Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Of Mynocks and Masters

Current Outfit

Another lecture from Dredi, she was still convinced that Voli was curious about the Dark Side. Her suspicions weren't unfounded as despite her now growing doubts, Voli still wanted to learn more about the Dark Side. There were so many mysteries surrounding the Sith Holocron that she bought to the Temple. Every day, Voli could hear faint voices from the Holocron calling to her. What the voice said wasn't clear but Voli wanted to unlock the Holocron, she wanted to know every secret that it possessed. It could help her control the Force the same way Dreidi was helping her. "I don't agree with Master," Voli thought. "I just..... ugh why are words so hard to form?"

"Yes Master," was all Voli could say in a hollow tone. Right now all she was focused on was training.

Voli remained silent while the remote droid fired a small, yellow blaster bolt towards her. Immediately Voli raised her Lightsaber in a horizontal stance batting away the bolt as it hit the corner of the room. "Ha!" Voli smiled bursting with pride. "I sensed where that droid was going to fire before it even shot at me! I've been working on those training exercises you told me to do Master!"

Who knew blast deflection would be so easy?

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Dreidi watched Voli closely, seeing her block the bolt from the droid. The glee from Voli was good to see, though she knew it was never as simple as fighting a droid. People were chaotic, random and were not programmed to perform in such organised ways. Fighting in an actual battle was a far cry from what the simulations like this would ever be.

Though she kept that part silent for now. There was a time and place to temper Voli to harsher realities and push the Padawan to the limits so that she knew how to face real dangers.

"As long as the corner was where you wished the bolt to go, then you are doing well." Dreidi mentioned, there was no disappointment or concern, merely assessing that intent of the deflection was as important as deflecting a bolt. No good deflecting an attack and harming an ally or worse, an innocent civilian, one must be able to deflect with purpose and control the direction.

She waved her hand and the droid froze in place. Whether it was Dreidi doing so with Magick or something a command to pause the training exercise was impossible to tell from merely looking at the gesture. She walked over to Voli and placed the helmet with a blast shield down. "While being able to deflect with your eyes is good, eyes can deceive you. You must trust in the Force and understand that the Force will warn you of oncoming danger."

Stepping back out of the ring, she waved her hand again and the droid returned to function and began to move around again, ready to attack.
Current Outfit

"Wait!" When Dreidi placed the helmet over her head, her vision was obscured by the blast shield. "Master? The blast shield is down! I can't see!" The young woman was blind as a Exogorth. Was this some sort of sick joke by Dreidi?

The only thing that was guiding Voli was the hum of her training Lightsaber. "I did redirect that blaster bolt towards my intended target though," Voli muttered still a little miffed that she's unable to see. She could hear the buzzing of the small training droid but it was moving so fast that Voli wasn't sure of its location. It could be right of Voli or the behind her. It was like trying to catch a fly.

Just then, Voli sensed a disturbance in the Force, the droid began firing multiple blaster bolts. In a split second, Voli heard the shots and attempted to hold her Lightsaber blade in front. She deflected one bolt, then two however because of her lack sight multiple blaster bolts began pelting her chest, shoulder and stomach as she fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.


"Uggghhhh......" Voli fell back first onto the floor no doubt her body was bruised. She could hear her Lightsaber fading as it rolled from the palm of her hand. "You know Master?" Voli said still flat on her back. "I never knew what's it like to have your stomach being turned into soup."
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

"Good to hear, then being able to redirect bolts when you can't see them coming is just as important." There were going to be times she was attacked from behind, shot at multiple times in a row. Dreidi wanted to make sure she prepared Voli for such ordeals.

There was a strong start from Voli when she deflected the attacks, Dreidi nodded her head approvingly, then noted the issue. She wasn't being quick enough and as more shots were fired, Voli struggled to keep up and took several to her torso. Waving her hand again, she froze the droid in place and walked over to her Padawan. Helping Voli onto her feet as Dreidi removed the helmet.

"Just be glad you still have your stomach. If this was in a battlefield you would be dead." Dreidi stated, "now, what do you believe caused your failure to protect yourself here?" Curious to see what insight and self reflection Voli could give herself in this moment. It was important to be able to see one's weaknesses and know where to improve.

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