copy and try to understand the intentions for each movement. These forms are not for show or to look impressive, each movement has a reason, each action is speaking of what you are trying to do. Shii-Cho is something many young Jedi learn first, and as I stated, this form is based on disarming. See that and understand why disarming is the first pillar of the Jedi with this weapon."

Dreidi then began to move slowly.
Current Outfit

Voli read many stories of Jedi fighting, reports from eyewitnesses, blogs, and even recordings of Jedi having no problem killing their opponents. It was probably a last resort thing but what disturbed Voli the most was how casual many Jedi were when it came to taking a life. It made her wonder how many people Dreidi killed in her time as a Jedi Knight. "Yeah, it's also the fall-back option when no other form is working," Voli nodded fiddling with her training saber. The hilt wasn't dissimilar to Dreidi's Lightsaber, Voli remembered seeing Padawans walking the temple showing off their custom-made Lightsabers. Voli was pretty excited to construct hers one day.

"Cool," Voli activated her Lightsaber, the blue blade shone next to her pale skin. She carefully watched Dreidi perform the move with slow but precise precision.

Voli closed her eyes allowing the Force to flow inside of her. "Like you told me Master," Voli whispered. "Let the Force inside of me." She then opened her eyes and began flailing her saber as if she were a drunken person wielding a stick that they found.


The young woman yelled imagining if she was attacking an opponent before stumbling and landing on her blade stomach first. "OWWW!" Voli felt an immediate burning in her stomach followed by a sting as she rolled on the ground. "Okay that went better in my head," Voli gave Dreidi a grin as she was on her knee clutching her abdomen. She knew that was going to leave a mark maybe two, it was a good thing it was a training saber. "Did I at least get the technique right?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Killing a person was never something that a Jedi found casual or simple, which was what Dreidi was attempting to stress to Voli. She had taken lives, sometimes unnecessarily in the past but only when she needed to now. It was rare for Dreidi to take a life. Usually she would attempt to listen and help the person. Defending herself when she needed to.

Watching Voli jump into the training, she could see things were going wrong from the start but she had no clue how poorly it was going to go. Seeing her student stab herself with the training saber, Dreidi had to chew the inside of her cheek not to burst out laughing. It would be too rude and cruel to laugh, especially since this was all very new to Voli. Instead she composed herself and tilted her head when Voli asked if she had gotten the technique down.

"Do you feel like stabbing yourself was the correct move?" Dreidi asked, since Voli had seen the steps that Dreidi had done in demonstrating how the technique was done. "Take it slower. Focus on keeping balance and the placement of your feet." Dreidi stated firmly, guiding Voli through the important elements of the Lightsaber Form. "The attacks and blocks are easier to know, you need to focus on your movements. Flailing around and stumbling about will get those around you killed just as much as it will do you harm."
Current Outfit

"No but there are some techniques that empower your connection to the Force through self harm," Voli chuckled still clutching her abdomen. "It's related to the Dark Side though but hey! Perhaps for future reference I can start stabbing myself to get stronger with the Force."

She could smell the burning stench of her Jedi Robes from the singe. Once again, it was a good thing that the Master didn't hand her a real blade. Voli reactivated the Lightsaber, held it blue blade close to her face, and allowing the Force to flow through her once again. "Let the Force guide me," Voli whispered though surrendering to its will was easier said than done. She began to slowly and deliberately follow Dreidi's moves while her eyes glanced at her feet making sure that she wasn't tripping herself.

"My Mom used to joke that I was born with two left feet," Voli said as she continued to follow Dreidi's instructions. "That embarassing ordeal showed that she was right. I got a lot to learn for sure."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Dreidi let her gaze narrow over to Voli. "Such techniques are Sith based. Are based on suffering and the Dark Side, I am not teaching those to you and the fact you know of them is concerning." Dreidi knew that Voli had an interest in Dark Side from the moment she met the young woman, however, she had been firm on refusing to teach such practices even as a warning. "Where did you learn of these techniques, Voli?" Her gaze was piercing, while she did not attempt to read Voli's mind, a step that would ruin attempt of trust, she was giving the attitude that she could see through Voli.

Watching her Padawan's second attempts to go through the Form, Dreidi noted areas where she needed to work on and what positives she could take away. It was good to see that Voli was moving slower, taking caution like she had wished. "Good. Starting slow will get you to the point where you can be more accurate. Important to be accurate over fast." Dreidi stated firmly.

She continued to guide Voli through Shii-Cho. "Having two left feet can be tough, but you will be spending years learning these fighting techniques, it means that you will see improvements." Dreidi pointed out since Voli would be achieving over ten thousand hours of practice, especially in anything that would be Jedi based training.
Current Outfit

Voli recoiled at Dreidi's stern gaze, purple eyes growing at the accusation that Voli was learning Dark Side techniques. While it was true, that she knew some occult like magick, when she was researching her powers, Voli never went in depth in practicing the Dark Side techniques she learned over on the Holonet. "W-what?!" Voli stammered nearly dropping her training saber in the process. "I've read about that on the Holonet, it features plenty of stories about Sith Lords, I've been to forums that discussed dark side abilities common and esoteric but that was prior to when I arrived at the temple."

She shook her head. "I don't know how to do those techniques, but I do know of it." Voli said. It was strange how restrictive Jedi were when it came to things outside of their viewpoint. Wouldn't make more sense to understand the very thing that they despise the most? "I mean rule number one of the Holonet: There's always information out there. I was just trying find out about my Force abilities Master, I didn't know what was going on with me, my parents were useless, and all the information I found, I couldn't make sense of it, so I figured coming to the temple was my best chance."

Voli then sighed and focused continuing to imitate Dreidi's movements with more grace though the blade work was still off. "I think I'm getting it," Voli said. "Just need more practice."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Her expression softened a little, she accepted the words that Voli was stating, giving that branch of faith and trust to her new Padawan. "I understand. It is a concern because even a step towards the Dark Side is one filled with corruption and suffering." She stated, she had seen what using the Dark Side did to people, the toil it had on Jedi and the evils that it made people did. "Learning and understanding these things is something you are not ready for, your foundations in the Force are not even set, introducing you to such techniques would be far too dangerous and risky."

"Most Padawans do not learn of the Dark Side and of what people are capable of doing using such powers until they are much later in their training." She pointed out, while some learned at an age younger than Voli, they also had years more experience that Voli did. Who was still very early in her training.

She watched and nodded her head in approval as Voli demonstrated her abilities getting better, "you will improve quickly initially." Dreidi commented, "and do not feel like you cannot approach me with questions or show an interest in things, just know I will be concerned about things. Especially when they are about powers that risk your wellbeing." Dreidi was only showing concern for her Padawan's wellbeing and wanting her to succeed.
Current Outfit

Voli gave a sigh of relief when Dreidi said that she believed her, yet now Voli was walking a tightrope. She read a lot about the Dark Side from research and the Book of Sith that she found after School a year ago. Voli would be lying if she said that she didn't learn any new abilities. "I don't believe that the Dark Side is a tool one that can be used for good," Voli thought. "I learned some Magick from the Book of the Sith and I'm not corrupted...... at least I don't think so. Master is right though; my skills in the Force are still basic. I'll need to continue training so I can be ready to tackle the Dark Side."

"The Dark Side corrupts you that quickly" Voli asked continuing to swing her saber around with more control this time. The young woman watched her footing making sure that she was balanced. Yet her mind still lingered. "Like even say that you have strong mental fortitude and that you're entuned with the Force, just one small step to the Dark Side leaves on the road to suffering?"

Voli frowned deactivating her Lightsaber, her mind was still clouded with confusion. She thought that New Jedi Order were more open minded when it came to the Dark, but Dreidi had a dogmatic view of the Dark Side and it didn't feel assuring to her. "Jedi are supposed to fight the Dark Side," Voli said looking up to her Master. "But how can we fight the enemy if we don't fully understand the power they wield? I'm sure the Dark Siders will spend every waking moment studying us and even practicing our techniques."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Nodding her head, "even the strongest of Jedi Masters can fall to the Dark Side's corruption instantly. The temptations and promises of power are alluring to many but they are false promises and all you will learn is harm and suffering. All it will do is cause you to become a monster and harm those that you love and care for." Dreidi emphasized as she refused to downplay the dangers that the Dark Side has and how it would never take much for it to do irreversible harm.

"You are wrong." Dreidi stated, she paused her demonstration and deactivated her Lightsaber, clipping it on her belt. "The Sith can never use the Light Side of the Force, attempting to would harm them, it would be too painful for them to try. They only believe themselves superior and able to use our skills against us, but in practice, we can weaken them far easier than they can weaken us." Dreidi was hinting towards the Force Light ability, a skill that many Jedi used to blind, break the Sith's connection to the Force and weaken their strength. It was something on a Jedi dedicated to the Light Side could achieve.

Placing her hands on her hips, "not practicing the Dark Side does not mean we are unaware of what they can do. The Sith rarely can surprise us, it is not their powers or Force abilities that surprise us. I have not fought a Sith that has demonstrated a skill or ability that was new or something I was unaware they could do." Dreidi pointed out, she had practical experience in fighting Sith, "what keeps you alive is not trying to use their skills, what will keep you alive is outsmarting your opponent and dedicating yourself to the Light Side."

Dreidi also had Magick that allowed her to gain more advantage in combat and her skills with Dathomiri Magick was something she wasn't going to explore with Voli until she knew the Padawan had the skills to use it and had the respect needed to use it.
Current Outfit

For someone who wasn't that much older than Voli, Dreidi carries herself as if she had decades worth of experience in being a Jedi. "You fought Sith Lords Master?" Dreidi asked titled her head a bit, locks of white hair covering her eyes to the point where she tossed them over her shoulder. "You fought alongside the Jedi and Galactic Alliance to take on the Dark Siders?"

Voli was a little jealous that Dreidi took on the Sith while she stayed at school lamenting about hiding her powers. The more Voli stayed at the temple, the more she realized that her problems were just a drop in the ocean compared to the title wave that others including her Master endured. "But," Voli placed her Lightsaber on her belt her eyes locking in with Dreidi's. "If the Dark Side is so weak why are people so attracted to it? Does that mean they're weak as well?"

Voli wondered if it was foolish of her to seek the Dark Side to unlock the Holocron, but her seeking to knowledge of the Force stemmed from her fascination of the Dark Side. Did that mean she was weak as well?

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

She nodded her head, "I fought the former emperor of the Sith, Carnifex." Dreidi confirmed, "barely survived but I did." She added since it was important to recognise the threat that the Sith could pose.

"Aye, I fight against any that threaten to exploit and force their beliefs onto others. The New Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance are not perfect in avoiding that but they are a shining light in a lot of darkness currently." There was not many who were openly standing and warring against the Sith currently, that could change in time but currently it was the NJO and the GA who were at the forefront of that fight.

She shook her head, "it is not that the Dark Side is weak per say, it is an aspect of the Force and the Force itself is far beyond our understanding." Dreidi mentioned as she stood in front of Voli, "it is just a path that appeals to those who are vulnerable, in moments of weakness or seeking quick power." She clarified, "some do become powerful using it like the Sith Lords and their ilk, however, they are blinded by their perceived power and higher strength that they miss the fatal weaknesses and flaws they suffer from as users of the Dark Side."

Dreidi wasn't attempting to dismiss an important aspect of the Force as something only for the weak, but demonstrate that it is those who use that power who are deeply flawed and blind. "In your outburst you tapped into the Dark Side of the Force, it gave you a moment of power but it could have cost you your voice, and it was a power that I was able to protect myself from and not fear harm." Dreidi mentioned as she attempted to provide an example for Voli to reflect on.

"It is easy to fall into temptation and the seduction of power that the users of the Dark Side proclaim to offer, but to resist temptation, to train and become powerful on a harder path will allow you to overcome any threats that the Sith attempt to throw at you." Dreidi smiled, hoping that Voli would appreciate that Dreidi was attempting to guide her on a strong path, on a path that offered better long term rewards.
Current Outfit

"I read about Carnifex," Voli said when Dreidi mentioned about Carnifex. "They say that he's a God who has had many children who are over the Galaxy. Some of his kids are even Jedi who walk among us."

Is it possible that Carnifex's children could be vessels for the Dark Lord himself? It's possible and Voli did come up with that theory when she wrote her Holoblog a few years back. That article was 1st most viewed entry on her Holoblog site and the one that made Voli into an Holonet celebrity of sorts. "Hard to believe you survived Carnifex," Voli said. "How did you do it Master? How did you best Carnifex in battle?"

Or at least how did she survive it? How did Dreidi attain so much power that she was able to hold off a God like Sith? "I mean if the Force is used to protect," Voli said. "Can't we use the dark to protect the people we care about like our friends and family?"

She fell silent. "Or is it a case of the ends not justifying the means?" Voli said.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Dreidi scoffed at the idea of the man being a god. "People seem to worship anything these days," she stated in a tone that was not impressed, "he is powerful, he is very dangerous but he is far from a god. The man bleeds and the man can feel pain. He can be killed, it just isn't something that could be done easily."

"Doubt that my skills that much, Padawan?" Dreidi asked in a teasing tone with her eyebrow raised, "I was not alone when I was fighting him to begin with, and I only survived because I knew when to flee." She clarified, showing that there was no shame in running away if the situation was too dangerous and that her survival was more important than some insignificant sacrifice. "It was a fight that demonstrated that I still had plenty to learn and far to go. But it did not show me that fighting the Sith Lord was an impossible task, several Jedi have stood up to him and survived."

Looking at Voli, there was a concern in her eyes, the Padawan was still harping on about the Dark Side, too eagerly and clearly too attached to it. Something that Dreidi knew was dangerous, even when she had been a part of the Confederacy, Dreidi knew that using the Dark Side had to be done sparingly otherwise she risked becoming something else. "I mentioned that there was someone who fought beside me when I faced Carnifex. He was a Jedi Master, he used the Dark Side of the Force, fell victim to the power. It nearly destroyed him, endangered my life and ensured that Carnifex not only survived but won the fight against us."

While Jax was different now, she felt it was an important lesson to share with her student now, "he had wanted to protect me and protect others by killing Carnifex, however, giving into the Dark Side, he protected no one and I nearly died because of it." Her hand resting on her stomach where the scar of the Sith's Lightsaber nearly cut her in half was. "It is not a path nor a power that helps others. I saying this for the last time, Voli, you cannot be a Jedi and train in the Force here if you attempt to pursue the Dark Side. It is not the way of the Jedi and it is not a way that I will teach."

Letting the awkward moment pass for a few seconds, Dreidi shifted and activated a remote droid. "Now, if you wish, we can continue your training. Let's see how you cope with blaster deflection." While she had previously a serious tone, speaking now she was calm and relaxed. Showing that she was willing to move forward without holding the previous comments as judgement over Voli.
Current Outfit

Voli was still amazed that Dreidi managed to come face to face against a so-called God and lived. She had adventures that Voli only read about in Holoarticles or forums. While Voli doubted the veracity of the claims stated on the articles, the way Dreidi described her experiences were visceral, raw, and brutal. "I just found inspiration for a scary story," Voli thought with a small smile.

"A Jedi Master?" Voli looked up at Dreidi her eyes shot up with shock. "It's one thing for a Padawan or a Jedi Knight to fall to the Dark Side but a Jedi Master? Aren't they supposed to be the Masters of the Force?"

The moral of Dreidi's story is that anyone can be tempted by the Dark Side even the so-called paragons known as the Jedi Knights. "The road to hell is paved by good intentions," Voli said when Dreidi mentioned that the Jedi Master tried to use the Dark Side to protect her. "I'm pretty sure that Jedi Master must've felt real bad seeing you nearly getting killed." Voli said watching Dreidi touch her stomach presumably the area where she got injured by Carnifex.

The young woman gave a curt nod when Dreidi once again stressed that she won't teach the Dark Side. Even though doubt did creep into Voli's mind in regards of continuing to dive into the Dark Arts, she wondered if the Jedi's fear was what cultivated the darkness. "The Dark Side keeps the Force balanced." Voli thought. "You can't have light without darkness."

Voli was shaken from her thoughts when Dreidi mentioned that it was time to do blast deflection. "Oh blast deflection!" Voli's pensive expression immediately morphed into joy as she unclipped her Lightsaber. "The part I've been looking forward to! I can't wait to redirect blaster bolts to shooters! What do I do?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Dreidi chuckled, "being a Jedi Master does not make you a master of the Force. The Force is something nature, uncontrollable and wild, no one can tame it. Not a Jedi Master, not a Sith Lord, no one. All we do is let the Force flow through us and guide it." Dreidi mentioned, she would never consider herself a master of the Force just as she would not ever consider herself a master of Magick. "As for being susceptible to the Dark Side, all of us, even when we become a Jedi Master will have the risk of falling into the trap of the Dark Side. It is something that you deal with every day, there is no easy way around it."

"He does and while I have forgiven him for his actions, I will never let him forget nor will I let up on teasing him about it." Her mischievous side shining through a little as she spoke. Holding it over Jax for the rest of his life was something Dreidi was going to do, not simply because he had abandoned her to the fate of Carnifex, but he was also her step-father and she figured it would be more fun to poke him. "And it should demonstrate that the Dark Side does not help anyone, in theory it sounds great to use the enemy's weapon against them but in practice you are only ever using it to harm yourself and those around you."

Seeing the movement from deep though to excitement to learning something new, Dreidi still held concerns regarding Voli and where she would end up on her journey. But she knew that not teaching and not attempting to do something to help the student find the right path would only lead her further down the wrong one. Smirking slightly, "well given your performance learning the basics in Shii Cho, I think best to limit expectations to consciously using the Force to sense an attack and block it. Deflection will come later."

It was important to increase the reflexes of Voli and get her prepared, as well as tempering expectations so she was not deflated when she did not achieve her desires. "So, focus on the remote droid, attempt to predict the attack and block it." Dreidi stated as she tapped a control and the droid started to move around erratically. As Voli focused on the droid, Dreidi moved to grab a helmet with a blind visor, she wanted to test things fully with Voli and make sure the Padawan tapped into the Force in a controlled measure.
Current Outfit

"Wow Master," Voli said staring at Dreidi with wide eyes when she mentioned that she would never let the dude who fell to the Dark Side live it down. "And here I thought I had a fracked up sense of humor."

It felt good that despite having the wisdom of a Jedi Master, Dreidi did have a mischievous side. Too bad she didn't show it often to Voli, she almost thought that Dreidi was one of those stereotypical Drill Instructors that she watched in the movies. "Next thing I know Master will be calling me a moron," Voli thought glumly.

"I guess," Voil sighed. "I was asking because maybe with the right fortitude, I could use the dark side to-" Voli gulped and shook her head, the last thing she needed was to further arouse Dreidi's suspicion. "Never mind Master," she said. "I suppose it's something to think about."

As Dreidi moved to grab a helmet with a blast shield, Voli raised an eyebrow. "Err Master," Voli said. "That helmet has a blast shield that obscures vision. Besides, what do I need a helmet for?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Dreidi shrugged, she had not considered it much nor thought about her humour much either. As for revealing a playful side to herself around Voli, Dreidi had been careful, while she wanted to help Voli. She wasn't blind to the fact that Voli needed a stricter teacher than she required a friend. There were other students who she could bond with and develop friendships with. Dreidi needed to be firmer and strict because she needed to press that level of respect and separation that a Master and a student required.

If, or more hopefully when, Voli was further in her training and understanding the dangers of her current desires. Then, maybe, Dreidi could be more casual.

However, Voli was just exposing that Dreidi had every right to be concern. "Voli, you cannot use the Dark Side. The one time you did, you attempted to hurt me, you did not listen to my warnings and it did not help the situation we were in." She was talking on the Force Scream, "and do not think you are smart, or slick enough to hide the fact that you are obsessed with the Dark Side. I knew that instantly. I did not have to read your thoughts for they screamed about Sith ideology and wanting to use the Dark Side."

"However, you came to a Jedi temple, you sought out a Jedi to teach you. If you pursue the Dark Side, then there is every likelihood you will be removed from the New Jedi Order. These are powers that aren't a matter of fortitude or will, they are far beyond our comprehension and they are dangerous." Dreidi hated the fact she needed to keep repeating this but Voli was too determined and she needed to know that Dreidi was not blind, "you have secrets and you might be keeping things from you, but I have given you that liberty because I want you to trust me and come to me with them. But don't think I am blind to your desires and what you are trying to do. I am not stupid."

She held the helmet under her arm, looking at Voli, "keep your focus on the remote. Don't mind what I have or what I am going to do." Dreidi kept coy on what she had planned, for good reason, she wanted to see how Voli would do without it. The remote droid whirled around and fired at Voli as it moved around. It was not the perfect practice, later on Dreidi would have to provide more realistic ways to fight. She wasn't here to just teach Voli how to be a Jedi, she was here to teach her how to survive in a galaxy where the Sith and Jedi were at war.

It was important to ensure Voli learned the tools to survive.

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