Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh Republic and Jedi!

Radon Mont

It's not random, nor pointless. There's a clear point. People are going to freak out and demand that the Jedi be brought out in killed, or so I hope. And you'll note I specified human Jedi. If you think it's pointless then you have a rather shallow assessment ability. I don't do anything without a reason for it.
Maybe nobody cares then. It has a purpose for you, I don't know of you or your dealings beyond you simply trying to cause chaos on TGC. Why? What's the reason for it besides your blind hatred for humans? What do you hope to gain? Maybe you should elaborate in your post. (but oh wait, it's a mystery MUAHAAHA) You do things for a reason you keep hidden, don't expect others to immediately known your grand scheme when you don't freakin' type it out.
I'm sort of in agreement here. I like the general idea, Radon. It's actually a great idea.

But you've started it off as a zero sum game. That first post should have come part way through. Start with people being abducted or something, lead up to the big reveal. As it is, any Jedi or Republic person in that thread starts off well and truly stuffed. What can they do without some sort of Sherlock Holmes deduction? Nothing....

The problem is that it just isn't fun to RP something where the other person starts out in an almost unbeatable position and your only recourse is failure.

That's just my opinion though.

Flint Pherson

Hi. I'm Flint. And am happy to say 'Thank you' to Radon for creating an invitation for the Republic Faction to participate. Thanks man. I appreciate it. Rock on! *guitar solo*

Now. That said. It is, and will always be, up to the sole discretion of any writer whether or not to join in an RP. There is no, and will never be any, Peer Pressure. No one will ever compel, tease, or push anyone around here to join an RP.

So again. I would like to thank Radon for his invitation to RP. It was very thoughtful of him to include our little Faction in his awesome plots. Carry on. ;)

Radon Mont

Maybe I want it to be more of a Criminal Minds type of thing, Teg?

And yeah, I know, Flint. I just find it strange that the only people who joined were fellow darksiders.

Flint Pherson

New board. New rules. Don't be surprised about anything. Here, it all stands to change. *wink* ;)

Radon Mont

Not that new. I did something similar at TGC and it was only Sith that were really trying to stop me.


Togorian Barricade
Historically the Sith would try to stop you. I guess its brethren trying to rp with brethren.

Maybe its a wake up call that you should go back and join them rather being all neutral evil?

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