The Voiceless
Location: The Mind Healer's grove.
Equipment: Lightsabers, Cosaint Bracers, Covert Jedi Robes, standard equipment (Bio)
Objective: Root the Imperials out and cleanse this place.Tags:

Her white and purple blades remained extinguished as they traversed the dark caverns. She wouldn't need them to see the path ahead of her because Cas, who walked beside her, already held his yellow blade up like a torch. Instead, the Jedi Master focused on the lingering dark presences of the corrupted mystics. She couldn't tell where exactly in the grove they were, nor could she catch a glimpse of their thoughts. The shroud of darkness they projected was simply too much for her to break through on her own.
Her mind was already open to the flow of the Force, searching for any signs of life when Cas telepathically approached her. "Ah, so you do practice daily." She commented in hopes of changing the subject. He caught on quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly. Was she that easy to read?
In truth, the Sephi felt guilty. More guilty than ever, after her encounter with
Maya Bir Sinvala
on Thustra. Her own sister had fallen to the Dark side, because of her inaction. Because she was the one who left. Abandoning her sibling in search of her own fortune and glory. And now, she paid the price for it.
But it wasn't just her sister, who's life had been ruined by her decisions. Both her Padawans, current and former, had gone through great suffering under her tutelage. Both still carried the scars from battles they should have never been in. Their safety was her responsibility, and she had failed both her Padawans. That alone made her nervous in the presence of both her former and current student.
Her train of thought would be interrupted by a deafening roar. It was followed by a bone-chilling wave of dark energy, and made her stop in her tracks. "Do you feel that?" Her disembodied voice echoed softly. "Whatever it is that they're doing down there, we have to stop it..." If this is what their enemy meant by being 'ready for them', she feared the worst.
Her mind was already open to the flow of the Force, searching for any signs of life when Cas telepathically approached her. "Ah, so you do practice daily." She commented in hopes of changing the subject. He caught on quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly. Was she that easy to read?
In truth, the Sephi felt guilty. More guilty than ever, after her encounter with

But it wasn't just her sister, who's life had been ruined by her decisions. Both her Padawans, current and former, had gone through great suffering under her tutelage. Both still carried the scars from battles they should have never been in. Their safety was her responsibility, and she had failed both her Padawans. That alone made her nervous in the presence of both her former and current student.
Her train of thought would be interrupted by a deafening roar. It was followed by a bone-chilling wave of dark energy, and made her stop in her tracks. "Do you feel that?" Her disembodied voice echoed softly. "Whatever it is that they're doing down there, we have to stop it..." If this is what their enemy meant by being 'ready for them', she feared the worst.