Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of Ravens and Rogues (RR v.s. EF)

Location: Far Pando
Objectives for the Expeditionary Fleet-
1. Steal some Raven ships and Maroon them.
2. Steal the Raven weapons shipment at the warehouse or destroy it.
3. Have loads of fun
Rules for engagement- Please try to match ship size with ship size. 1v1 per ship PC captained. Any questions or concerns PM myself or any of us. GL HF!
[member="Ark Tallen"]​
[member="Tyranus Collik"]​
[member="Venris Helion"]​
[member="Areiana Slayer"]​
[member="Daniel Imura"]​
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]​
[member="Kerrick Ikon"]​
Location: Gypsy Carvan- L19 Freighter
Objective: Float on in!

The Fleet was gathered. Over time Vassara had made few friends here and there. A useful part of being in The Underground and the Fleet was the wide network of spies they offered. Recently word had landed of the Ravens and their illicit activities on the system of Far Pando. They were planning to ship weapons to the Sith.

And Vassara would not allow that.

She leaned back in the seat of her freighter, a cup of stimcaf in her hand. The mark from the Witch still burned and she felt an odd sensation in the force. She was watching, somewhere close by, like a ghostlike entity.

"Alright guys, we're going to get in real quiet. Hold weapons and such until you're engaged then weapons free. For now power down and drift in, so we just look like asteroids on their scanners."

Her fingers worked the holocontrols of the vessel, powering down all but life support. As the ship ground down to bare-bones systems she was left with a spectacular view of space, and sighed. She loved space. The void had it's serene moments, far from the chaos of civilization.

As the engines died, she drifted at natural velocity in space. Headed towards the atmosphere. Nice and quiet.
Location: Far Pando
Objective: run test operations on the Dac, defend from any potential invaders
Tesh sat in his brand new cruiser, settling in to the plush captain's chair and eating a creampuff. The Dac, his Krakana-class light star destroyer. The ship was fresh out of the shipyards, the hull still gleaming and well polished. At all times was the ever-present hum of the ship's powerful isotope-5 reactor. This reactor allowed The Dac to out perform almost any ship in her class, and Tesh was glad he was at the helm. The ship's powerful turbolaser and ion cannon batteries could tear through most ships, the whole time the double redundant shielding deflecting barrage after barrage.

Currently, he was firing a few test shots at a mock space station. Or rather, the gunners were firing the test shots. The goal was to see how accurate the ships guns were at various ranges, and so far they were holding up well. He was keeping the firing rate low to ensure that the lasers wouldn't overheat.

Suddenly, a flash of light caught his eye. It wasn't from a turbolaser or an ion cannon; it appeared to be from a ship. Of course, the scanners weren't picking much of anything up, so it was probably just some space junk.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris emerged from the darkness at the back of the bridge, remaining silent as he stood next to Vassara and observed the approaching planet. He crossed his arms and shut his eyes, reaching out through the Force and expanding his senses to the region around the Gypsy Caravan to watch for oncoming threats. As far as he could tell nobody seemed to have detected them...yet.

Up to this point Venris had favored using hit and run tactics against isolated enemy convoys and outposts, or assassinating a lone enemy target at their most vulnerable point. For an all out attack on the Ravens...he was not excited for it, but he would still follow Vassara's lead.

"Vass, remind me again why I let you talk me into these suicide missions," He said without opening his eyes or breaking his concentration.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Areiana Slayer"] [member="Daniel Imura"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="stardust"] [member="Kerrick Ikon"]
Location: The Avenger, Avenger-Class Heavy Cruiser, within Asteroid Field
Objective: Engage when ready
The Large ship floated through the blackness of ship, a reasonable but close distance to he Gypsy Carvan. Flaps opened from the sides of the ship and small steel wings extended outwards along the sides. The Ship laid motionless in space, weapons at the ready while the Large Blast Door extends downwards upon the Hanger, protecting all of the vehicles in it along with a large quantity of fuel tanks and barrels. Tyranus sat in a central chair around a holographic battlefield in the bridge. Around him sat a few of his Mercenary Sergeants and one Admiral. Tyranus pointed to an area on the holographic map a a ship on the map sent out thousands of small fighters and bombers and soon they engulfed the Star-Destroyer executioner in a Asteroid field. The strategy game continued on until Tyranus won the fight when his Super Star-Destroyer Executioner destroyed the large fleet of rebel ships. The Admiral then stood up and handed Tyranus a pouch of credits and he walked over to the Captain's seat waiting for a sudden battle or for something to appear. A few asteroids headed towards the ship but the heavy ship platting took the hit and the asteroids broke into smaller pieces but one Asteroid did cause slight hull damage but it was not a very dangerous or fatal hit. The Hyperdrive engines began to die out as the ship just sat their and waited. A satellite dish upon the top of the ship sent a message to the Gypsy Carvan. Tyranus spoke into the comm.

So when are we going to battle, Vassara?

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Tesh Aquer"]

Lurcano groaned, as he woke up. His body was still feeling sore from a fight he had a couple days ago. His entry into the Red Ravens, though now official, seemed to be almost disarming. There were no tests or trials, no special tasks, not very many questioning. Was the largest Criminal Enterprise in the universe reall this trusting and easy to get into? Or perhaps they simply knew when a man was on his last leg, and didn't really have anywhere else to go. He pulled on his jerkin and gloves, before heading out his temporairly assigned qaurters. He didn't know what the hell he was doing here, and to be frank, Lurcano didn't care all that much either. Though he bared no ill will towards the faction that he know supposed would be calling home, he wasn't particularly excited to be apart of it either. He was just someone who ran out of options, and needed something stable before he ended up dead somewhere in a gutter. He moved up to the helm of the ship as he noticed the insistent firing from the ships lasers. He wondered what the hell was going on, and made his confusion know to the Tesh, the Mon Calamari captain of the ship he was on. He hadn't bothered to learn its name, because frankly he couldn't give a shit. Anyway, Lurcano wasn't the biggest fan of any alien species that wasn't similar to humans.

Lurcano Car'dann: "Why the hell are we firing are cannons, and at what for that matter? Doesn't this thing have ammo, or aren't you afraid it's going to overheat? We're supposed to be something illegal here and you're making it obvious to anyone and everyone who would bother to look at their scanners that we're in the area."

Lurcano just shook his head, running his hands through the unruly mess that he called his hair. He was running on way to little for this shit right now, and he just wanted to get what they were supposed to be doing over with so he could drink and whore himself into a near comatose state back on Nar Shaddaa.
Location: Far Pando
Objective: Inspection of The Dac from space

Tmoxin was on the way to Far Pando to get a first-hand glimpse of the shiny new ships that Admiral Aquer designed along with Krayt Industries. She had only seen holo prototypes to date and couldn't wait to feast her eyes on the jewel of the Raven fleet. The ship that she contracted. Her very own fleet of ships. This was the kind of big enterprise she had dreamed about since she was a little girl on Hapes.

For the first time in a very long time, she piloted The Sovereign Butterfly herself. She needed to dust off her somewhat rusty navigational skills. The Butterfly was designed mostly for luxury but it had twin laser cannons on either side of the ship for defense. Only the soft purring of the ship's engines could be heard. And even though the leather pilot seat was comfortable the biggest luxury in her life now was silence. Alone on her ship she would finally get away from the ever-present and vocal opinions of Raven leadership as well as the incessant chatter in her own head.

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
​Ark sat in his chair, surprisingly with no drink perched in his hand. Now wasn't the time, though Ark wasn't afraid of pain, he was afraid of the Archeron taking on damage. But she was a fine frigate, and it would take a fleet of bassilisks to blow her outer hull. Ark knew this, and he prepped Archmedes in the hangar. The mandolorian war droid was ready to rip apart whatever came in its way.

Ark was a farmer, and he was about to tend to his field, but in this instance with missiles and a droid that could rip through a fleet of fighters in seconds. The Archeron sat just out of seeing distance of the Ravens fleet. Ark gave different commands to the others on the ship, and the workers rushed around, prepping fighters and especially the guns on the Archeron. Ark knew he would upload that damn AI to the Archeron for piloting as soon as he joined the assault.

But for now, Ark waited for Vass to make the first shots. Some sweat fell down his forehead, and he wiped it away with a weary hand. This was going to get bad, Ark could tell. The ship rushed with life in preparation for the fight, but Ark was more afraid that his new toys where going to get hurt, and to be honest, he was afraid of piloting Archmedes for the first time in combat. The beast was hard to control, and if Ark couldn't get him to the inside of that star destroyer, it would be a short trip for a lot of work.

Ark Tallen

@Tyranus Collik @Venris Helion @Areiana Slayer @Daniel Imura @Zavzen Sae'ryx @stardust @Kerrick Ikon [member="Vassara Raxis"]
Location: Vagabond, XR-95 Vector
Objective: Awaiting orders, engage when ready

For once, all was silent. Not necessarily the quiet of a peaceful sort, but one that heralded the events to come. A silence of anticipation, of ambition. Of confidence, among a few. It was of a different kind, for Kerrick. Indifference was the name of the game. It wasn't that xe didn't feel any loyalty towards those members of the Expeditionary Fleet, because xe did. But the idea of being committed to any cause was a new one, and one xe wasn't entirely sure about just yet. Still, xe would fight, and fight well, if only due to that newfound camaraderie. This was the first real test of that in the eyes of the others, something xe was well aware of. And it was something not taken lightly.

With Micro, xir astromech droid, currently powered down to avoid detection just as the entirety of the ship was, save for the bare necessities, there was no company to keep. Well, save for the chatter through the comms, but xe didn't respond on that wavelength just yet, simply listening through for orders. This was one time when xe wasn't entirely sure how to operate, in a fleeting scenario, but there was a first time for everything. Right now it just seemed like a lot of waiting. Nothing to do but wait and watch.

The name of the group they were attacking, the Red Ravens, was something that stood out, and not for a bad reason necessarily. Months, perhaps nearly a year, ago, xe had saved the leader of the organization, Cryax Bane, for no other reason than goodwill to a stranger passed on xir way. And now xe would be repaying the favor yet again by running an attack on his very own base of operations, or the closest it came to it. It wasn't the most conventional way to go about things, and likely would only gain enmity in return, but life had a funny way with things. Almost fate, if I believed in it. This is taking too long. One stark blue eye, the other sightless, studied the black of space before xem, an endless sprawl. Come on...

[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Lurcano Car'dann"], [member="Tyranus Collik"], [member="Venris Helion"], [member="Tesh Aquer"], [member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Ark Tallen"]
[member="Ark Tallen"]​
[member="Tyranus Collik"]​
[member="Venris Helion"]​
[member="Areiana Slayer"]​
[member="Daniel Imura"]​
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]​
[member="Kerrick Ikon"]​
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]​
[member="Tesh Aquer"]​
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]​
OOC: Hopefully didn't miss anyone.​
Location: Entering Atmosphere
Objective: Be very, very quiet.

Vassara laughed at Venris little joke. The fleet really thought she was crazy. Truth was they were not all that far off the mark. The years after Alderaans destruction spent in the unknown regions had driven her close to losing her sanity. She remembered time when she had simply rocked back and forth in the cargo bay taking to herself about killing Sith and the monsters coming to get her.

But now that she had found the force, and loyal crewmen. Well she could care less about her own fate. Her concern was entirely for her fellow fleet mates and captains. As a Warden of the Fleet their safety came above her own. Thus they would not engage anything on the way down if they could help it.

"Relax you, you seem to forget I'm Vassara Raxis. Most deadliest spacer, second only to Mr. Merrill."

Most of the feet had no clue she was in an organization designed to rebel against almost every major government. But that had it's perks too.

Vassara passed the stim caf pot to Venris as they touched atmosphere. The ship was stil dark, no engines, no lights, no transmissions. Nothing. As they began to break the atmosphere flames of red hot fury licked away at the hull, making them appear to be a small meteor coming down.

"Venris, I need you to mind meld with me and go into battlemind. I wont send any transmissions over the net, but we can still contact the others if we combine and project via the force."

Vassara had done her research and was no fool. Ravens were great at crime but even greater at Techno gadgetry. Their slicers could intercept the sound of pin dropping into a haystack in a zero g environment. What they seemed to lack was an abundance of force using folks. Of course that was from snippets she had read on the holonet.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Kerrick Ikon"] [member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Venris Helion"]
The Cruiser stopped in the middle of a large contention of clouds and the hatch to the hanger opened up. Soon, the engines died along with the lights, weapons and communication systems. A landing shuttle was being prepared and Tyranus walked towards the Shuttle and began to wait for when they would land. He sat down on a crate and clasped his hand together, his Mandalorion necklace chinned as it hit against his armor. He looked upwards at the shuttle and then looked back at the ground and he continued to clasp his hands together. He stood up and walked into the Co-pilots seat and then leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes and then hummed and waited for landfall.
Tesh was looking out the "window" of the bridge when he saw something suspicious. Another glint of sunlight on durasteel. Either some ship had blown up, or there was a ship trying to fly under the radar. The real-time projection of the outside world flashed again, betraying another ship. He decided it was time to try to contact these people, but first he would need to move.

"Engines, this is Admiral Aquer. I need you to move us fifty percent closer to the planet. I suspect someone is trying to get there without us knowing," he said as he contacted the crew in the engine room. Presently, the ship hummed to life again as the massive thrusters slowly maneuvered the ship closer to the planet. He waited until they were almost there before trying to communicate with the incoming ships. He broadcast on a general frequency, "Unidentified ships, this is Admiral Aquer of the Red Ravens. I order you to announce yourselves, or else we will blow you out of the sky," he said. Although his tone wasn't threatening, the message was very clear.

He told the crew to move the ship between the incoming ships and the planet, or as much so as possible. The ship sacrificed any speed or maneuverability for the massive firepower and shielding, so it would be difficult to try to beat them there. Even so, he could get a better angle on the ships.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Tesh Aquer"] @Timoxin Temi

Lurcano just shook his head as Tesh ignored him. 'Arrogant piece of shit, who the hell does he think he is?' Despite his annoyance, he did hear the words that Admiral spoke.

Admiral Aquer: "Engines, this is Admiral Aquer. I need you to move us fifty percent closer to the planet. I suspect someone is trying to get there without us knowing. Unindentified ships, this is Admiral Aquer of the Red Ravens. I order you to announce yourselves, or else we will blow you out of the sky."

Lurcano immediately turned and peered outside the window of the bridge as well, but he didn't see a single thing. 'Well, at least this Mon Calamari was useful for something, or at least I hope he is. He might just be bat shit crazy because I can't see a single thing out there; and I don't think are scanners picked up anything...Bah! What the hell do I know about ships.' Lurcano just turned away and headed back to his quarters. He grabbed the rest of his Tehk'la knives, and strapped on his holster with his DL-44 to his waist. He doubted he would need to use it, after all. How likely was he to get into close quarters combat with some imaginary combatants in the middle of a space ship. 'But hey, might as well. Not like I'm going to lose anything by carrying it around with me.' Lurcano turned and headed back to the bridge, curious to see what new developments might have occurred while he was away.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Warehouse on farmland
Objective: Prepare just in case
Allies: [member="Tesh Aquer"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Enemies: None yet

Patricia was logging and checking shipments of weapons that were headed towards Sith space, after all it was her job to do so. Well it was her job to tell other people that it was their job, but she did have to oversee the process. When it came to selling weapons to aid the bad guys Patricia did have a lot of reservations knowing that these guns were going to be used to kill her friends, to kill the idea of democracy and freedom that she fought so hard for over the years. But all things change with time, children are born, families are made, and someone has to make enough money to support that family. And sadly this was what paid the bills, if it meant she had to sell weapons of death to genocidal maniacs so her daughter could go to ballet class and her son could be diapered and fed, then so be it.

"Listen we don't have a lot of these Subach guns left, and Stargo still hasn't come through with their new line of weapons besides the snipers. So I want you to take this shipment and take it to coruscant, and when you get to coruscant I want you to find a man called [member="Reverance"] , got a scar over his eye you can't miss him. His people will make sure credits are transferred, oh don't look or comment on the scar. His types wouldn't think twice about turning you inside out." Patricia was briefing one of the smugglers and foremen of the warehouse, the job was pretty simple and soon they could get off this hick planet and back to civilization.

Patricia sighed and reviewed the manifest that was being shipped out to the One Sith. Skimming over it she put her fingers over the holographic screen of her Browncoat data logger and skimmed over the order.

250: M120 SASR

500: 25-15 "Ezek" Plasma Projector

700: WMA1

200: SIW "Mist"

300: Kalash Mk 74

Patricia sighed again and flicked off her data logger, she didn't like to think about her new line of work. But then a comm message from orbit was playing across channels and it was possible that someone was coming in to try and do something. Regardless it was something that was not acceptable and so Patricia would see to it that droid defenses were up and running.

The beauty of having droids rather than people are guards that never grow complacent, that are always on guard, and never loose focus. And even better was that you could command them with a flick of a button. The ravens were not dumb by any means, this was a very large weapons transaction and defenses were top notch, especially if they were dealing with the Sith. These weren't guns going off to some stupid hutt crime family or warlord, these were guns headed off to the dark lords themselves. So it was safe to assume the small warehouse on the farmland was guarded to a stupid amount. The farm had well over a few hundred security droids roving it and the moment that message came through Patricia shifted their attention from patrol to dig in. The roughly 40 acre farm was shifted to high tension and the droids were set and dug in for an attack. Patricia was wearing her flak vest underneath her black dotted dress and holding her Czerka rifle and basic gear arraignment. She was ready for some combat.

75: DD S1

10: DSD-II

25: War Bugs

100: Super Clankers
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris recalled the first time that they had used the Battlemind meld, how t had connected them and three others in ways that seemed maddening. They had shared their senses, seen with five sets of eyes, heard with five sets of ears, breathed with five sets of lungs and fought with five lightsabers against a horde of training droids. During the false battle Venris had managed to adapt to it, but had discovered a more puzzling feature of Battlemind: he had been able to use Shien, taken from the mind of Zavzen, and then witnessed Vassara use Jar'kai-again from Zavzen. They'd known who among their group had been proficient at whichever lightsaber form and had simply chosen to do it...

Afterwards Venris wasn't able to remember more than the bare bones basics of Shien, not enough to use it effectively in anything more than a training duel and not enough to improve on it himself, but one thing that had stuck was the thrill of using it...which alone had left him worried about using it again.

Hiding his concerns from Vassara, Venris nodded while taking a sip of stim caf from a cup of his own and then shut his eyes, reaching out to Vassara through the Force. He felt himself reach a wall, her own Force Signature. Exhaling, Venris began to slowly melt into and combine his signature with hers, linking their minds together.

When Venris opened his eyes, he saw through two different visions at once. For a few moments it was disorienting, but he adapted to it much quicker than he had the first time-possibly because he was only melded with one person instead of four this time around. He took another calm sip from his cup and sat down in the co-pilot's seat.

They have detected us...but you already know that, don't you? He assumed this because just as he had finished the meld Venris had felt a disturbance, followed by a growing sense of danger. That either meant something was happening aboard the Gypsy Caravan, down below on the surface...or right outside with the Ravens stationed in orbit.
Location: En route to warehouse
Objective: Protect the assets
Allies: [member="Tesh Aquer"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Enemies: None

Tmoxin was tuned to the general frequency. The quiet was broken by the voice of Admiral Aquer: "Unidentified ships, this is Admiral Aquer of the Red Ravens. I order you to announce yourselves, or else we will blow you out of the sky." Well that was unexpected. She was highly confident that the Dac could take care of itself so she put The Butterfly on autopilot and had Frab, Cryax Bane's assistant send her the Raven agenda for this day with all of the Syndicate's dealings. Most of this information would be available to her except any top secret affairs. She noticed a shipment of weapons were awaiting transport to Coruscant. Besides The Dac's maiden voyage that was about all that was going on in this deserted sector. I shouldn't be so surprised at piracy even near Far Pando, she thought. The Ravens had been making quite a name for themselves close to the Mara Corridor so of course that was going to attract opportunists.

Tmoxin went back to the console and punched in the coordinates for a landing strip near the Raven warehouse on Far Pando. Used to having her captain around she went to use the intercom to have him prepare her wardrobe. Waterproof boots were a must on the muddy agrarian planet. But then she remembered she was alone. She sighed and rose up to get changed.The ship would make a beeline to the field where the Pando operations were.
Allies- [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] @tyrabus collik [member="Kerrick Ikon"] @ark fallen
Objective-wait for order to lift off
Stardust was wearing her black flight suit pacing by her xwing, it has been a long time since she flew or even fought, but she's fought worse then this so why was she nervous. She saw [member="Tyranus Collik"] walk down to the hangar and stood and saluted him"all ready to go on your go sir"she said with a slight grin as she watched him group something, a pendant of some sort? She shook her head focusing back on the mission"I'll provide escort down after that I'll provide cover from above"her astromech r8 rolled up beeping "ships systems all ready huh did you check the guns as well" she twirled and bumped into her as she chuckled"alright alright I believe you little guy go ahead and hop on in"she smiled as the little guy rolled off and flew up to his little Oort nestling in"well I guess its time to get ready"she climb in sliding her helmet over her head"


The Darkness feeds me
[member="stardust"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]
Thanks Star. Also, do you want me to paint your ship sometime? Maybe your astromech?

He stood up from the co-pilots seat and walked over to a bench in the middle of the ship and then sat down on the bench. The bench felt cold and hard like nobody had sat their in ages, a slight ray of the sun glistened off from the white paint job of the shuttle adding a depth to the new paint job of the shuttle. The wings slowly unfolded from the top wing, keeping straight with every inch down as the creaks continued downwards and then the wings finally stopped with a thud at the sides. Heavy footsteps thudded against the hard surface of the hanger as a man in Blue Mandalorion armor walked towards the ship with a blue cloak flailing in the wind from the heavy clouds. The Mando walked towards the shuttle and then suddenly stopped and reached his black gloved hands upwards and grasped his helmet with both hands then lifted upwards and the helmet fell under his arm and he held the helmet under one arm while the other rested calmly at his side with a slight swaying motion. The Mando looked around slightly, beads of sweat falling away from his forehead and he moved his head back and forth getting thick beads of sweat out from his green eyes.
Ravens: [member="Tesh Aquer"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Fleet: [member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Areiana Slayer"] [member="Daniel Imura"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="stardust"] [member="Kerrick Ikon"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Reclaimer"]​

As the message came through Vassara ignored it focusing on the meters of the dash. Venris sent her his own mental notes and she grinned. The Fleet had been spotted yes, but as of yet no one knew who they were, and that was still an advantage. Vassara gave Venris a knowing look and then spoke through the link.

I Know, which Is why I'm going to do this!

She flipped the power switches in quick sequence, powering up the small vessel. As it roared to life with a vengeance her hands manipulated the holo controls furiously, putting full burn on the engines. G forces slammed her back into the seat. The atmosphere continued to burn around the hull arcing off the deflector shields.

The good thing was that a freighter was much faster than the larger cruisers and other ships. One had already slipped past, how the others fared she did not know.

Try and link with the others, and pass on our entry.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Location: Outside of the Farmland Warehouse
Objective: Secure weapons and equipment
Secondary Objective: Collect Information on where weapons are going and to who/whom
Allies: [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="stardust"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Kerrick Ikon"]
Enemies: [member="Tesh Aquer"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

A man sat on his belly, well the belly of his armor, looking through the scope of a Hekler'Kok HR-2 outfitted with a 20x scope, a suppressor and a extended magazine. Next to him were two other soldiers armed with the same rifle with the same attachments, all three were dressed in RA-1 Ranger Armor in matte black though each had a Hekler'Kok Tactical Mask in place of a helmet. One of the commandos mask a skull pattern printed on it while the other two a male and a female had different patterns masks. The man with the skull pattern masked looked over to the female. "Siren what is the troop estimate on the perimeter?" He asked in a impossibly deep voice, obviously synthesized by the mask. "Ten eaters armed with blaster rifles and pistols while wearing blast vests and armorweave clothing. Three of the ten are armed with scope rifles and are on the roof. I suggest we take them first Reaper." Siren said to the man now indentified as Reaper. "Alright. Me, you and Minotaur will take them as soon as I contact Raxis." Reaper said and then sent a burst coded transmission to [member="Vassara Raxis"] explaining the situation.
Well, Tesh thought, they certainly don't seem so keen on responding. They were definitely able to outspeed the slow cruiser, but at least he could get a few shots on them. He ordered the crew to fire at the ships. They were quite far away, but he was hoping that a stray bolt or two would hit them. They were at an angle such that they didn't run the risk of hitting the planet's surface if they missed, so he could have the gunners go all out if they needed to.

He turned his bulbous head and saw someone standing at the entrance to the bridge, apparently with nothing to do. He could give the man something to occupy his time. "Hey, you. Take some soldiers and a shuttle down to the surface of the planet will you? Hopefully if these guys are invading you can help to lend some aid. If you wish to stay up here, at the least you can relay orders to some of the soldiers and tell them to board a dropship for the planet. I will notify our people on the ground not to shoot you down," he said.

After giving his order, Tesh switched his attention to the communications crew and relayed his orders, this time telling them to notify the ground troops that they would be sending in one dropship, giving the precise co-ordinates of the landing as to not confuse anyone. He sent the order for more troops to be ready to be sent down. The Dac didn't have many troops on board, but he could still lend a hand,

[member="Vassara Raxis"][member="Tyranus Collik"][member="stardust"][member="Venris Helion][member="Tmoxin Temi"][member="Patricia Susan Garter"][member="Lurcano Car'dann"][member="Noah Corek"]

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