In the time that passed, Anora had managed mostly casual conversation. She did ask the occasional question, but it was all things about the ship, or the droid loitering in the back, or things that she was just obviously curious about. She had obviously gone from one sheltered life straight to training, and while she was a little defensive about it, she at least wasn't hostile about it. And she wasn't afraid to be wrong or curious about things she didn't understand.
Most of all, it was just nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't her sister, even if it had been someone who took her hostage.
When they finally stopped, and Tyran took the time to teach her how to use the system, Anora proved that she was a quick enough learner. She had only needed to ask a few questions about a couple of things, but she had it all mostly figured out by his explanation alone.
"Alright," she nodded to him, and got up so that she could get past him and get a blaster to use. Oddly enough, the idea of trying to unload it on him didn't even cross her mind. She hadn't been lying when she had told him she had her own code of honor, and they had made a deal. Once he was out, and she was armed, the brunette went back to her seat so that she could keep an eye on the monitors and make sure nothing was going on.
After a moment though, she did smirk a little and activate the com. [Hey, there's some armored nerf herder messing around the-- Oh, wait.] She really shouldn't have been comfortable enough to tease, though at the moment she didn't even think about it.