Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old memories, new enemies, the dark and light together.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra laughed, almost hard enough to fall over and sighed. "Question, im sure you've realized by now, but i do know a bit about Sith Sorcery. And i know for one thing letting someone into physical contact is very, very dangerous for my health... tell you what, you up for a drink Balaya? My ship isn't that far from here and im sure you would rather see what ive been doing than just plain control or track me..." She crossed her arms and glanced at her gauntlet again before speaking one last time. "You have a good thirty seconds before my ride gets here to decide that is." [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Morningstar"]
Morningstar was breathing in pain but he kept this first lesson inside his memory.

1) Never undersmate your enemy.
2)never turn your back on your oppent.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Morningstar"]

Balaya looked at Alexandra and smiled. "Your going to bring a ship into the place where the Dark Lords hands and voices reside just like that?" She had a grin on her face while walking and the blackblades were bringing the slaves while she looked through them. "We will find a body for this thing and talk. I'd recommend your ship doesn't try the Iron Citadel is one of the most protected places on Coruscant."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You misunderstand my former master, a speeder is what will be picking me up, my ship is in one of the ports for refeuling... I would also like to avoid any places of leadership on any planet... Most people don't like mercenary/bounty hunters in their place of governing." She crossed her hands behind her, fifteen seconds out now and then the speeder would be at the site. [member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Balaya looked at Alexandra now and continued deep into the Iron Citadel as she looked at the slaves who came about. Leading Alexandra an the saber into the large chamber with a few acolytes and her hand came out. "Alexandra your welcome to stay you know how much I enjoy a good show." Balaya continued and strapped the slave to the table while she set the saber on her chest. "Well I hope whatever you are your ready to fight, people's personalities and souls don't give up so easily." Balaya began chanting as she started the ritual and focused trying to find the energies and call the spirit forth from the saber to put it into the body and let Alexandra's darkside do the work of taking it over.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Alexandra keyed in orders to wait outside the citadel, she wasn't leaving without her saber, especially not without the crystal in the saber itself. So watched she did as the process began and the sith began her chant, a slow low chant that sounded off the walls and made the air around Alexandra seem colder as her spine crawled. She didn't like being surrounded by the darkside of the force, it always felt sad or hurt, cold and emotionless, she preferred something more full of life which is why she now only wanted to be back home at the garden, lost in meditation. Meanwhile though Hel would thrive one this, laughing to herself as she began to be pulled and transferred, snaking her way into the slave's body and fighting with its soul for possession, having nothing to keep her from holding back.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Balaya continued to chant bringing her spell around mostly for the area. The ones chanting around her to help empower the spell. She poured the darkside into the saber to twist and turn then deeper into the core so that Hel hd her strength amplified to take the body and she placed a hand on the slave. Her energies going to the clawed hand and making a mark on the arm of the slave. It wasn't the Dark Lords mark all the One sith bore it was a rune in the ancient language for binding and she spoke. "Awaken."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

The slave's eyes shot open after the word was spoken, though she seemed confused and dazed as she sat up, looking around for a few moments it appeared as nothing had worked up until suddenly she grinned wide and looked at Balaya then to Alexandra. "I owe you a debt of gratitude Zeltron b- i mean dark lady, i will gladly serve your emperor and i hope that the weakling over there will miss me... if she remembers my being there anyways..." Alexandra's own confusion showed she didn't understand why this woman seemed to know her and after a few moments she shrugged and moved over to Balaya. "My saber, please."
[member="Lady Hel"]

Balaya looked at the being who rose and had to admit is was decent work or good enough. She'd let the darkside energies and the one from the blade seal the deal as she stood there and let the acolytes file out of the room. "Welcome to the world of the living as it were, now that you have a body." Balaya moved and let the saber go from the table for Lady Hel and she turned shrugging to Alexandra. "Technically it is her saber Alexandra... I suppose fighting for it might be the most important thing."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Kark you Balaya, i want the crystal, now." Even as she said that, not a hint of hate or anger came from her, it was impossible for such things to be felt with Hel gone, no it was simply her want to have the one thing that connects her to her master. "If you want to see a fight than go hunt down the Jedi you missed, im busy with my business and my life."

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Lady Hel"]

Balaya looked at Alexandra and smiled. "I think you already did that after I rescued you from that tomb." Balaya was lying but she was a zeltron, she knew how to feel lies and what helped sell one was always some truth. She hadd the knowledge of those days after Alexandra passed out in the tomb and woke up naked in her former masters bed on Thule. Balaya just spoke and used what she knew to make it spin and let her fill in the blanks with her own mind. "As for you my dear, the dark lord will welcome you into his service and vision."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Oh ha, ha, very funny about your little joke there. I am absolutely sure that did not happen and even if it had, not like i care now, and as for your Dark Lord good luck to him but let me simply say now that i really don't expect this group of Sith to last any longer than the others. You need to find ways to last without turning yourselves into a religious group that worships your leaders like gods until they are no longer useful to you..." She sighed, no matter what she said she already concluded that she would have to join this new sith order, now as a sith or not was up to her and she would make it clear that she was going to remain herself in the matter. "Which brings me to my point now, ill be joining your new empire, but as myself, ill serve it to expand it's empire but if the constant coups begin to happen you cannot and will not expect me to follow along with them or you. I will be here to improve the new empire you are creating, not to bow before you or bow before the constant ever changing Sith Emperor."

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Lady Hel"]

Balaya moved forward towards Alex now and she offered an open arm. "Come here then if you must leave at least lets part on good terms. Your my friend and I was glad to see you alive after all this time." She looked at Hel and motioned her forward as well. "You will both need to be on terms, a situation like this can have who knows what kind of results. Lingering effects or maybe nothign at all but you my dear will need to take your vows with the Dark Lord and you Alexandra will need to do something. The One Sith would wlecome you for now in its fight against the jedi but all have different names. We will have to give you one to properly show your station."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"And what is this station that you are describing?" She moved to give the Zeltron that towered over her a hug though, the Sith Lady deserved that much for not forcing Alexandra to bend her knees instantly and allowed some leniency, she only gave Hel a single look though, not in distaste but just simple curiosity who she was as she hadn't figured it out yet. "I assume you mean like that of which you carry that Sith before you have carried?"

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

"The station is here, well less here and more over there. Your name won't work either we all have become something else. We have all become sith lords under the dark lord and you Alexandra are no different the only thing will be what you do with it. Do you leave here and try to detray us? Or do you join our quest for order and rise through the ranks resisting the darkside at every turn? Or perhaps you give into it and feel the power, you could have such potential as a future hand of the Dark lord or as his voice and bring his message to the galaxy."
Morningstar bowed he wanted to get stronger and once more he wanted to prove himself."I will do what ever it takes, i surrender myself to you."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Praelior"]

"Or I take option D where I fight for the sith and lend them my strength, creating a galaxy safe for my family and the families of my students. I don't fall to your dark side and I live out the rest of my days researching ruins and droids without some dark lord making me his hand or voice. I don't care what potential you see in me Balaya and I am glad that I am who I am in this singular mlkment before you. Is that clear?"
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

"You do realize that others will come after you eventually Alexandra yes? THey are not as nice as me, well some are but sith who claim they will use the lightside to become more powerful then everyone else I don't take seriously. We will though need to be able to not be attacked in our space and that requires things. Perhaps these droids and research can come in handy."

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