Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey everyone, my name's K-C and I'm a new member to this board!

A bit about me: I started roleplaying online maybe twelve years ago, spent most of that time in a love-hate relationship with a board I was a part of. Most of the writing there was focused around solo works, short stories especially, which were graded by admins at the end of the story who decided whether you would get the things you asked for/used in your story.

Player v Player combat was much the same way, and over time my niche became destroying other characters. I've noticed the combat here is much more player based and story driven and I'm looking forward to learning more about it as my time here grows.

Anyways, I recognize that's not at all how most play-by-post sites work, and I'm eager to jump into the rich history of this site and the miasma of information to glean. Even if the task resembles drinking from a firehose. I do have a couple questions for starters though.

Firstly, how does equipment work? From what I understand our characters can use mass-produced pieces of equipment without issue, but things we see in The Factory are more exclusive? My second question is tied to this as well - do ships work much the same way? What if I do not add in my equipment and ship until a later date? Are characters allowed to be Works in Progress while we get a better grip on the mechanics of the site?

As well, how do credits work? Do we generally just have what we say we have and are self-policed into making it a reasonable amount based on our characters?

I feel like I'm getting a little bogged down in the technical aspects but I'm excited to write again regardless! It's been a bit since my last time :( and that phrase is never a good thing to hear.

Working on my character now, hoping to make a mercenary sort to try and work with as diverse a group of players as I can. If you're interested in writing together once she's finished feel free to hit me up!

Thanks again.

Ever Dawnracer

Hey there! Welcome to Chaos!

Characters can be works in progress. Some of us don't even post backgrounds because we prefer to develop them as we roleplay. You don't need to pick things right now.

As for gear and ships, if it says mass produced and open market then you can use it. Or if it's something from canon that is not a unique item you are free to use it (for example you can't just say you own the Slave I if someone else does already).

Credits are considered trivial. Obviously a major government will have more than an individual, but you can be a billionaire if you want.

Feel free to ask other questions. :)

Ever Dawnracer

Caveat: You do need to post a character sheet before RPing, per the rules, but you don't have to have all your gear picked or anything. Just lay out the basics and the strengths/weaknesses.
Your character can absolutely be a work in progress and in terms of equipment you can always use anything from canon while you're figuring out how the factory works. Wookieepedia is an accepted go-to site for ships, tech, etc.

Best part - no grading. Welcome to Chaos! :)
Welcome to Chaos! :D

Are you thinking of this scale?
Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Maximum of 10 characters), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: Small task force, not entire factions.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: Multiple factions, companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.

Note also that creating in the factory is fun, but you can get by with a wookieepedia sub if your item is run of the mill. Like a standard lightsabre, for example.

Also, as ling as you have something down on a character sheet, you're usually good to go. You can expand it as you go along.
[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]

Thanks for the welcome and yes, thank you very much for the explanation clearly I have more reading to do x.x

BTW I love your avatar and sig, Dragon Age was wicked.

[member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Ever Dawnracer"]

Thank you both for the welcomes and the tips, I'm looking forward to getting started :)

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