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OLD! Carona Totsari [new profile made]

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
NAME: Carona Totsari (pronounced as “Sha-roe-nuh” “totes-sorry”.)​
FACTION: Jedi Order​
RANK: Jedi Padawan​
SPECIES: Togruta​
AGE: 16 (appears to be 13 due to reasons explained below)​
GENDER: Female​
HEIGHT: 4’6​
WEIGHT: 79 Ibs.​
EYES: Blue​
HAIR: None. Montrals/ lekku are black and very light blue.​
SKIN: Light orange.​
FORCE SENSITIVE: Of course she is!​

- Strong connection to the Force.
- Strong connection with the LIVING Force.
- Naturally more agile than the average human.
- Naturally can take slightly more brutal physical punishment than the average human.
- Faaaaangs...
- Very smart!

- Mute: She is mute, thus she currently can only communicate through TELEPATHY, sign language and data pads.
- Growth Disorder: She has a moderate growth disorder to where she always looks a few years younger than what she appears. She also suffers with bones that break more easily and twice as much exertion released than usual (if she ran a mile she would become as weak as running for two miles). She matures much slower and off and on has slower thinking capabilities (although she is very intelligent and smart). She is sixteen, but currently looks thirteen. She needs to eat a lot to keep herself going.
- Strength: Due to her growth disorder, she would never be able to win in weight lifting competitions; can easily be thrown back by larger, stronger enemies; etc.
- Emotional: This kid has emotional issues!! She easily is discouraged, cries, and basically tends to look like nothing but a crybaby.
- Self-confidence: She has no confidence in herself whatsoever! She has a really hard shell to break into… The only place she really finds peace in is the Living Force.
- Always hungry: At first she was just being forced to eat extra servings... Now she takes extras with open hands.

- Blue eyes
- Light, orange skin
- Black and light blue head tails.
- Tiny.
- Jedi cloak.
- Black t-shirt
- Black pants with holes in the knees.
- Jedi Padawan braid.

Carona’s mother was a Sith. It is not known how Saroda Totsari became pregnant, but it was easy to tell that the baby girl was Force sensitive even before birth. Carona’s mother took care of her for the first several years with surprising care, but then the three-year-old girl was forced out of her custody by the Jedi and taken to the temple.
At the temple, it was discovered that the child had growth issues, a disorder which limited physical growth. The Jedi took special care to train her to take her species natural traits to advantage and even as a child was praised as the most physically fit youngling in her clan. As a child, Carona always felt insecure and in desperation to find some form of quiet and peace, looked towards the Living Force. Maintaining a strong connection with it by the time she was nine, she constructed two lightsaber shortos with green, lambent crystals – one for each. She quickly learned the Soresu and Jar’Kai forms of lightsaber fighting. A short while after, her deceased mother took advantage of her daughter’s skills with the Living Force and in a vision guided her to where she could find the Sith’s former duel phase lightsaber. Since the small adventure which happened over one night, she eagerly showed the blade to the Council which despite the lightsaber being that of a Sith, allowed her to keep it if she learned the Ataru lightsaber form of combat. Despite this, the large lightsaber’s size combined with Carona’s petite form did not work out too well. However, the girl keeps on practicing more and more at the more aggressive style of lightsaber combat.
When she was at the proper age, Carona finally was considered ready… She was assigned to the chosen Jedi Master. And then her journey as a Padawan began…

- All natural abilities for a Togruta.
- Force Push.
- Telekinesis.
- Force Speed.
- Force jump and etc.
- Strong connection with the Living Force to where she can sense other Force Sensitive people easily and she can also receive visions (on rare occasions does she receive visions.)
- Meditation.
- Telepathy.
- Force Vision (RARE)
- Force Stun.
- (PENDING THREAD FINISH) Access to the Living Force.

- Twin lightsaber shortos with Lambent, green crystals. One for each saber.
- Duel phase lightsaber with one, red Synthetic lightsaber crystal.

- Soresu: Adept.
- Jar'Kai: Skilled enough...
- Ataru: Basic.


Jedi star fighter that is painted caramel and green.




- Meeting the Jedi Teacher (DONE!): There is No Emotion...
- Practice Duel (Currently in works): ...What Strength Do you Have?
- Learning Telepathy (DONE!): Can You Heart My Thoughts?
- Force Training/ Jedi Mind Trick (Currently in Works): Living in the Force
- Lost? (Currently in Works): ...I Can Relate...
- Stunned (DONE):
- Crash! Burn! Learn!
- New Friends?
Because no one answered and im bored. Honestly your character sheet is very well developed for being a newer character, not in the sense that it holds a ton of information but more that the information it does have hits on a number of ranges including psychological, physical, and emotional as well as holds a clever weakness. Its not often you see characters with weaknesses like a growth defect.

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
@[member="Solan Charr"]
Thank you! Yeah, I thought the weaknesses would make her unique. I do plan on her overcoming a lot of these though and making a really determined, heroic character but as of she's just this shell...

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