Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Themes Removed


I have two things to say; they're purely opinionated and you can take them in with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to make it known, as a member like everyone else.

1) I hate the Nexus layout with a passion. I hate the look. I hate the fact that you can only pick ONE background and it applies to ALL of your characters. I hate the black bars showing in older posts. I just generally hate the aesthetic - and I've build forum themes from code. I appreciate the effort (assuming you guys made this) but I am not a fan, and it - for me - does not do the job I need it to do when surfing or posting. It's very uncomfortable. This thing is the Lotus of supercars.

2) I loved the other themes because their layouts were incredibly simple, easy on the eyes, and COLORS!!! xD I used to have a different color theme for each of my characters. It kept me from accidentally posting on the wrong account. Since you've removed them, I have done just that THRICE; and again, the Nexus theme does not let you choose different backgrounds. I've tried deleting cookies and cache, and that only reverts them all back to the default Jedi/Hero/Blue/whatever theme.

3) I scorn this decision like the devil right now. It's like having to learn and get accustomed to a new board all over again. I'm not against change, but this is counterproductive for me, even somewhat of an inhibition. Can I get over it eventually? Totally. Is it comfortable, which it should be? Not really.

4) Editing a post, etc., from a phone of PS Vita is IMPOSSIBLE. I have a better chance of landing on the moon, throwing a baseball, waiting for it to orbit the circumference and catching it than I do finding the edit button most of the time.

5) You can't see what you're highlighting because the highlight is almost the same color as the background.

There. There's my voice and my opinion. Hopefully no one will shoot me over it. Cheers. </3
far out, man
Why are you posting from a PS Vita in the first place? Seems like there are better and more functional options to post from mobile...But anyway.

I only have a problem with the variation in text size, but other than that, Nexus is....

What I have noticed is that on my laptop I have the clockwork background from the Nexus, and for my tower if have the underworld, and my phone has the default heroes background. That's about the only change I see in the background. Once you choose it on that device/machine, then it will stay like that for that one machine.

And actually I like it that way.
I think I have to agree with [member="Countess Xyhn"]. I hate the layout of Nexus. Still I understand necessity so I'm now left with the question of "Might the old themes ever come back?"


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