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Faction On Broken Wings (MU)

Samantha Jade

tag: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Marimax Mortui , Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud

It was then with a nod as she came to call Sam by her somewhat adoptive kin while removing her helmet with a soft hiss. Leave her to come face to face with the all too familiar white fluff of a face with those seem big eyes stare back at her just she'd remembered. At which time as the two conversed wherein Sam came to hear out her reply. To which she couldn't help but beam with a faint smirk hear bout the pirates being cowards to which she no less could attest being on the creds. As she then heard out rest Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud tale that she couldn't help reminisce to which end hear her repeat the same offer she'd once been given. She couldn't help but give out faint sigh under her breath as a bit pang of regret came to mind.

As memories of that day linger where....after a long search she came to find herself come to grip with some tough choice wherein. After proving herself though young as she was back then to Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud clan and offering a choice. That she had left unanswered when two last saw each other for as much her heart wanted. There was much in her past she felt had made right as much settle that lead her astray for the most part. To which she then turn face Adi'ka replied.

"....well what can I say? Things for me weren't any better as I know leaving things hanging wasn't the best idea but. I knew setting the old scores my father had with the republic wasn't going be a blue milk run. And didn't want anyone else in trouble but guess the trouble was all it was....for after try clear his name with the republic brass. And balancing tries to score some creds on the side wasn't easy, to say the as far as a pardon rather than an exoneration for dad sake. While ending up with bantha pooder with few unsavory chaps along the way. As I reckon there was some truth to your dad's words about power and the any rate, speak of offers. I guess it's time and do owe a response ... "
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As Samantha stayed silent Ad'ka just shrugged and smiled "The offer will stand even in a hundred years. I heard humans could easily reach that age. Dad will wait. He is the patient type, you know."

The Lepi put her helmet back on and said: "Should we help unload the supply crates or did you want to go somewhere else? These nice tall superdupercommandos look like some fine guys to meet and greet after their duty and to dance or drink in some cantina... even if I would need a ladder to kiss them."

Yes, Samantha remembered suddenly what a hopeless hedonistic party girl the small carnivorous lagomorph could be, having "friends" in every spaceport.

Marimax Mortui



Trauma and Blackout

Soaring through the sky at a safe and reasonable height, through the visor of his helmet he scanned for signs of these bandits; an encampment, beaten down paths, signs of old camp sites, or anything to put him on their tails. Two. Three. Four, And even a fifth time around, nothing. Then as he circled back once again, he came under fire. Dodging left, swerving right he avoided the volley of blaster fire, spying two Rodians outside a cave entrance decorated secretly with heavy foliage. He wondered how many times he passed by, unaware of them; they aware of him. If not for being shot upon, he may never have discovered these thug's hidden base. Tired of being target practice he descended quickly, taking cover being a cluster of rocks.

Whilst the Rodians continuously fired upon him, Marimax first jammed their com links leaving these two to face him without reinforcements. Secondly, he gauged their exact distance through his HUD, and finally loaded one
B.U.G. wrist rocket into his wrist-mounted rocket launcher. Quickly he typed in the distance between him and the two targets; then fired. The rockets hit with precision. The results of the explosion left both Rodians reeling from the rocket's effects; the chemical acid splash eating through their poorly crafted light armor.

Stepping out from his rocky shield, he drew from his side holsters
Trauma and Blackout; putting one shot each into the heads of the Rodians. As Marimax passed by the corpses toward the entrance of the cave, he swapped out Trauma and Blackout for their more devastating brother; Rapture.


The only easy day was yesterday.

He was the one of the youngest in his Mandalorian Clan, Clan Akaata. He was his Father's oldest. He was here for his Mandalorian, his Family clan of Akira, and then for himself. He wanted to see Mandalore. He was here with a message, one given to him so he could be the messanger and give it those that mattered and knew what it would mean.

His old Awing jolted from Hyperspace and entered real space. And throw his helmet and the crafts dome he could see Mandalore for the first time. Codes were given. They were old and belonged to minor Clan. It took them a moment but that was expected. He piloted his fighter down to an open landing spot. He grabbed his weapons, his DL side arm and the lil Monster Submachine gun ( His armor was basic Mandalorian Armor with his clan colors. And he climbed out of his fighter.

His boots his the durasteel with a ring and he started walked toward the entrance. He was here for a reason.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Tags: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt Marimax Mortui Samantha Jade

Mig looked over at the voice, but they had already seemed to see someone else. He just nodded a little, noticing a couple of medics, including few non-Mandalorians. He knew they'd do well.

While in the tent, he looked over at Stardust, pulling off his helmet nd clipping it to his belt. Star was like sister to him, so it was good to see her there. The stories... he knew them too well. During his clans own stint of being exiles they had taken to working with the Silver Jedi when it came to the Bryn. He'd been on the ground with the Wild Space Exiles when the monsters attacked their home. He'd seen just what they could take, and those things honestly scared him more than any Sith. There's a chance you can reason with a Sith, but a Bryn has no sympathy for anyone, possibly not even their own. A slight crackle could be heard in his fists before Kreslin literally split the table.

He jumped back a little to avoid being hit, and soon watched as star repair it. He was thinking as quick as he could now. They still had some room on the Star Phoenix's ring, but he knew he could do better than that. Then he heard Star.

"Brotherhood?" He shook his head quickly to focus more on what he could do, deciding to ask later. "I can provide some homes. Could give you those Tal-types as well. I know Enigma's are an old class, but they make good highspeed medical ships. Keros' Kad and Concordia's civilian populations have all move either planet side or into other ships, so they're ready for action if it comes to that. Droids and ships wouldn't be too hard either. And...." He didn't know how the next part would be taken, but it was important.

"My clan worked with the Silvers on ways to attack those demagolka. If this goes beyond humanitarian aid.... I have some weapons that might help, but I've only ever allowed them in a match against the Bryn'adul." The hesitation in Mig's tone got to point across quite well. These were things even he was scared of using. At the same time, he'd attempted to shock one of their death worms with everything he had, and only managed to tick it off. These weren't beings he took lightly.
Location: Mandalore, Refugee Camp, Near the Field Hospital

Local Time: 16:44


Objective: Rest & Relaxation

Most of the refugees that required medical attention was taken care of. There were only a couple of triage code red receiving medical care in the Field Hospital now. The crowd that had encircled them hours ago were now reduced to a little over dozen people. They were being taken care of by other medics now. Kranak removed his surgical gloves and threw them into a half empty medical waste bin. The floor in the Field Hospital had gotten dirty as time passed on. There were small pools of blood here and there as well as some bloody rags. There were just way too many refugees at the start, so it got dirty very quickly.

He had treated a few dozen of refugees in over four hours now. His last patient was suffering from a wet gangrene. His left leg was swollen, with small to large blisters dotted on the mans skin, and his wound was foul-smelling. It wasn’t pretty. The putrid smell had filled his nostrils when the man walked into the Field Hospital for medical care, with the help of two other refugees. He had to lob it off with a bonesaw after applying anesthesia to prevent the necrosis from spreading further. He amputated the patients leg slightly above the necrotic tissue, five inches above his kneecap. The necrosis was the result of a severe injury for this case. Massive trauma to the skin and underlying tissue. It was a crush injury. His leg was beyond salvageable, unfortunately. But his condition was improving now. Though he would need a prosthetic limb replacement if he were to walk again.

There wasn’t much to do in the Field Hospital, other than help clean up the floor and stock up on surgical gloves, bacta patches, Plasma IV bags, anesthetics, and such. It didn’t take them too long to clean up and resupply the Field Hospital. He had helped carry the larger crates into the Field Hospital for restocking. After that, they set up a shift in the Field Hospital. There would be about four medics in a four-hour shift while the other personnel got some rest. Then the four would be replaced by the other shift, so on and so forth. He pulled the long straw, so he got to get some rest with the others. He headed towards one of the large transport vehicles that was nearby. There were small and large crates by the vehicles. He decided to settle down on a clump of large crates to get some rest. He leaned his back against several large crates stacked on-top of each other behind him and scanned his surroundings. There were flood lights set up on tripods dotted around the refugee camp for some light as the sun was setting on Mandalore. The sun casted long shadows on trees, tents, vehicles, and people alike, as it was slowly falling behind the mountain range to the west that looked like jagged teeth of a carnivorous beast, casting a reddish hue over them. He drew a sigh as he looked at the view. It was beautiful.

Then, he remembered the other half of Mandalore. It hurt bad in his heart as he remembered the other half was strip-mined for beskar ore, turning that half into a barren wasteland. A polluted one at that. He had no doubt they could terraform the other part of the planet to heal Mandalore. They would have to kill the Graug first, though. They could be considered a parting gift from the Darjetii. They allowed the Graug to resettle on the Northern Hemisphere of Mandalore, following the Second Battle of Mandalore. The Graug numbered in the billions. It was going to be hard to wipe them out, as some odds were heavily stacked against them. He let out a sigh as he worried about that problem. He wasn’t sure how they could cleanse them all.
<Well...We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.> he thought to himself as he crossed his arms. He rested his eyes as he leaned his head against the crate.

Tags: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Samantha Jade Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud | Marimax Mortui | Wen Tzu Wen Tzu

The Mandalorian glanced towards the field hospital and those who were gathered outside of it, trying to determine if he was needed or not. The situation had calmed down significantly by now and those outside were the walking wounded whose injuries were being treated by any Mandalorian who owned a medpac since they weren't particularly complex injuries. The final confirmation came from a voice informing him of the outcome of the man he had just rushed into surgery ::He made it.:: A sigh of relief from the Mandalorian followed and all tension was washed away.

"Come on, I'll show you." He placed a hand on Eliz's shoulder to gently turn him away from the scene before him and towards the camp that was being set up behind them which was bustling with life from Mandalorians and refugees alike. Ki'an led the way to a ship which contained crates upon crates of food and pointed to one of the smaller crates which he thought his young companion would be able to handle before picking up a larger crate himself. It didn't take a Force empath to see how disturbed the kid was.

"They're in good hands now and we haven't lost anyone here yet."
He told him in an attempt to comfort him, though no words could comfort him from the loss of those who had died on their own worlds and he didn't know for certain whether or not they had lost anyone in the field hospital. He walked down the ramp with a crate, speaking to Eliz as he did, providing he followed. "So what's your name?" He asked, hoping to start a conversation to get the boy's mind off of what he had just witnessed.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Samantha Jade

tag: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Marimax Mortui , Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud

It was then that after a careful glance around and briefly notes gaze at the person ( Mig Gred Mig Gred ) she stood close to though given her overtly uneasiness around strangers. Given the unique nature of her parentage which she felt bad about and took note maybe seek him out late and thank him. At any rate, her attention then came to fall back to her old friend Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud and her comment about "humans". To which with a slight smirk she retorts back to reply.

"Well, I guess more like most humanoids as I have said be hard press know any typical human living that long but in any rate... I do appreciate it as if nothing else got me some stuff that needs to make sure that has been dealt with. Before saying yes as I rather not bring any more grief to your dad knowing him..."

At any rate, it seems didn't take long for duty to come calling and Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud no less came to remind her of it and then some as before she could reply. Came a bit of the old hedonistic Leppi that she came to know the show.

"Yeah I guess.....and we can maybe start with those on my ship as am sure they could really use then over at that med tent we've passed by earlier... sort swiped them . Not that I think those punks that held us back there won't mind though might just notice missing them by now. And well what can I say? Couldn't help if I grab a few of their stuff on our way out....and oh really now? Commandos and a really want to try that again after the last time? But then again I guess hopefully things won't end up as crazy like last time now that sort got hang of being round peeps..."

She ads with a faint laugh as memories from their earlier meeting in the past came to mind. Back when she didn't quite get a grip of her Zeltron side and sort of cause a bit of a ruckus during one of their bar-hopping when she inadvertently got a couple of guys to brawl because of them. Not one of their finest memories but then again luckily for her Ferrerreo side it didn't leave a mark other than that in her memories.
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Adi'ka noticed the glance at the enigmatic lean warrior. She whistled. "You know the Alor of Clan Greg? Impressive! Very impressive! Dad cannot stand brain ticks, but always says this one is different. A true leader by example, he said, religious mad sorcerer or not. Could you introduce me to him?"

Adi'ka laughed and spinned around like a playful child. "If I would try it again? You know me. I live my life to the fullest. The future is tomorrow. Today is what matters. Lead the way, vod!"

Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Samantha Jade | Marimax Mortui | Wen Tzu Wen Tzu

Marimax Mortui


Instantly his helmet's visor switched to night vision, giving the big man more aptitude to see clearly in the cave's dim lighting. By the numerous footprints decorating the cavern floor, and by the guards he put down, it was a sure bet he found the thieves hideout. Moving deeper into the cave, his visor's night vision became obsolete as the walls now were highlighted by well placed illumination devices. From the new view, the main cave tunnel split off into three separate tunnels; each tunnel riddled with heavy foot traffic. Marimax knew the tunnel systems of the caves within the mountains ran deep and sprawled, he just hoped the thieves chose a cave that was clear cut. Sadly, he couldn't be so lucky. And to add more insult, the three tunnels where narrower than the main corridor and so far granted no crevices to step into; making all potential firefights increasingly dangerous, forcing all participants to rely on their individual reaction time.

And so again he swapped out weapons, favoring his twin pistols to provide him with better reaction time.

With a small, deep breath he moved into the left tunnel first. Marimax would have to sweep and clean each tunnel individually, unsure how deep each tunnel went; or where it went.


Samantha Jade

tag: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Marimax Mortui , Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud

It then seemed in midsentence the sly Leppi friend of Sam caught her glance over at the enigmatic warrior from earlier to which in turn replied. As she then tries her best to balance out her curiosity about this 'Alor' of clan Greg as Sam come to learn along with testing out the waters so to speak regarding the return.

" ..Alor of a Clan? Is that what he is...well didn't really know but then again I don't really much knowledge of him... other than well what I kinda overhear when happening walk in on their conversation. Which incidentally could be something we could use get introduce or speak with him later.."

After which as they walked off towards what would be near the docks where her ship was that she too had to let out a faint laugh.

"Indeed I know you all too well... Adi'ka Awaud Adi'ka Awaud as if nothing else living life to the fullest...what other thing is there. But yeah I would if knew the foggiest where things were as it seems like ages ago when i ever been around any decent port of call. So yeah my people skill tend to be a bit rusty as too my sense of direction at time ."
"Perhaps the clans could make a decent port of call out of this war torn dust ball. My clan would approve to have a safe haven as long as they could hold it. Dad always said an old quote of a forgotten military genius that goes like: the moment someone conquered a prestigious planet starts the countdown when he will lose it again.
Mandalore is a piece of crap with a very prestigious name. Erecting monuments on it is an invitation for all who want to prove their dominion to tore them down... like we did with the stupid ape faced statue of the Sith clown emperor."

"As a neutral aruetii, outsider, what do you think of this alliance with the mind ticks of the Jedi?"
, Adi`ka wanted to know. She for herself seemed very unsure about allying with the sorcerous bogeymen who destroyed Mandalore in old times.

But as the couple reached the landing ports she was lighthearted again. The Lepi pointed at a menacing heavily armed and armored gunboat of ancient design. "There is my Parsniper Mork. Where is your ship? I showed you mine, now show me yours."

Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Samantha Jade | Marimax Mortui | Wen Tzu Wen Tzu

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