[member="Lanax Grayson"]
Cortosis weave doesn't make bullets unstoppable by the Force.
Star Wars Canon:
Cortosis-weave was a swordsmithing technique commonly used on high-quality
vibroblades and other melee weapons when combat with opponents wielding
lightsabers was considered to be likely. It also was a descriptor for equipment that had been crafted utilizing cortosis ore. Cortosis-weave was employed primarily because it made the weapon able to withstand
lightsaber blows.
They could also be fashioned into armor or other gear. Weapons needed very little cortosis to be effective but armor required a substantially larger amount. The greater quantity provided an additional benefit to wearers though—a lightsaber would deactivate after contact was made with cortosis armor.
Cortosis was extremely rare though and, thus, extremely expensive, resulting in few weapons and armor made with it. Several cultures developed various techniques for insulating traditional melee weapons against such sparring damage, but the art of bonding
cortosisto blades in such a manner was first perfected by
Echani weaponsmiths sometime prior to the
Mandalorian Wars.
Cortosis by itself is immensely brittle --
ore was a very rare, brittle, fibrous material whose conductive properties caused
lightsabers to temporarily short out upon contact. This effect made cortosis a useful material for anti-lightsaber melee weapons, though with repeated strikes, a lightsaber could still cut through it. Cortosis, due to its energy resistant properties, was also resistant to blaster fire.
Cortosis was expensive to mine because it was so rare and it had to be absolutely refined. Pure, unrefined, cortosis ore was for unexplained reasons, energized,
killing anyone who touched it with his/her bare skin, even
Hutts, who had energy resistant enzymes in their sweat. Miners had to have filtering equipment, or else the cortosis particles would accumulate in their systems, causing hair loss, sickness, and eventually death.