Lizard-Bird Arms Dealer

"You! Buy gun! Buy gun NOW!"
-Okh-Verg in his typical arms dealer antics.

General Information
Full Name: Okh-Verg
Aliases: N/A
Faction: N/A.
Occupation: Arms Dealer
Age: 18
Location of Birth: Nar Shaddaa
Species: Trandoshan-Fosh Hybrid
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: Yes, unknowingly

Height: 5'9
Weight: 200lbs
Physical Build: Sinewy & Slender
Eye Color: Pale Grey
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Tan
Notable Features: Carries hybrid features of both a Trandoshan and Fosh; resulting in a reptilian-bird sort of appearance.

Psychological Information
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Eccentric | Explosive | Self-Centered | Arrogant | Reliable
Okh-Verg is interested in one thing and one thing only; himself. Personal wealth, image or reputation among over takes the top spot with this hybrid far above any other desire or wants, and the consideration of others is near non-existent unless it happens to fit in with his personal gains. His personal history leaves a lot to be desired, having shaped and crafted a child so foul and fragile that nobody is really quite sure on how he manages to maintain a steady reputation among customers and those he works for, however despite all his negatives, Okh-Verg carries an extensive knowledge on weapons; both legal, illegal and exotic, as well as seemingly very competent at handling currency and organization skills when it comes to his corner of the market. Still, his eccentric demeanor coupled with an explosive attitude when something does go his way can make dealings with Okh-Verg sketchy with those unprepared but fruitful for those who are willing to make barter with the unstable lizard-bird.

Strengths & Weaknesses
This part goes here... This one... There :: Okh-Verg has dedicated his life to the study of weapons from all corners of the Galaxy. Be it from a simple blaster to something more exotic, he'll do everything in his power to find the weapon and get his hands on it for study, only if to sell it on to a willing customer later. This also doubles up as a powerful trait in combat as, whilst he's not exactly a frontline trooper, if anyone did try to start a fight with him, more often than not he'll be able to handle whatever weapon comes into his grasp.
Look! I can do tricks too! :: As Okh-Verg isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, his force sensitivity supposedly connected to his force-sensitive mother. Whilst he's aware that he can pick things up by just thinking about it, he doesn't actually know what the force is or, more importantly, how much potential is possibly locked away with such a talent. This 'neat trick' in Okh-Verg's book is used as nothing more than making manual labor easy and making 'accidents' happen when someone gets on the wrong side of him... For now.
Who needs guns when you have these? :: Okh-Verg carries genetics from both Trandoshans and Fosh, meaning that he happens to have clawed fingertips and a beak with decently sharp teeth. Whilst he's an arms dealer, and will prefer having a weapon in his hands, it doesn't mean that he won't resort to clawing and biting if he's in a pinch.
One ugly mother... :: No amount of makeup is going to fix that one, kiddo.
Not all there :: Thanks to the 'loving partnership' of his parents, Okh-Verg suffers from a long history of child abuse and trauma, leaving him in a state of being a little on the raw side of things. This probably explains his eccentric and explosive demeanor that he typically carries, whatever the case it doesn't make him the most stable of individuals in the galaxy.
What does that say!? :: Okh-Verg, despite being a knowledgeable individual in weapons, suffers from illiteracy and a major lack of proper education. Anything beyond weapons, credits and basic figures, he has absolutely no clue. With his general lack of intelligence, this also leaves him vulnerable to force abilities relating to manipulation.
It's mine, MINE! :: Being incredibly self-centered, it's only natural that Okh-Verg can be quite the scumbag at times. Whilst he won't screw anyone over if they currently have an offer with him that benefits him, with how much he values personal wealth and status above everything else, it shouldn't be surprising that something's bound to happen eventually.

Equipment Listing
x1 Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun
"An Arakyd Industries Weapon that was commonly used by Trandoshans, stolen from his father. Whilst the weapon is considered a relic present-day, Okh-Verg's father had kept it in reasonable condition, if somewhat jury-rigged after failing to find the proper parts and having to find the next best thing. The weapon is still operable and dependable to the arms dealer, being a decent repeater to use as a Personal Defense Weapon, although the chances of it malfunctioning are high and the probability that it doesn't come close to some of the more updated weapons circulating the galaxy today is highly likely."
x1 Mix-match armor set & rebreather
"Not any specific make, more so a Frankenstein's creation that consists of many different armor pieces that he's been able to acquire with funding. Made of varying materials and having an average of being the higher end of light to low medium tier armor, Okh-Verg can rely upon it to keep him alive and reasonably protected from any threats he might face when going about his business. He also has a re-breather, adapted ever-so-slightly to ensure it fits properly for the hybird without it being too uncomfortable."
x1 Xantha
"Despite having no idea how to play properly, Okh-Verg likes to jam out whenever possible, resulting in a horrendous noise of claws interacting with string and probably annoying everyone in the general vicinity."

Extra Information
As one could expect from Nar Shaddaa, there was probably more evil between the cracks than the Hutts allowed to let on. Whilst they were very good at hiding it, there were always a few 'accidents' that leave some very awkward dinner table conversations. 19 years ago, the questionable relationship between a Fosh wanderer and a Trandoshan mercenary was formed, and whilst many of those within the relevant circles wondered how this had come to be, it wasn't before long that out of the blue, off-spring had been born. A single child, carry traits from both his mother and his father. This unholy union was... Interesting, to say the least, both in the fact that the parents couldn't decide a name for their child and the fact that the hybrid perhaps wasn't the most attractive. After some heated debates between the couple, it was finally agreed that they would both take segments of each parent's name to make the one for their child... Okh-Verg was his name, and his life had only just begun.
Childhood was difficult for the youngling, that much was assured. With both of his parents constantly fighting and vying for control of their son, resulting in bruises and gashes on both sides, perhaps unknown to the parents but this never-ending conflict left quite the mental toll on their offspring. A fractured household is no home for a growing child, yet being born on Nar Shaddaa, there weren't exactly many other options. No education or higher figures to go to, no support groups to take the child to, Okh-Verg was stuck in a sense of purgatory; receiving no education or help, the mental toll, with the addition of several physical ones too simply kept the tensions rising. It was maddening, leaving the family home in a worse state of disrepair than it already was. With the years of this abuse going by, character traits had already been defined, leaving a growing lad with only himself in mind... And escape was at the top of that list.
At the age of eleven, Okh-Verg waited until his parents were distracted before gathering his things, stealing several items from his parents and leaving home, only to find himself in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa. He was perhaps unique in his species, drawing eyes from a passing stranger every so often, though the fact that he was visibly armed and sort of dangerous looking from the get-go left him reasonably unharmed by the general populace, sure he had to lie a few times and stand his ground but ultimately he managed to find himself a place to call home, a little piece of slum that he could hide away in. After all, he could only go up from this point, and that he did. Interested in weapons, perhaps stemming from the weapon he had stolen from his father, Okh-Verg began an unofficial self-tutoring in the world of weapons. Having seven years and nothing else to really distract him, the hybrid has since taken on many forms of armaments and learnt about their capabilities, mostly through practical experiments; being illiterate kind of put a barrier on doing any sort of academic study into the tools of death.
Present day and Okh-Verg sits as a arms dealer, despite his flaws.
Ship: No ship
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