Shadow Hand
Nar Shaddaa
The Smuggler's Moon they called it Prazutis preferred to call it the Hole. Nar Shaddaa was a corrupt hole where everyone was on the take, you were unusual and suspicious if you werent taking bribes or deeply corrupt and still living there or living period. It had been a long time since Prazutis came to the Vertical City, at one time it was a part of his old stomping grounds back when he hired himself out as a mercenary, a hitman, and a favored assassin to the Hutt Cartels many years ago they loved to frequent this planet and essentially owned it in all but name. So he'd often frequent their favored dark clubs and dens, the hutts did love their dingy holes nice and dark with the smell of spice heavy in the air.
Prazutis wasn't coming here because he loved to visit, he had important business here. Vilaz Munin, a powerful mandalorian Field Marshal and an avid mercenary who he fought alongside reached out to him. Prazutis found it odd that out of anyone he could call that the mercenary made the decision to call him for help. Vilaz was on good terms and he was an ally, and grateful allies were more favors in his pocket. He took one of the many KI-AC-MkI-Interceptors in his fleet and immediately set out for the crime controlled world. It was simply amazing how on Nar Shaddaa you could disappear or be the biggest public face with the right deposit of credits to the right people. Prazutis had no intention of making his appearance public especially to some of his old colleagues or employers who he didn't feel like dealing with right now.
Just as his ship docked Prazutis contacted [member="Vilaz Munin"] again "Mr. Munin I've landed on Nar Shaddaa, I trust his is important so where can we meet?"
The Smuggler's Moon they called it Prazutis preferred to call it the Hole. Nar Shaddaa was a corrupt hole where everyone was on the take, you were unusual and suspicious if you werent taking bribes or deeply corrupt and still living there or living period. It had been a long time since Prazutis came to the Vertical City, at one time it was a part of his old stomping grounds back when he hired himself out as a mercenary, a hitman, and a favored assassin to the Hutt Cartels many years ago they loved to frequent this planet and essentially owned it in all but name. So he'd often frequent their favored dark clubs and dens, the hutts did love their dingy holes nice and dark with the smell of spice heavy in the air.
Prazutis wasn't coming here because he loved to visit, he had important business here. Vilaz Munin, a powerful mandalorian Field Marshal and an avid mercenary who he fought alongside reached out to him. Prazutis found it odd that out of anyone he could call that the mercenary made the decision to call him for help. Vilaz was on good terms and he was an ally, and grateful allies were more favors in his pocket. He took one of the many KI-AC-MkI-Interceptors in his fleet and immediately set out for the crime controlled world. It was simply amazing how on Nar Shaddaa you could disappear or be the biggest public face with the right deposit of credits to the right people. Prazutis had no intention of making his appearance public especially to some of his old colleagues or employers who he didn't feel like dealing with right now.
Just as his ship docked Prazutis contacted [member="Vilaz Munin"] again "Mr. Munin I've landed on Nar Shaddaa, I trust his is important so where can we meet?"