The Roleplay Forums are split into Open and Private Roleplaying. Within each forum is a sticky outlining how each of the tags should be used. It’s very easy to quickly
find threads with a public tag you could go and join.
A large part of the role play scene on CHAOS is constructed by stories and activities of member groups called factions. Factions represent any number of things from galactic governmental entities such as the Galactic Republic to companies and smaller groups like the Rebel Alliance. Members are encouraged to join in on the action by finding a faction that suits their interests and the story of their characters. Find yours by browsing our
Factions Directory.
To join, simply click the faction you desire and find the “Join Faction” button at the top right of their main page. Open factions will grant you instant access while some factions may require Faction Admin approval or a personal invitation for membership. Once you’ve become a member be sure to introduce yourself in their New Members forum!
Major Factions are the largest factions that hold territory on the
map. Major Factions expand their influence through Dominion threads and two Major Factions can clash for control of a world in an Invasion. Major factions may be created out of minor factions that have garnered activity and interest from board members but require several steps and admin approval to do so.
Minor Factions are smaller factions that hold no territory on the galactic map. They can represent companies, the crew of a ship, a family, a secret society, an organised government, or anything! A minor faction can be started by any member at any time and do not require board admin approval.
A great way to find a group is to join a Faction. However there is also a
LFG Forum. You can head on over to this forum and post a new topic with your story ideas, or have a browse and see if anything catches your interest.