Adalric Vastor said:[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
It's forged in the fervent heat of the Republic OOC forums and quenched in the bitter cold of failed Imperial factions.
GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What has this thread become! My eyes! Oh god. MY EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!Lanax Grayson said:You forgot it is enhanced to do more devastation by the sheer unstoppable force of internet trolls.
Ysalamiri blood contained within the bullet itself or make the projectile out of living Yuuzhan Vong flesh/carapace.Lanax Grayson said:I am crafting some old fashion handguns that will fire real bullets, but unsure what metal or metals to use. While I know blaster pistols have their advantages, so does bullet firing weapons. I shall make ammo out metals that will do a variety of different things, but all of them will have a thin cortosis weave making them unstoppable by the Force and maybe even mixing it into the ammo to make it unpure so therefore poisiness to it's victim.
So now that I have explained why I am using a bullet firing gun over blaster let us not get into an argument about that please. What I would like to know is possible metal ideas.
You should see the projects I have backlogged.Lanax Grayson said:[member="Captain Larraq"]
Speed, I honestly hadn't considered speed to be a way to overcome it.
Silara Kuhn said:A dead Ysalamir or its blood, or anything outside of an entire Ysalamir, will produce no effect on the force, as it only produces its bubble-like shield from the force being acted upon while alive. it is stated only living Ysalamir may counter the force)
That aside, the greater the speed of the bullet the more difficult it is to counter. Beyond that is the amount of projectiles fired, a scattergun works wonders. There is no metal in canon, on the board, or in EU that counters the force or negates it, it simply does not exist yet. There are methods of dampening or lessening the effects of the force on things, such as the Taozin hide example provided by [member="Adalric Vastor"] or the use of high-grade Nullification resin, however both of those are far from perfect - the latter especially may have issues being able to cloud the force once it has actually struck something - but they are certainly doable.
As stated prior, Cortosis is not immune to the force, it is energy-resistant and is capable of shorting out the normal lightsaber on contact when dealing with various concentrations of it. This may help with dealing with lightsabers, of course, but it will not defeat the sensory abilities or the precognitive abilities of a force user without external means.
The use of both the Taozin amulet and Nullification Resin will require adaptation to a new shape and method of use, as neither are suited for being used as ammunition, which may be done through the developmental process of a development thread.
[member="Lanax Grayson"]
Raziel said:Have you considered tactics, training and quality writing as viable alternatives to beating a Jedi over a black powder gun?