A brow rose at [member="Anaya Fen"] in that moment, man folding his forearms on the countertop as he leaned forward. One hand shifted, arm retracted so he could pull another pistol from below the countertop. He could have shot her just then, could have shot her at any point in this conversation... but he didn't. It was loaded, but the safety was on. Didn't matter; he was making a point.
"At any point you could have died coming here. My men outside could have shot you, I could have shot you, the surveillance that no doubt has you pegged could have lead to you getting shot by any number of law enforcement bodies. You're a known quantity. Just as I'm a known quantity." Not entirely true depending on who you asked about him. "But you're alive."
There was a sigh, and he wet his lips. "But it wasn't worth it, Anaya. Information isn't usually that dangerous to acquire; even that kind. You aren't dead, but you likely wish you were. But the only freedom you lost is that which you've given up. You came here, yes? I doubt if you didn't have freedom you wouldn't be allowed here, especially knowing you stood a good chance of ceasing to exist."
Tired eyes shifted to look down as he exhaled. "But yeah, no. Wasn't worth it. I'd have found her myself if I'd have known what was coming, but I didn't, and I had other things to handle. You were in a better position of success than I, but I can't see the future." A hand clenched absently. "But I don't even know where she is, Anaya. She woke up, got scared and ran... it's all she's ever done."
This time, it was him fighting back the tears. "So close, Anaya. So close. Every time I reach the finish line it's moved back, taunting me every time. It's a marathon I can never complete, but I can't stop running for some reason. My heart, at some point, wound up chained to her, despite how unhealthy it is. Every day I wish she'd just come back here, knock on my door and just... let it be."
Frowning quietly, he closed his eyes. "But that's a pipe dream, Anaya. All those lives lost, all the friends alienated. None of it was worth it, and yet somehow I'd still do it again. Because it was the only outcome for me at the time, really. As I said... I can't see the future, and if I had, maybe I'd have just shot her on Alderaan instead of helping her revert. But the heart wants what it wants, Anaya, even if the brain doesn't agree."
"We're not friends anymore, Red. We haven't been for awhile. I'm just as liable to shoot you as I am to strip you down, but I can't back down from my convictions now. I've never let the standard I bear hit the ground and I can't start now. I can only pass it off to another carrier and hope they're more rational than I am." Opening his eyes and looking off to one side, he pushed himself away from the counter and went to refill his tea.
"I think this was the only way it could have ended though, Anaya. This galaxy has had so many blurred lines it's not even funny. People keep moving around like they're the only ones in charge, the only ones capable of affecting change. There's no working together anymore; it's just us vs them for everyone. There's so many lofty expectations and failed attempts at kinship that it's almost sickening.
Half the so called governments in the galaxy do the exact same thing as everyone else. Hell, even the Protectorate and the Republic are basically the same thing; we just don't rely as heavily on Force Users. We're the military industrial complex to their humanitarian mission and everyone keeps looking for reasons to stay at each others throats. Sith and Jedi will forever be enemies, and the war they have will never end. There will be brief periods of peace, but they won't last. The Sith are too power hungry to stay gone for long, and the Jedi are too stubborn to die.
It's a sad state of affairs, really. One I'm not proud to be taking part in." Closing the fridge and bringing the glass to his lips, he exhales again. "So tell Ashin I'm willing to work together if she wants. Most of the people I've called Sith in my time barely straddle the line; sure, once you start down the road there's no stopping, but redemption, in the end, should be the goal. Not death. Even if that's the only thing I'm capable of dealing in, really."
A knuckle tapped on the counter.
"I don't know, Anaya. I've never really known. I just do. It's how we wound up here. There's no thought, only action."