Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh look a Sith... wait what?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I will train you in anything you wish to learn... and im sure you would be more than surprised where your own master learned that very fact from my friend." She crossed her hands behind her and looked at the wall for a few moments, if Ballen watched she would see Alexandra's fingers slowly extend, counting off the lives of those close to her that had died. Two for her parents, one for her master, one for a friend, and one for the very one they both spoke of.

"I knew he was hiding something." The boy would mutter to himself, clenching his hands tightly into fists. Craning his head to the side, the young Knight would quietly watch and listen to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], still sort of confused. He wasn't sure what she was counting, though he didn't care. Eventually, he would learn more about his master, hopefully she would talk. Though, for now, he would focus on training.

"How about force lightning?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"That can be done... i would be showing you with its lightsided counterpart, but that can be learned... I assume you understand the risks of this training, the volatile nature of control over the force's deadliest and most painful gift it has given to its users...Or atleast one of its deadliest. I don't want to know that you are not ready to handle the strain on your body nor the responsibility of the power, else i will have to end this thought path here and now."

After a brief pause, the young boy would begin to burst into a fit of laughter, his hands opening to clench his stomach. Almost tearing up, Ballen-Ist would begin to wipe at his eyes, trying to calm himself down. The serious tone in which [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] spoke was rather entertaining, for it seemed as if she was trying to warn the pureblood. "I fear nothing, for I am.." The Knight would retort, hesitating before finishing his statement. It was a strange thought, however the boy really did not know whether or not he was Sith anymore. In blood, sure, but in tradition? Probably not.

"...Ballen-Ist." He finished, closing his eyes in satisfaction. Yes, it felt good to acknowledge himself for who he was.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well then Ballen-Ist, does that mean you dont fear me?" She crossed her hands and walked once more around Ballen, scanning over him anew now, she could read many things in his stance and muscle changes he might not even realize he made, it was like reading a book that the contents could only be seen by a choice few. "What i mean is, if you had to face me, what would your reaction be. Would you be worried, confident, pompous, or in a ball on the floor as i pierce into your mind and draw out the things you actually do fear, we all have such things?" Her eyes betrayed the fact she was almost utterly serious about this, she had done it before, and she could, But if she would was to be decided by a living example, something she had not had for a long time.

Rolling his eyes, Ballen-Ist would look towards [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] as she spoke, her words seemingly filled with spite. Instead of tracing her movements as she circled him, the Knight would simply remain calm, looking forwards at the flowing river. "Why would I? Do you want to kill me?" The boy would question, remaining still as she continued to speak. Exhaling loudly, the young Sith would display his annoyance, getting rather fed up with her attempts at intimidation.

"There is no place for such feelings during battle. I'd simply keep a level head, and think my way through the fight." He explained, figuring that he had to answer her annoying questions if he wanted to learn force lightning. "The only thing I feared is long dead. Fear is my ally."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good, by the way, you do recognize the first step to learning for lightning right?" She moved behind him and a spark jumped over one of her hands as she rose it to his shoulder. The moment she touched his shoulder, if he would allow, a weak blast, well weak enough it wouldn't permanently harm him, shot into his body. This quick blast would last for three seconds, letting him experience the lightning, letting him taste the pain, and letting him know what it was he was dealing with even if only a weak version.

Ballen-Ist would simply shake his head from side to side, having no idea as to what was needed in order to learn force lightning. He had only seen it in action, and heard of it in stories before. Having sensed build up of force energy, the young Knight figured he knew what was coming next. Closing his eyes slowly, he would allow the volatile energy to travel forward and surge into his body, it's electric current flowing through his entire body. The boy would only jerk his body forward slightly as the lightning connected, doing his best to resist the moderate pain that it caused.

The pain was enjoyable, it whispered promises of the power he was to possess soon enough. In a few weeks, he would be able to inflict pain on others that was tenfold to what he had just experienced. "I see." He spoke, turning to look at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"].

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"That was a weak burst, you must build up your body to feel it and tolerate it... you don't see." The next burst would be twice as potent, her eyes emotionless as the Sith had been the one to ask she teach him. And even then it was the lightside variant she used, if she had used the dark side one, the pain would be tenfold like what he plans to do, only far worse in experienced hands. She could tell he liked the pain, how much pain could he take though, she would not kill him, would not maim him, but he had to know pain was a sign of danger, not enjoyment.

Having already suffered at the hands of Darth Veles force lightning, the held back bursts that [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] injected the young Knight with were hardly any concern to him. Through the dark side, he was able to channel his pain into strength, giving him some tolerance to her attacks. Though, this was not the same at all. This technique, Electric Judgement, worked to drain his stamina more than inflict the immense burning sensation.

A strange drowsy sensation began to fill the young Knight, causing his knees to tremble, for they felt rather weak. "What are...You doing?" He spoke through his gritted teeth, rather curious as to what was going on. "If this is part of the lesson, you might as well just go all out." He finished, sort of annoyed at the slow pace.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I can inflict the pain that the Sith are able too, that power is long gone from my arsenal if i am to continue my path i am on. Instead you are feeling a very different effect of the altered form of power the sith idolize. You are feeling the effects of Electric Judgement, a 'purified' form of force lightning if you asked a Jedi, a 'corrupted' form if you asked Sith. My idea though, is it uses a person's will, joy, love and compassion offensively to still wound and drain its opponent rather than outright kill... the Jedi are good for their techniques, that much i can say."

"I had no idea...Such a technique existed," the Knight would speak slowly, his stamina having been affected considerably. He had never experienced such a technique, so the resistance he had assumed to possess was rather non-existent. The slight pain he felt was nothing, though the draining that had undergone was rather formidable.

"Interesting...What must I do...To harness lightning?" He spoke, not even sure if he would be able to summon up enough energy to produce any electricity at this point. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s technique had taken quite a bit out of him.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"You must learn to truly command your emotions, there is nothing that is more chiefly important than what i am telling you now." She moved her hands behind her back, slowly looking over the man before her and slowly checking out the area around them once more. "Tell me, who would use this on, those you hate, those that you fear, or those that are your enemies or enemies of the Sith, no matter whom they are.
Nodding in acknowledgment, Ballen-Ist would listen to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s words. She spoke of commanding his emotions, something he had done many times in the past. This was on a whole different level though, force lightning would not be something easily learned.

Remaining still, Ballen-Ist would not make a move to face Alexandra, rather he would ponder her question in silence for a brief moment. "This technique will be far too stamina draining. I would use it only on those who need to die. A trump card, if you will." He replied, not caring about any faction enemies anymore. Having been driven from the One Sith, the young pureblood really had no desire to kill Jedi or the like.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"A last resort, you are speaking not like a Sith but like someone who actually cares for the lives of others... You are a disgrace to sith you know, Ferus would roll over in his grave to see you like this, and your emperor would be ashamed. I had thought the Sith were strong, not weak, weaklings have no place in the natural order of things is that not true, survival of the fittest?" She walked around the Sith, and for that moment Alexandra looked very different, with the exception of her aura, she was changed. Her walk, her movements, words, even her eyes resembled that of someone looking down on him, like he was insignificant, weak, a slug and one that need be stomped out.

"Wrong." Ballen-Ist would state flatly, in regards to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s first statement. The boy preferred to fight smartly, instead of just unleashing mass amounts of power that would eventually lead to exhaustion. Either way, most opponents he faced hardly posed a threat, why would he even fathom using such a powerful technique on weaklings? "Like I said, I will only use it on those deserving of the pain it inflicts." He would say, rewording his previous answer.

Her goading was still amusing, causing the Knight to simply smirk. He cared not for what others thought, especially not as to what Ferus would feel. The boy himself suspected the man to be a traitor to the New Order, based on occurrences before his death. Though this would never be proved.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Alexandra sighed, more out of disappointment she found the one damn Sith she couldn't incite anger from. And in simple response to this she walked out infront of him and smiled. "When you can shock me with lightning, even a small amount, i will teach you the rest. Remember the key point is to channel your emotions, all of them, into your control of the force and let the volatile mixture happen... sorry if im a bit rusty on teaching this, never had to."
"It's fine. Though, I'd rather not shock you," the boy would say, shaking his head from side to side as he looked at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. What was wrong with this woman? Lowering his arm, the Knight's hand would delve to his waist, gripping the handle of his sheathed blade. Pulling upwards, Ballen-Ist would reveal the force sword that Ferus himself had made with art of the small. It was a remarkable blade in the pureblood's eyes, for it could store and discharge force lightning. The force aura that surrounded his blade was bright, appearing in the form of bouncing tendrils of electricity. "You see, I'll invest in myself."

Holding the sword at his side in one hand, Ballen-Ist would clench his free hand into a tight fist as his eyes closed. The physical world around him would begin to fade as he concentrated, delving into a brief meditative trance. While focused, the Knight would begin to recall his past, remembering all of the things that he despised. There was [member="Maleus"], a Zabrak that he had battled on Taris. In the end the pureblood had won, though not without injuries. After that, the boy had decided to take the Zabrak to Ferus, where the duo would begin their training. He had intended to be the best Acolyte, though his power had been ignored by his master. Ferus was also a source of hatred, for the boy felt completely betrayed.

The pain, anger, and fear that these memories brought on began to fuel the Knight, causing his yellow eyes to flare brightly as they opened. A large amount of force energy would concentrate itself around Ballen-Ist's clenched hand, soon manifesting into electricity. The bolts of lightning would dance around his hand, enveloping it before casting a bright light as it fired forth. Instead of multiple tendrils, the pureblood shot forth a single bolt from his palm, which continued to stream down into his force sword, which stored the energy he dished out. The energy would begin to dissipate, having been used up. The bright light cast by the electricity would die down, allowing the boy to look down at his palm in awe.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good but not great, the point of me having you use it on me is so that you can taste the pain that comes from the victim, as well as the pain sometimes, and from there understand that it is not only your own emotions but the emotions of others that you can feed off of. Now i ask you, use the lightning on me." She crossed her arms as she watched him and waited for the process to be started, for the first bolt to touch her and if this man would actually use her as a subject of the lightning. He had to understand Alexandra did not care if she was harmed or not.

Slowly spinning his sword around, the young Knight would nod in satisfaction, happy with the amount of energy that he had stored in the blade. It would be rather useful in combat, he had used the ability many times to defeat enemies with basic tactics. Lifting and angling the blade downwards, Ballen-Ist would let it be holstered into the sheathe on his hip. The bright shine it gave off would blow out as the metallic material disappeared. Turning his head, the youth would look to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], not exactly sure if he understood what she was saying. How would zapping her hurt him?

It must be some sort of lesson, so in response he would lift both of his arms, pointing them forward to aim at the female's form. Drawing on all of the memories in his past, Ballen-Ist would focus on his hate, pain, and fear, concentrating it all through the dark side in order to generate the powerful energy. A bright blue light would become visible around the pureblood's hands, before manifesting into dancing bolts of electricity. Jerking his upper limbs forward, the Knight would control the lightning, causing it two streams of energy to surge forward, and potentially shock the Master.

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