"It's fine. Though, I'd rather not shock you," the boy would say, shaking his head from side to side as he looked at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. What was wrong with this woman? Lowering his arm, the Knight's hand would delve to his waist, gripping the handle of his sheathed blade. Pulling upwards, Ballen-Ist would reveal the force sword that Ferus himself had made with art of the small. It was a remarkable blade in the pureblood's eyes, for it could store and discharge force lightning. The force aura that surrounded his blade was bright, appearing in the form of bouncing tendrils of electricity. "You see, I'll invest in myself."
Holding the sword at his side in one hand, Ballen-Ist would clench his free hand into a tight fist as his eyes closed. The physical world around him would begin to fade as he concentrated, delving into a brief meditative trance. While focused, the Knight would begin to recall his past, remembering all of the things that he despised. There was [member="Maleus"], a Zabrak that he had battled on Taris. In the end the pureblood had won, though not without injuries. After that, the boy had decided to take the Zabrak to Ferus, where the duo would begin their training. He had intended to be the best Acolyte, though his power had been ignored by his master. Ferus was also a source of hatred, for the boy felt completely betrayed.
The pain, anger, and fear that these memories brought on began to fuel the Knight, causing his yellow eyes to flare brightly as they opened. A large amount of force energy would concentrate itself around Ballen-Ist's clenched hand, soon manifesting into electricity. The bolts of lightning would dance around his hand, enveloping it before casting a bright light as it fired forth. Instead of multiple tendrils, the pureblood shot forth a single bolt from his palm, which continued to stream down into his force sword, which stored the energy he dished out. The energy would begin to dissipate, having been used up. The bright light cast by the electricity would die down, allowing the boy to look down at his palm in awe.