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Approved NPC Olivia Hughes

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Sphaera Tea Company Owner
NPC Individual Template



Intent: Finally establish a sub for Kay's longtime assistant and Head of the House, Olivia.
​Image Credit: Here
Role: Kay's personal assistant and Head of the House of the Royal Palace on Commenor.
Age: 67
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Human
Appearance: Highly conservative, Olivia tends to wear long skirts and blouses that are buttoned up to her neck, usually in dark shades of either black, grey and blue. Upon her belt she carries a ring of keys which jingle when she walks. Her hair tends to be well kept and in place. And her face always carries a stern expression.

Name: Olivia Hughes.
Loyalties: Lady Kay, [member="Veiere Arenais"] , [member="Loreena Arenais"] , [member="Caedyn Arenais"] , [member="Bradshaw Ku"] Commenor
Wealth: Average
Notable Possessions: Nothing of note other than the ring of keys that hang from her belt.
Skills: Icy stare, intimidating demeanor, great organizer.
Personality: Olivia can seem like a tough nut to crack to strangers. One can tell right away from her stoic demeanor that she was old fashioned and didn't take any sass from anybody. But towards Kay and the Royal Family, she was kind; almost motherly towards them all.


Weapon of Choice: Her stare.
Combat Function: Olivia doesn't fight, nor does she tend to find herself in combat situations. Her demeanor tends to make others wary over challenging her authority. But if push came to shove, it wouldn't be beneath her to throw in a punch. There just might not be a whole lot of power to it.


Olivia Hughes has lived on Commenor all of her life. Born to a good family that served the Elders, she found herself working as house staff at the Presidential Palace. Over the years she worked her way up to Head of the House where she oversees all of the Palace staff; organizing their schedules, their pay, plus the hiring and firing of them. Being a lady that is a genuine workaholic, she also took it upon herself to assist Kay when she rose to power as the Monarch.

As time passed, Olivia grew quite fond of the Royal family and did her best to ensure that everything that was under her control ran smoothly. No one messed with Olivia, for they didn't want to be on the recieving end of one of her icy stares. Most were quite relieved to know that she wasn't a Force user, otherwise her stare would have more bite than it already did. It was always better to just do whatever she said. Which most did anyways.

Olivia never married and has had no children. Her life is her work and her work is her life. There is nothing else and she's quite content with that.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Allyson Locke"]

Yup! I just wanted to put it in before I Not in a rush to have it approved. It was just on my to-do list :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Done! I can't judge the size or fix them on my phone which I'm always posting from. Think I'll just spoiler images from now on ;)
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