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Approved Starship OMEGA SQUAD - "THE ANNUNAKI" Mk II

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Aien Mueller



  • SMALL BUT TOUGH - This Corvette looks like it should not be able to take the pounding that it can. The shielding, the ablative armor, the point defense. She's a tough little ship.
  • STEALTHIER THAN SHE SHOULD BE - When the stealth systems are engaged, try and find her.
  • MULTI-PURPOSE - The Annunaki was meant to be an escort ship, but the stealth enhancements and the droidbrains allow for more varied operations and enable her to be the base of operations for Omega Squad.
  • CATAPULT SYSTEM - Though "The Annunaki" doesn't have a lot of room, but has a "catapult" system that launches or "drops" the ships in a reverse direction. This allows them to fly straight in without issue.
  • DOCKS UNDER CARRIERS - The ship is designed with airlocks and docking clamps that allow her to dock to the Ventral side of the Heavy Carriers "Ethereal", "Silver City" and "Celestial City".
  • STILL A TIGHT FIT - Yes, The new Annunaki only holds one "Pegasus" in comparison to her previous model holding two, but a Ronto, a team of operators, a crew, and cargo. That doesn't mean it is the roomiest. No, it is not "Elbows to A-holes" but when the ship is loaded, it is loaded.
  • OH CRAP, THEY FOUND US! - Yes, this ship has a SLAM, and a HIMS system, and stealth systems. Those systems have to be engaged and cannot overlay each other. She can be invisible, or fast, not both.
  • CAN PACK A PUNCH... BUT - The main cannons only fire forward, and the Turrets can only fire in certain arcs. If you're going to attack, hit her from behind even with the turbolasers.
  • CATAPULT SYSTEM - The ship is designed so that the "Pegasus" Transports can launch in reverse from the rear (much like a car pulling off of a carrier) so that they can fly into the bay in the same direction. While this can be an asset for landing, it is a (censored) for launches and limits launches to space operations (until more practice comes into play).
  • IT JUST DOCKS THERE? - Okay, it docks to a carrier, what else does it do, other than add weight? It is now a target at this point.
  • NOT LONG RANGE CAPABLE - Yes, there is a hyperdrive, but it is little more than two jump capable before refueling/recharging and those cannot perform long jumps because the onboard supplies are not capable of "long term" without heavy rationing.
Tired of having his team's hands proverbially tied, Aien began using every authorization he could give, use every advantage that his position, and can muster, and every connection he could call in to begin untying them. The Ronto, the armor, The FIST, this is in a long line. The "Annunaki" is meant to be an overall operating platform, and the mobile base of operations of Omega Squad when on long operations. The ship is capable of housing and providing a place for the team, and her crew with repair and reload facilities as well as consumables. There is also the capability of providing escort capabilities if necessary. It was a success but was "Too much", and eventually went down on a mission.

The new model is faster, more maneuverable, and more capable in ship-to-ship combat if proven necessary. She has her flaws but was designed to pick up a "Pegasus" and get to a carrier, or at least a nearby station. She could have been set up to last longer out in the field, but there is really no need. The new model was meant to drop into a fight, drop the team and get out, or conversely, drop in, pick them up and get them out.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Aien Mueller

  • You missed the Artstation link, so please link where you found the 3rd and 4th pictures.
  • The permission isn't good, please link the usual one. And you need to a permission from ADM. Reshmar too (LLD1-a1 ECM Drone).
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-1), if you want, you can edit this.
  • And the H.I.M.S.'s link leads to the Wookiee article, please fix this too.

Aien Mueller

  1. I changed it to another DeviantArt because not only did I forget WHERE I got those from on Artstation, I like Rekkert's stuff better anyway(and I added a pic)
  2. I don't know why that happened again. Odd.
  3. Changed the Maneuverability from "Average" to "High"
  4. LOL that is funny, don't know how I got that link. Fixed though.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Aien Mueller

Thank you! Two more things. You forget to add the Pegazus to the Support craft. So write the 1 instead of the 0 (in the Support craft's line).
  • Hangar Space: Average: (1)
  • Hangar Allocations:
  • Starfighters: 0
  • Support Craft: 0
And the other, because this is only a 200 metres ship, this is part of the template. So please add it your template too.
Single Craft Hangar: (Does this ship have a hanger for a single fighter craft to be docked? Please choose either Yes or No. This field does not need to be taken into account when balancing but should be included in the strengths and weaknesses.)

Aien Mueller

You MANIAC MANIAC ! (Sorry, I just love doing that for some reason XD)

  • I also added 60 meters to the length, not that it will change anything, just felt like the right thing to do.
  • I also cut the amount of Turbolasers in half
  • As for the Hangar, I was wondering why it did not show up in the template. Oh well.
All fixed.
Submission Name: Pegasus Mk II
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Editing the length (a little) to match being able to fit the new REEK) as well as fixing a few typos and adding up Seraphim linkage.

Submission Name: Annunaki Mk II
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Like the Pegasus, editing the length (a little) to match being able to fit the new REEK) as well as fixing a few typos and adding up Seraphim linkage.

Aien Mueller

  1. Upped the Length. Width, and Height. Not much, but to better justify the Hangar (at least in my mind)
  2. Changed out three of the four weapons slots with GAL Tech (downed the number of turbolasers because of the "Heavy" statused ones I put in)
  3. Took out tech from "Standard Features" and not only replaced it, but added more GAL Tech to "Advanced"
  4. Added uplink to SERAPHIM ( MANIAC MANIAC - If you're reading this, YES I managed to put in the right link on the first try! ;))
Thanks AMCO AMCO ! :)

Aien Mueller


  1. Upped the Length by 50, upped the width by 25 and the height by 15 all to better justify the Pegasus going into the hangar.
  2. Downed the crew complliment (too many)
  3. Downed the Hangar Count to "Base" 0" (no need if a single craft hangar is all I'm looking for)
  4. Changed out the weapons to GAL Tech
  5. Downed the number of long range turbolasers (as the ones I added are "heavy")
  6. Upped the Armaments to "High"
  7. Upped the Defenses to "Very High"
  8. Added GAL Tech to Defenses
  9. Added GAL Tech to Standard features
  10. Added a Constant uplink between SERAPHIM and Omega Squad (and YES! I got the right link this time! :D)
How does this look, MANIAC MANIAC
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