Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox!

Old New Member Guide


Purpose of this guide?
This guide is designed to help you get oriented on Star Wars Chaos. The following articles point you towards the main features of the site and aim to get you set up with a character sheet and joining in with the writing as quickly as possible!

Hello & Welcome to Star Wars Chaos. Please keep in mind all players are responsible for their posts and for all content in those posts, whether verbal or graphic, including avatars and banners. The following rules are meant to help everyone in the Star Wars role playing environment. Remember that if you think that something may be wrong, it probably is, and you should check the rules.

Again, the most important thing to keep in mind is that this is a game - it is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun for you or for someone else, it's time to step back and re-evaluate what you're doing.

What is Chaos?
So you want to RP in the Star Wars universe? Good! If not, well, maybe you're in the wrong place. Role playing (RP) is the main name of the game around here and being social is secondary. That said, we're a very social bunch and everyone is free to talk about whatever. Chaos just puts RP first.

Who can join?
Anyone. We're open to anyone friendly and with a drive to play in the Star Wars universe.


If you have any feedback on the site, or experience any technical difficulties and need help, head on over to the Site Feedback Forum


Required Steps - Optional Steps

Welcome to Chaos. Set nearly 850 years after the battle of Yavin, the galaxy is recovering from a 400 year dark age brought on by a plague. The Galaxy is torn apart by war as Major Factions vie for power. If you want more information on the setting head over to the (Timeline Articles).

Let's begin. After Registering, every time you Log In you will do so as your Writer's Account. This is the Display Name you selected when Registering. From here we will start creating new characters. So let's go to your Profile Page. To do this click on your Avatar Picture or use the drop down box.

Now. Once on your Profile Page go ahead and click the button in the upper right-hand corner called Characters. See picture below. Now, this will open up another window showing all of your characters. Since you just registered? It should be empty right now. So go ahead and click on the button called 'Create Sub-Account'. This will create a new Sub-Account which we call Character Accounts. Remember. The Display Name for your Sub-Account should be that of your new character.

Now read the (Character Creation Rules).

Go to the (Character Creation Forum). See all the Threads with Character Names. Click on one of them and browse it for ideas. When you are finished browsing, go ahead and click on the (Character Creation Template Thread) and scroll down to post #2. Copy the Template using your mouse.

Create a New Topic in the Character Creation Forum. Name your new topic after the Character you are now making. Paste the Template into the Editor and begin filling in the blanks. When you are finished press Preview Post. This is only a Preview. Use it to proof-read and to check for spelling or formatting errors. When you are finished, press Post New Topic. If you are unsure what to use as your rank, check out the (Ranks and Promotions Rules). Characters transferred from another forum are handled on a case-by-case basis and require Admin approval for rank transferral, otherwise Force Users start at Padawan/Apprentice/Acolyte.

You have now learned how to create new Character Accounts underneath your Writer Account. And how to post Character Profiles for each of them. Well done. You are on your way to becoming an excellent Roleplayer. :D

Originally Written By: Jay Scott Clark additions by Raziel and Lorelei Darke

There are three main rules articles that all new members should familiarise themselves with. These are as follows:


Technical issues and bugs should be reported to the Site Feedback forum.
The Report button serves as a function to flag forum staff for potential harassment or abuse of forum rules by other members of the board in both OOC and IC forums. We urge all members to attempt civil discussion through the forum’s Private Messaging system before hitting the Report button, as many of these issues are easily rectified when brought up in a friendly manner. If a solution cannot be found, the report button is there to bring forum staff (Admins or Roleplay Judges) in to help.

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  • Current Major Factions include: The Mandalorians, the Republic, the One Sith, the Techno Union, the Silver Sanctum, the Primeval, the Hutt Cartel, the Order of the Black Rose, the Galactic Alliance, the Jen'ari Empire, and the First Order.
  • A Major Faction has the resources necessary to role-play having a large fleet, army, etc. Until a faction is displaced from the "Major" classification, which only an Administrator can do, it retains these resources.
  • A Major Faction may consist of several Sub-Factions, ie, Minor Factions who's allegiance is to the Major Faction.
  • You must have at least 10 unique writers signed up to join your faction idea.
  • Major Factions require Administrator approval.
  • A Minor Faction is defined as a faction that is Minor towards all Major Factions.
  • A Minor Faction owes no allegiance to a Major Faction, and therefore owns no "Influence" (ie. Planets, Territories) throughout the Galaxy.
  • A Minor Faction cannot be established with enough military might to displace a Major Faction’s influence. It must build up to this over time and through roleplays.
  • A ruling against a Minor Faction not being able to displace a Major Faction’s influence from a planet must require Board Administrator approval.

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The Roleplay Forums are split into Open and Private Roleplaying. Within each forum is a sticky outlining how each of the tags should be used. It’s very easy to quickly find threads with a public tag you could go and join.

A large part of the role play scene on CHAOS is constructed by stories and activities of member groups called factions. Factions represent any number of things from galactic governmental entities such as the Galactic Republic to companies and smaller groups like the Rebel Alliance. Members are encouraged to join in on the action by finding a faction that suits their interests and the story of their characters. Find yours by browsing our Factions Directory.

To join, simply click the faction you desire and find the “Join Faction” button at the top right of their main page. Open factions will grant you instant access while some factions may require Faction Admin approval or a personal invitation for membership. Once you’ve become a member be sure to introduce yourself in their New Members forum!

Major Factions are the largest factions that hold territory on the map. Major Factions expand their influence through Dominion threads and two Major Factions can clash for control of a world in an Invasion. Major factions may be created out of minor factions that have garnered activity and interest from board members but require several steps and admin approval to do so.

Minor Factions are smaller factions that hold no territory on the galactic map. They can represent companies, the crew of a ship, a family, a secret society, an organised government, or anything! A minor faction can be started by any member at any time and do not require board admin approval.

A great way to find a group is to join a Faction. However there is also a LFG Forum. You can head on over to this forum and post a new topic with your story ideas, or have a browse and see if anything catches your interest.


We'd like to thank the following artists for contributing to Star Wars fans every where. These artists have given us their express permission to use their works for non-commercial use, and for that, we thank you!

This site is not endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd., The Walt Disney Company, or Twentieth Century Fox and is intended for use as a not-for-profit and free public forum for entertainment purposes only.

The Official Star Wars website can be found at

Star Wars, the Star Wars logo, all names and pictures of Star Wars characters, vehicles and any other Star Wars related items are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd., or their respective trademark and copyright holders.

All comments, opinions, viewpoints, and postings are solely the property of the individual members and not the responsibility of the site.

For those with any issues with the content on this site, please contact Teferi by private message.

Okay i posted this up as a way to be able to edit and try and use some of [member="Jamie Pyne"] 's ideas and everyone elses. I'll be changing the editor to Jamie so she can edit and adjust accordingly.

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